Be Yourself

in #creative7 years ago

be yourself.jpeg

Everyone is made unique, and it is this exceptional attitude that makes us stand out in our different endeavors. The path to being oneself begins with self-discovery, which means knowing who you are and discovering the potentials within you. The beauty of uniqueness makes everybody different, for example President Clinton was dissimilar to Obama, Trump and the rest. We most often seek to be like others, but quickly forget the individual journey those we aspire to be like have taken and the task ahead of them as well. We can absorb the positive attitude from others without trying to be like them. Each individual has a unique identity, and so is our task and assignments different from others.

How to Be Yourself
Look within yourself, there is a lot of potentials within us, only if we decide to set aside time to explore. No one can do this for you, except you. This process is the beginning of the journey to self-discovery. A lot people look for happiness, satisfaction, love, peace, success in the wrong places, and fail to understand that everything we need begins with us.

Follow your heart: Positive prominent people in the world had dreams, and they followed the path of their dreams to reality. Dreams are backed up with believe and hard work. The Bible further clarifies this in James 2: 14-26: Faith without good work is dead.

Motivate Yourself: this means giving yourself some serious truth. Do not wait for others to raise your spirits, it may never happen. Each time you tell yourself the truth, the motivational energy is passed down to your brain which later translates into action.

Watch the Company you keep: Friends can bring you down, and they can also take you unimaginable heights. Keep good friends who motivate you positively, because we take and leave something through interactions. Your dreams is like an egg, protect it by guiding it against negative talk and thoughts. Be with people who understands and support you.


Great lesson. I believe this comes easier as we age and think of life differently. If only we could find a way to get this through to our younger generations after all they are the future! <3

This realy motivated me. I am inspired. Of all, be kind to your self, you are your self's best friend, dont be too hard on your self, life is short, so please enjoy. I repeat, BE KIND TO YOURSELF.

Thank you, this is a very important topic!
For me I see it as a long life journey to find oneself. I am changing fast and all the time, just like everything around me. So one need to keep looking within , make it a part of their life to know the latest version, to live in the now. It is not, like I thought before- a one thing task; that you find yourself one day and then its done. What are your thoughts about that?

Very nice post.
Thanks for sharing!

This is a great topic to continually remind ourselves of. Motivation has always been so fascinating to me-- what causes us to do the things we do, or prevents us from doing the things we say we want. I like to work backwards. What is my end goal? What individual steps are needed to get to that point. From there, it's just a matter of effort and prioritizing.

Hi your post lifted me up. I am a junior pastor but since I have a child with CDH, I pretty much become a stay at home mum to take care of him. Took me awhile to realise I lost nothing and I am still me, the difference is instead of out there pastoring community, I am building my family, the generation to come. Thank yoh for this post and your other post. You can check me out if you are interested to know about my son and CDH. I am new so just exploring around to get to know more people. I agree with you the best is love.❤

True love is always unconditional, but we bring a lot of conditions. It's not only about the relationship with other people ("I love you if the way you are fits my expectations"), relationship with self is a challenge too. We love ourselves when we are productive, motivated, sucessful but we hate ourselves when we fail, when we are down or confused. In fact, the more we hate this part of ourselves the more tough it becomes and the more influence it has on our lives. The only solution is love, yove yourself no matter what.
Thanks for bringing up the topic!

Yes! Following your heart, taking personal responsibility for yourself, and curating a super positive life environment filled with empowering people is absolutely essential for being who you truly are!

Thank you for sharing this @bestgift. I actually wrote a super vulnerable post about WHO I AM the other day. Would love to hear your thoughts: True Life: I'm 29 And I Still Haven't Quite Figured Out My Sexuality

A good lesson to have self-confidence thank you very much for the valuable advice as well @bestgift

Upvoted and followed :) :)

Creativity is the best inspiration

This always reminds me of the quote about staying inspired. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Thanks for this positive post, we all need it.

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