Jewel Ragna and the Guardiyins of Light

in #creative7 years ago (edited)

                                  Chapter 1 
                            The  One Born of light.  

“Fight! fight! fight!” The high pitched shouts darted across the halls then echoed off the walls. I was surrounded by a sea of students, and all of them wanted a show.
“Stay out of this Jewel!" Bryan Adams the overly tall seventh grader stood over me, digging his pointed finger into my shoulder. “This is between me and that dog of a friend of yours, so I suggest you step aside.”
Brian was determined to get past me. Although we didn't see eye to eye he never gave me a problem, that was until he started demanding money from Ryan. When Ryan refused, naturally I had to step in.
“Well if you want Ryan you have to go through me,” I shout. With arms folded I stared the seventh grader in the face, my resolve stood unimpeded.
“Fine,” He huffed. “I’ve been looking forward to this anyway, two birds for the price of one,” he crackled.
“I’m not letting you past me.” I declared.
“What you going to do weird eyes? You gonna hit me? Huh?” Bryan swung his arms open then jerked his head outwards. “You couldn’t land a hit on my face if I were standing still.”
“I’m warning you, don’t call me by that name!” I protested. I clenched my fist then stared harder. Everyone watched with intrigue.
“Or you’ll do what?” Bryan snickered, “everyone knows you got weird eyes. weird eyes!” Everyone broke out in laughter. I just stood there holding my breath.
“You see." Bryan prodded. You weren’t going to do nothing." he teased.
As he got closer he tried pushing me out the way. Quickly afterwards we gave each other space, and with his fist bawled we orbited each other waiting for the right moment to strike. But as soon as I made a move a deafening voice paralyzes me.
“That’s enough you two,” the thunderous voice roared across the hall. Kids scurried like roaches in daunting lights. Principal Thomas Stares me down as Bryan stood opposite of me. “My office. Right now!” He bellowed. As usual he was stern and super serious, and to be honest I didn’t even want to look in his direction; and neither did Bryan. “Back to homeroom. Now!” Ryan and Jill scrambled before watching me walk the walk of shame.
We both followed the principal down the black and white checkered hall, all the while Principal Thomas was ranting on and on about school policy and what not but I wasn’t trying to hear it. Although it was the last day of school, fighting was a big no-no. The fact that Principal Thomas was handling the situation meant one thing; I was in trouble, major trouble.
When we got to the principal’s office, he quickly sat us down then stared. For a long moment there was nothing but silence. Principal Thomas didn’t look too pleased, his retiring frown was concealed behind a scruffy beard that was a mixture of salt and pepper. He had that old grandpa look to him, even when he’s angry, which is often. “Now what was all the commotion about? It’s the last day of school you should be celebrating not fighting.”
“It was just a misunderstanding, really it was.” Bryan’s voice was shaky and full of dread. He didn’t even bother looking at me, even though this was all his fault.
Principal Thomas glared at Bryan then returned his gaze towards me. “Misunderstanding or not, fighting is strictly prohibited in my school.” As the principal stared at Bryan and his battered face I couldn’t help but feel guilty. Truth be told I didn’t feel good about the situation. Although Bryan was a jerk face to my friends I could have dealt with the situation differently. Who was I kidding? The kid had it coming, if not from me then someone else.
“Are you okay Jewel?” Principal Thomas glared at me from behind his cluttered desk.
“Yeah.” I faintly say. For some reason he was taking things rather easily. This coming from a man who’s called my mom more times than I’m comfortable with mentioning.
“Well Bryan,” The principal stared meticulously. “Bullying won’t be tolerated! Not in my school it won’t. You better sharpen up young man, why if this behavior doesn’t improve by next year there will be consequences, lots and lots of consequences. And I’m not talking about just calling parents, oh no. this will be ten times more severe.” Principal Thomas had the tendency of going on into a never ending rant. Sometimes his rants are worse than his actual punishments.” Bryan turned towards the window then frowned. “Well whatever the case may be, I will be calling parents, both parents!” His voice boomed throughout the small office. “Jewel,” he continued. “you can leave for class! As for you Mr. Adams, I’d like to discuss the complaints ive been getting lately…”
“Oh geez,” Brian moaned.” I took one last look at Bryan than snickered. As much as a thorn he’s been to me I actually felt sorry for him. I mean I wouldn’t put my worst enemy through one of principal Thomas’s lectures.
Without looking back I quickly dashed to class, but before walking in I quickly regain my composure. Very silently I walked towards my desk. I could feel all eyes examining me like some specimen in a zoo. To be honest I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or bad. I mean I stood up to someone that majority of the school didn’t like. But you could never tell with these things.
Sitting next to me was Kate Gillinhall, the class know it all. Kate was one of the popular girls that almost all the boys had a crush on. I did too once, until I found out she was way out of my league. Kate was the type of girl that would receive the most cards and candy on Valentine’s Day. It didn’t help that she was as beautiful as she was rich. Everyone knew her parents were loaded, knew that her parents contributed loads of money to the school, hence the new library. I wouldn’t be surprised if they renamed the school Gillinhall elementary.
“Jewel you’re a bad boy.” Kate leaned over then stroked her silky mane. “Standing up to seventh graders yeah?” She smiled as she glared past me. As usual her blonde-white hair hung off the edge of her seat, each thread was straight and silky. Kate was almost as tall as me, but just a nano-inches shorter. Unlike a lot of girls Kate had red cheeks that would often illuminate her almost porcelain face. We weren’t friends or anything but we often talked, and that was mainly because we shared desk space. Lucky me.
“You know me.” I smiled, trying to play it cool.
“Here you go last week’s test,” Mr. Fletcher smugly responded. His red hair was extra slick and slightly shiny. We didn’t have the best relationship, in fact he’s the reason why I want to go back in time and destroy math.
I took a quick glance at my test grade. Scores of red x’s lined my page. Nine out of 18 right, one more from last week.” I whispered. I was never good at math, but by divine grace I managed to score high enough to not have to go to summer school. Words couldn’t describe how happy I was. Truth be told I wasn’t really good at anything but gym, lunch and art. For a long time I thought the teachers had it out for me, but then I realized, I just wasn’t as smart as the other kids.
“Don’t worry you’ll do better next year.” Kate’s warm words surprised me. She knew I was horrible at math, usually she would glance then politely smile. It was our special way of acknowledging my inferior math skills.
“Yeah.” I responded looking at the low test score. Geometry, coordinates, fractions? Where am I really going to use this stuff? It’s all rubbish if you ask me.”
The next hour went by slower than crawling toddlers. Surprisingly Kate and I had a lot more in common than either of us knew. To my surprise she was just as enthusiastic about monstermon as I, and no one was a bigger monstermon fan than me. It sucked that I was just discovering all of this now.
When the bell finally rang, I was the first person out of the door. Mr. Fletcher gave me a quick stern look before chatting with a few students.
When I made it to my locker, I was greeted by Ryan and Jill. They looked at me as if I were some sort of celebrity. “What?” I questioned?
“Do you know what everyone is talking about?” Jill rushed towards me then leaned closer. “Everyone’s talking about how you stood up to Bryan, you’re like the new school hero.” Jill smiled.
“Sorry about earlier” Ryan quickly muttered. The metallic braces protruded from his wide mouth. Like polished silverware his mouth glistened brightly. Ryan was a small and timid, his father owned a few businesses outside of town, so whenever Ryan got a new toy or game he would immediately let me burrow it. I was more than his friend I was something of a body guard. When I first came to the school Ryan was always being picked on until I started eating lunch with him. Shortly after our association was established the school bullies just left him alone. Our relationship was mutually beneficial.
“Don’t be sorry, Bryan had it coming.” I opened my locker and removed all my monstermon posters.
“Hey did you hear the other big news?” Jill shouted in a half excited tone.
“Please not right now,” Ryan covered his ears and slowly started to walk away. She and Ryan were friends long before I entered the picture. Everyone knew Jill had a crush on me but I didn’t like her like that.
“Oh fine, “Jill threw her arms up in protest. “I won’t break his heart,” She sighed.
“What are you guys talking about?” I asked.
“Nothing!” She whispered. Anyway you really showed Bryan whose boss. If this makes you cool kid on school than that makes us cool by association.” Jill used a lot of dramatic hand gestures.
“Yeah, well that’s the price for picking on my friends.”
“What’s your mom going to say? You know Mr. Thomas always makes things seem worse than they appear.” Jill put a heavy emphasis on always.
“Mom has enough problems, besides she’s always working.” A saddened look quickly ensued. “If she knew I was defending myself and my friends then she wouldn’t be as upset.” I forced a smile.
“All this talking is making me hungry, we should hurry before they run out of bread sticks.” Ryan chimed in.
“I agree.” Jill seconded.
We took the short way to the cafeteria, pass the upper levels where the eighth grader spent their free time. We walked passed the rambling giants, and found ourselves next to the library. The halls were littered with colorful signs and posters. Most of which have been unremoved for the past two or so years.
“Reading is fun,” I mockingly yelled. I gazed at the reading poster and couldn’t help but smile.
“Study, study, study,” Ryan said, mocking the sickly looking book worm.
“Hey why is a worm holding a book?” I asked.
“Because he’s a book worm.” Jill teased. We all laughed.
The cafeteria was blanketed by a long glass wall. The shiny surface was highly reflective. I could see myself clearly, dark caramel skin, a head full of wooly curls and knobby knees. My eyes stood out the most. Unlike most kids my eyes did this weird little trick where it changes shade. Whenever I’m outside in the sun they turn dark brown, and I’m not talking regular dark brown. I’m talking super, super, dark, dark brown. When I’m inside it’s the opposite, they turn lite brown, honey brown on some occasions.
Everyone was seated in their normal spots. The smell of buttered bread sticks and meatball sauce wafted through the air. Everyone was either talking, eating or playing on their game devices. The teachers didn’t want us bringing them to school, but it was the last day so what could they really do.
It didn’t take long for us to find our seats. The table in the back, next to the milk cartons and vending machines. After getting settled in Ryan and Jill started walking towards the cafeteria line.
“You coming?” Jill slowly asked.
“Yeah I’ll catch you two later.” My eyes were set on Alyssa sitting by herself. Usually she would be surrounded by her fellow cheerleader who didn’t really like me much, but this time she was alone. Her friends were nowhere to be found.
As I make my way to her empty table; she sits quietly reading a gray colored book.
“What are you reading?” my arm lay against the side of the table, my balance is shifted. I try to look as cool as possible.
“Alice in wonderland,” she smiled. Her brown eyes shimmered under the overhead lights. Her smile was more beautiful than a stack of shiny monstermon cards. Her long hair crawls down her back, straighter than raw spaghettis noodles and darker than an endless abyss. She’s just a smidge shorter than me, making her the perfect height for hugging. She was my, and mostly other boys dream come true.
“Sounds pretty cool,” I respond. “What’s it about?” I quickly took a seat opposite of her. Brown eyes glare curiously.
“Well it’s rather complicated,” she smiled.
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“Well it’s about this girl, and she discovers another dimension.”
“Another dimension?" My eyes flare. "Cool.”
“Yeah, it’s a really weird and kooky place.” She opened the book before smiling. “The mad hatter is really bonkers,” she giggled. “He really loves tea parties.”
“Sounds interesting." I smiled. " I’d love to travel to another dimension, or anywhere really.”
“Yeah that would be cool.” Alyssa lowered her book then stared. “If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?”
“Hmm, anywhere?”
“Anywhere!” she smiled.
“If I could go anywhere, I'd go to Elmythra and capture super rare monstermon.”
Alyssa chuckled sweetly. “You’re strange,”
“I get that a lot,” I whispered.
“It’s a good thing, it just means you’re different.”
“Thanks,” I smiled. “Sooo what are your plans for the summer? I know this great place near the forest and…” Before I could finish I felt someone bump me from behind.
It was no one other than Billy the great. He stood before me, muscles bulging out of his tight shirt. His short black hair was slicked behind his ears. His dark eyes penetrated me almost paralyzing me. He was the schools favorite seventh grade jock. He was strong, fast and popular. He was everything I wanted to be.
“I want you to meet my boyfriend Billy.” The words dripped from her mouth like spoiled milk. My heart sank into my knees then plunged into the pits of hades. I wanted to hide in shame, or run to the far ends of the galaxy.
“Hey you’re the kid that told Billy off. Nice.” Billy had a rough voice, it was more mature than it should have been, at least for a seventh grader. Truth be told I didn’t even think Billy was a seventh grader, he was more like a ninth grader on steroids.
“Yup that’s me.” My tone was dismal. I could feel my heart waning.
Billy quickly walked up and gave Alyssa a tight hug. Seeing them together made me sick to my stomach, I wanted to hurl chunks. That was my que to leave.
“I’ll catch you guys later,” I replied before taking the walk of shame.
“See you later Jewel,” Alyssa waved, Billy just nodded.

“What’s bothering you?” Ryan replied, his wide mouth was full of metal. “Never mind you don’t even have to say it.”
“I don’t get what you guys see in that girl, especially you Jewel.” Jill scarfed down a bread stick and gave me an evil eye.
“You guys don’t get it, she’s my heart.”
“Dude too cheesy.” Ryan almost spilled the milk out of his nose.
“Any way what are you guys doing for the summer?” Jill asked.
“Dads taking me to Scotland to visit the old folks, personally they smell like old cigarettes and musty towels, I can’t stand it, but I’ll have dads boat to look forward to.” Ryan smiled pleasantly.
“You get to ride in a boat this summer! Too lucky,” I quickly shout.
“Yeah, it beats listening to grand-dey and his boring stories.”
“Gran-dey?” I asked curiously.
“It’s Scottish for grandpa. Well at least in the old parts.” Ryan continued to sip his milk. The chalky liquid quickly scaled up his clear straw. “What about you two?”
“Boston.” Jill looked somber as she quickly answered. “The most boring place in the world I might add.”
“At least you two are going somewhere, I’m stuck here, again. For another summer I might add.” I banged my head against the table. “What I’d give to be doing something interesting this summer. Guess it’s just me and my scooter.” I released a heavy sigh.
“What about Leo?” Jill asked, her tone was clearly sarcastic. “You have your gameguy and monstermon.”
“How is he doing? Haven’t seen him in some time.” Ryan quickly added.
“Family tragedy, he should be back soon I hear.” I look down at Ryan’s half eaten bread stick. “Lately he’s been talking about his cousin from china, says something about her coming to live with him.”
“I’m sure you’ll have fun this summer.” Jill looked and gave us both a warm smile, a smile only Jill could bring out of us.
“Yeah your right.”
“Hey before I go I want to say thanks for sticking up for me and Ryan, I think it was really brave of you.” She gave Ryan a quick jerk with her pointy elbow.

“Yeah," Ryan began to say. "I don’t think that jerk will be bothering us anymore. Thanks Jewel.”

“You guys.” A smile flashed on my face. “I won’t let anyone harm or talk about any of my friends.” I protested. They both smiled, I could feel the warmness radiating from their thanks. Without warning the cafeteria bell rang loudly overhead. “Guess we better get to class.” I declared. After getting up I took one more look at Melissa and Billy, then made my way to class.

As the evening bell rang everyone scurried out of their classes, and into the school yard. A few students stayed behind for extracurricular activities, others wanted to say good bye to their favorite teachers. I on the other hand just wanted the whole day to be over.
After making my way to the school yard I did the usual, I waited for Ryan and Jill.
“Hey Jewel.” An unexpected voice called out.
I quickly turned, only to find Kate Gillinhall running towards me. Her blondish white hair was streaming in the cool breeze. “Hey I wanted to give you something before you got away.” Her tone was lenient and easy going. It was soothing listening to her talk.
“What did you want to give me?”
“An invitation to my party. It’s the biggest end of the year party of the school, and I really want you to come. ” She stood erect then smiled. “Invite only of course.”
“Yeah, of course.” I tried to contain the large smile growing on my face.
“Well anyway here’s your invitation.” The silver and white card looked like something from a fantasy game.
“Cool. And thanks,” I eagerly received the card, quickly placing it in my large bag.
“And there’s a dress code, formal attire only.” She looked at me with a conical stare, flipped her hair then put the rest of the cards in her brown bag.
Just as Ryan and Jill spotted me from afar they started walking towards me, Jill had a funny wobble in her step, while Ryan looked unsure as he strolled.
“Well I hope to see you there.” A warm smile grew on her face.
“Yeah you bet.” I say tightening my bag.
She gave me one last look, then flipped her hair before walking away. Her stride was confident and a little prideful, almost as if nothing ever bothered her.
After years of being considered semi-cool, I finally had the chance to be fully cool. Every kid at Steckel wanted to be popular, it was just one of those undeniable truths. I mean who didn’t want all the fame and glory associated with being considered a cool kid.
“Hey how were the last classes?” Ryan asked.
“The same as the last two years. Boring!” I shout.
“So what did you and Kate talk about?” Jill jumped straight to the point. She wasn’t a big fan of Kate. I didn’t know why, but they just didn’t get along.
“Nothing much, just an invitation to one of her parties.”
“Wait, she invited you?” Ryan seemed overly surprised.
“And what does that mean?” I scoffed.
“Nothing, I’m just saying she only invites jocks, cheerleaders, and cool kids. The only way she’d invite someone like us is if her parents made her.
“Or if the kid is stinking rich,” Jill quickly added.
“Other than that almost no one gets into her parties.” Ryan looked back at Kate who was now talking to Billy. “I’ve heard some crazy stories about those parties. All the candy, fancy food, and video games in the world. They even had games that didn’t release in the states.” Ryan’s mouth began to salivate over the wild possibilities.
“Well I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me bringing someone, you guys wanna tag?”
“I’ll pass.” Jill quickly snapped. “Besides I’m leaving early tomorrow.”
“What about you Ryan?”
“Sorry dude, I’m leaving early as well, plus I’m more than certain they wouldn’t let me in.”
“Well I don’t want to go alone, guess I’ll just ask Leo. “Well I hope you guys have f--.” Jill began to say before we were quickly interrupted. The wild honking swept across the school yard and grabbing the attention of starry eyed students. As the noise continued, a wide sun burned lady exited a white minivan.
“Honey bear lets go.” Her voice was unsuspectedly loud.
“That’s my mom, I gotta go guys.” Jill looked sad. “See you next semester, and I’ll call if I get the chance.”
Before leaving Jill gave us both warm hugs, we watched as she walked away. Her slow movements prompted her mom to beep the horn once more. As Jill walked faster she wobbled just slightly, and with one last wave goodbye Jill was gone.
“And then there were two.” Ryan stated.
“You excited about Scotland?”
“Yes and no, mostly no.”
“You should be,” I exclaimed. “I’d do anything to travel and see different parts of the world.”
“Yeah I guess.” He began to look at me with a sense of nostalgia. “I remember for career day you were the only one that wanted to be an adventurer, everyone else wanted to be a doctor, a policeman, or fire fighter, but not you.”
I began to laugh, “Yeah I remember that day, Mr. Fletcher looked totally confused. He didn’t have anything to say.” We both broke out in tears from all the laughter, until a familiar car pulled into the drive through.
“Ryan.” A deep voice called out.
“That’s my dad, guess it’s time to go.” Ryan shuffled his feet then stared in the distance. “Hey do you need a ride home?”
“No moms picking me up. She’ll flip if she doesn’t see me here.”
“Ok Jewel, see you next semester.” Ryan walked then looked back, his wide smile was sincere and honest. “And thanks again, you know, for everything, including being my friend.” After turning around he ran towards his dad’s shiny silver car. A ferocious looking jaguar stood at the front of the hood, its paw was striking outward.
As the car pulled off, Ryan’s dad gave me a warm smile and smooth wave good bye. He had hair stubble on his chin and dark black eyes. Every time I seen him he was in some sort of business attire. Since he was always busy I would almost see him as much as Ryan did, and I didn’t even live with them. His father was never home but Ryan never seemed to mind, whenever he did come home he would take Ryan shopping and buy him whatever he wanted.

From the passenger’s seat Ryan waved goodbye and continued smiling back. I watched as they left the school yard and down the long roadway that lead to the highway. After they were no longer visible I pulled out the fancy party invitation and stared in wonder.

//Hey guys thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed what you read. As always this piece is always undergoing tweaks and revisions, and due to this particular formatting, I cant quite get it to look how I would like so please bare in mind the minor bumps and format style. With that being said I look forward to sharing more content and continuing the story, I think you guys will really enjoy what's to come :) //

A.J. Kennedy

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