I have ideas that could possibly make millions

in #creative6 years ago

I have ideas that are worth millions, but they are stuck inside my head and will never see the sunlight


Whenever driving by things(bus stops, malls etc) I get these really weird, but innovative and interesting ideas, but since I'm a really-really shy person, none of those will ever see the daylight and usually they are not even written down.

Today is an exception!

I will write down 2 ideas, that I came upon this morning while driving to work, because in this platform we have people around the world, from rich to poor, from high positions to fisherman and I believe, that if someone catches on to some of these ideas, they may(or may not) like them and maybe proceed developing them.

Heated bus stations

We have solar panels everywhere, why not put solar panels on top of the bus stations, so in case of winter for example when there's -25 degrees celsius outside, people who are waiting for their bus/tram shouldn't die to cold. There's average of 6 hours of daylight during December in Estonia, which is far enough to actually earn enough solar power to heat up the bus stations and in case of summer, when this heating isn't needed, this could be sold to our local Energy companies.

I also found out that these things exist in Minnesota, but they are crap, as they don't actually heat enough to make the person feel good, it only heats up the bottom part and that only when you are really close to the heat lamp, but there should be some down below to also warm up your feet/toes because if they are could, your entire body feels cold.


Front car glass

You must be wondering right now, why in the world should we need another front glass?

Imagine, driving on the wet highway, sun is shining and the tarmac is reflecting back so hard that your eyes hurt even when peeking a little bit. I'm pretty sure that people who have some sort of labs or really high-tech equipment could build a car glass, that wouldn't be really faded black so you could actually see through the glass nicely, it would let in some sunlight, but at the same time, the light wouldn't be so pitch bright and wouldn't kill your vision every time the sun is shining.


I've seen some really expensive sun glasses, that look almost like regular ones, a bit darkened maybe 5%, but block sun light very nicely and the eyes don't hurt when that sort of light comes up. I'm sure we could use the same technology for creating car windows. It would most likely cost a couple of thousand per glass, but in my mind it would be sort of worth it.
(If you don't accidentally get a rock in your window from the car in front of you 🙄)

These are the things that came to my mind today. I still have tons of innovative and creative ideas in my head, but no financial resource to make them nor actual personality to even think about making them as well, but perhaps there are some creative people in my followers list who find it interesting.

You can also contact me for any further ideas I have.

Have a nice day

"Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day."- Jim Rohn


About the bus stations... ideally a great idea, but when people keep coming in/going out, the heat is going out and the cold is getting in. If there is even +10 inside and -10 (or more) outside the temperature inside will still drop a lot more than it could ever heat up again. Also there will be kids just playing inside-out, homeless people looking for shelters etc. A great idea, but doesn't work because people wouldn't use it the way it would be useful. :D

About the car glass idea I think they just want to make the cars as cheap as possible for people to buy them. Any person who buys a new car can pretty much customize the car parts themself depending on their wallet size. A lot of people downsize for a lot, just to get a new car and don't really need all the comfort addons. I think the sunglass car glass could be in the customized option to add, but I think that many people wouldn't still afford it to themselves. :D

Don't take all this the negative way. I am just discussing so feel free to overrule my assumptions. :D

I do agree with you on both the bus station and the car glass thing, nothing to actually comment about the bus thing because I currently have no ideas how to prevent those things.

The car glass part tho, I have looked at a number of factory released machines where you can customize whatever you want, add extra comfort or more colors or whatever functional things you want, but I have never seen a "sunglass" option, and I do understand it would be really expensive, not a lot of people would be able to afford it and no car should have it installed without a special request BUT there are thousands of people who pick all extras to their special factory released cars, making it sort of profitable I guess. Also I know a lot of people who cannot actually travel within those circumstances because of migraine headaches or some eye issues, so this could also possibly..fix that.

Nothing taken negatively, I like the discussion :P

Ideas by themselves are worth nothing, you'd have to have the right execution for those ideas to make them worth millions.

Keep writing them down, you'd never know, someday you'll have the motivation and the capital to see them through.

I will try my best, and once I have enough capital, I will make a break through and get things running, we can join forces if needed haha.

we could talk then... I'm prepping for what might be the most tedious session in school yet. I just got to my final year in college. Engineering. And i'm wondering how i'd be able to combine schoolwork with social media where i get funds to keep going. Parents are well and fine. Apart from asking for college fees, i don't bother them for anything else. ;-D

Hang in there buddy, it's not going to be easy, but life after school as an engineer is where things get fun.


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