in #creative3 years ago
  1. Non-fiction prose (Reflective Writing)- My Third School Based Experience (SBE) at SK Tegayong

School Based Experience (SBE) program has been designed for PISMP students. The focus of this program is to give an exposure for trainee teachers on the school’s environment and able to learn about ways to properly conduct the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Eventually, I have conducted my third SBE at SK Tegayong which is in the middle of paddy field in which children from Kg Tegayong, Kg Permatang Pusu and Kg Bukit Hanyut come to receive their primary education.

On 3 April, I embarked my one-week experience of the third SBE along trainee teachers from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Dato Razali Ismail. There were two of them which known as Wani and Aizat. The three of us started our first friendship from the moment we exchanged our names. To be honest, I was not expecting much from this SBE as I had always done the SBE alone and unable to interact with the students due to Covid-19 cases which were keep on increasing when I am doing my first and second SBE.

However, I was wrong. This time around, it was different. I am getting new friends from another institute and got a chance to conduct a relief class. Precisely, we were able to conduct relief class for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 5 students. We were doing drawing, colouring, and singing activities with the students. I was stunned to see the bright faces of the students as they were enjoying the activities. I also like the fact that I was called as teacher by the students when they asked for my assistance in completing the task given during the relief classroom. It was because, we also conduct relief class for English subject of Year 1, which the students need to distinguish the vegetables and fruits by drawing smile emoticon for the names of vegetables and star emoticon for the names of fruits. The students were asking my help with the task as they are unable to draw the star. Therefore, I personally draw a simple emoticon of the star on whiteboard and asked them to look at the whiteboard as I slowly draw the star.

As I was monitoring the students while they are doing their task, I started to reflect on the influence and responsibility that I will carry when I become the teacher in the future. As a teacher, we need to be sincere to the students and able to embrace the differences of the students. We cannot expect the students to understand our teaching immediately as they had different potential and understanding spectrum. Thus, we need to be creative and patient in educating the students as they were going to be the next leader, businessman, doctor, teacher and many more for our beloved country, Malaysia.

Other than that, we also learnt about the ways to encourage collaboration among the students as we monitored the teacher who was teaching Year 5 students. She was doing an activity with the students for Science’s class which called as “Bot Batang Aiskrim” in Malay. We were lucky to see the students worked together to complete their science’s project. We also helped the students to cut the ice-creams’ stick into small pieces as the students will use glue to put the ice-creams’ pieces together to create a boat. We were helping them because we were scared to let the students with their delicate fingers to cut the ice-creams’ stick. To my surprise, this one student, called as Fahmi, he was such a good student with good manner as he was numerously telling me to be careful when I am cutting the ice-creams’ sticks and helped me to hold the sticks as I cut it. He also good to his friends as he was giving his large ice-creams’ sticks to his friends who were bringing small ice-creams’ sticks which were not quite suitable to be used to create the boat. From my own observation, it can be said that he gave all his ice-creams’ sticks to all students in his class. He also good to his teacher, Puan Norsila as he was tidying up the table that was used to create the boat as he did not want to trouble the teacher to clean the mess made by the students. He also advised his friends to do the cleaning together. He also said thank you to me for helping him with his boat for multiple times and asked me whether I would be here or not for the next week. I was sad, as it was the last day of my week at SK Tegayong. I wished that he will be a great policeman in the future as his ambition was to be a policeman.

In a nutshell, SBE provided me with countless memorable experiences that will be able to promote my growth as an adult in teaching profession.

  1. Fiction Prose (Short story) - Time Flies and Nothing Lasts Forever

“Kriiiiing… kriiiiing…kriiiiing.” The alarm of my phone keeps on ringing and soon disappears into thin air.

I wake up and start my days just like the other days. Nevertheless, my hearts racing faster than before and my inner voice of “I am not going to do well today in school” started to move around my mind like a trillion butterflies flapping in unison to the soundtrack of my anxiety. Going to school for my third SBE is triggering my anxiety as I am going to school for the first time when the school is fully occupied with students since the last two years of Covid-19.

My cell phone pings beneath the music. It is lying sideways beside the Perodua’s central handbrake. Slowly my hand reaching the phone to check on it without disturbing my father, who is driving myself to SK Tegayong.
The message reads: Na, good luck for SBE. It’s from Syazwani, my eldest sister. She always messages me in the early morning to give an encouragement for me like she knows the war that’s happening in my mind due to overthinking about the possible events that will happen later at school. I texted my sister back by saying thank you sis.

Finally, we arrived at the school. To my surprise, everything goes smoothly like a flowing water as I manage to talk with the Headmistress, Puan Norma about the purpose of my SBE for this time without the need to wait for hours and get a chance to create a new friendship with trainee teachers from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Dato Razali Ismail.

For this time around, I am lucky to obtain chances to conduct relief class with my new friends. The experience of being at the center of the classroom and moving around the classroom to check and guide students on their work make me happy as I learnt new things about the students when I interact with them. It is such a beautiful feeling when you manage to get the students’ attention and trust because their reaction or attitude shown towards you are a genuine and sincere feelings.

Day by day has passed, it is already Thursday, which also means that, this will be the last day of my third SBE. I also started to realise that I am no longer having negative thoughts about not doing well in school as a trainee teacher. Thus, I believe that we need to trust God’s plan and ready to be molded by Him in every way as God will shape us with His unconditional and everlasting love. The most important thing that I learnt throughout the SBE week is believing that as time flies, nothing last forever just like my negative thoughts that are bound to come and go, temporarily or forever.

  1. Poem (free verse) - Nice to Meet You

The first time I met you
I know that we are going to get along
You and I are the same
Hazel eyes and chubby cheeks

You smile and we laugh together
Our short encounter
Create memorable feelings
Will it last forever?

Now I know
Time has come
Our one-week moment has come to end
Let’s appreciate our friendship and hope to meet again

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