Making Rosaries🌹🙏
Hi everyone!
Every week I make sure that I make or knot some prayer beads. They are not for sale but it is more of something I want to collect and give as gifts of faith. This has been going on for a long time actually and I just decided to share about it so I've made quite a few.
- Beads (most my beads are recycled)
- Rope (I just found this at home)
- String or yarn is a good alternative if you have beads that can fit the size. (I usually put tape on the tips to make the beads go in easier)
- wire, centermedals, crucifix
- Medals of saints and angels
- assorted chains
- easy to bend wire for crafts
- pliers which are thin and round
- anti grease soap, I wash them after.
Images of my creations
I have made many of these and some I had already given away.
I would just like to share a part of my faith.
The pictures below are full rosaries (having all the decades), one decade rosary (a shorter version with only ten beads or so), and a saint Michael chaplet which is also known as the rosary of the angels.
I made these recently, one decade black and white design.
A wooden full rosary
Here are the center medals and crucifixes.
Saint Michael the Archangel
The completed version
My wooden one decade rosary with a San Damiáno Cross. I like the color combination of this a lot.
My rope rosary that's 15 decades, so it's 150 beads. It's three rosaries in one.
My first rosary rope that I used string with.
Creating is fun!
Aesthetics matter a lot to me, some of my prayer beads are simple and some are a bit more decorated. Visuals always have an effect on how we feel. When we see something light, sparkly or even smooth and colorful or a relaxing color, we feel at peace too and it helps us enjoy beauty created for us by God. Our physical state also affects our spiritual and mental being.
🌹God is in the details
🌹Beauty reflects the power of the Creator
🌹Art that connects us to God and what is holy
I also make rosary bracelets so these also have two functions but primarily it is supposed to be prayed and not just an item for decoration, that would be just a bonus and it is considered irreverent if it was treated less than what it is.
Information about these prayer beads
In case there are questions on what a rosary is, I'll leave some links to the history, origin, theology and spiritual benefit of this.
History of the Rosary Dominic and the apparition of Mary of Marian veneration, Dulia and Hyperdulia: The difference of veneration and worship
also a good link to learn from:
Be Creative and Make all things Meaningful!
Thank you for viewing my post!