#histroyUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesSteemitCryptoAcademyNewcomers' Communityআমার বাংলা ব্লগKorea • 한국 • KR • KOSTEEM CN/中文Steem POD TeamSteem AllianceAVLE 일상WORLD OF XPILARBeauty of CreativityTron Fan ClubSCT.암호화폐.CryptoExplore Communities...#histroyTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedcrypto9993 (25)in #crypto • 10 months agoBitcoin: The Future of CurrencyBitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, has revolutionized the financial landscape since its inception in 2009.…krishiv (75)in #sanskrit • 11 months agoSanskrit: The Mother of LanguagesSanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language, holds a revered position in the linguistic history of the world. Known…zyi (33)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year龙年解“龍”从甲骨文中的“龙”字,到今天的汉字“龙”,这个字经历了怎样的演变过程? 甲骨文中的龙,头角峥嵘,龙须飘扬,好似腾空而起,正是人们想象中飞腾巨龙的形象。随后“龙”字的演变经历了“由简到繁”又“由繁到简”的发展过程,并最终定型。zyi (33)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year中国历史上的4大军政集团头(4)北洋军事集团(一)存在时间:崛起于清末,一直存在至民国北洋政府灭亡。 (二)主要人物:袁世凯,段祺瑞,冯国璋,曹锟,张作霖,吴佩孚,孙传芳等。…longwang (28)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year武则天为何要立“无字碑”?公元705年11月,中国历史上执政21年的女皇帝武则天病逝了。她的墓碑,通高7.53米,宽2.l米,厚1.49米,但碑中不见唐代所刻一字。后人所加的文字,也斑驳若离,若明若暗,模煳不清。…zyi (33)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year中国历史上的4大军政集团(2)沙陀集团(一)存在时间:崛起于唐末,一直存在至宋初 (二)主要人物:李克用,李存勖,石敬瑭,刘知远,刘崇等 (三)所建王朝:后唐、后晋、后汉、北汉,后周、北宋两代的开国皇帝最早也出自沙陀军事集团。…longwang (28)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year剃头匠失手成名医清朝年间,邓州城里有个五十多岁的剃头匠,名叫张宗顺,此人自小投师学艺,尽得师父真传,加之他聪慧伶俐,刻苦钻研,而立之年便在城里小有名气。几十年过去,他的剃头手艺日臻精湛,刀法娴熟,炉火纯青,特别是他操刀刮胡子那一手漂亮活儿,更令人拍手叫绝,longwang (28)in STEEM CN/中文 • last year神医华佗的故事:发明麻沸散中国古人很久以前就有关于手术麻醉的传说和记载,例如"神农尝百草,一日而遇七十毒",就反映了中国古代人民很久以来就千方百计寻找治病止疼的良药。公元2世纪,我国伟大的医学家华佗发明了"麻沸散",1700多年前,华佗就已经使用全身麻醉进行腹腔手术mdyousufali (64)in Italy • last yearDairy Game 🎇 On December 14, 2023.December 14 , 2023 @mdyousufali 🔷Form Bangladesh🇧🇩 Hi friends, how are you all? I hope you are…amitsingh1996 (20)in #mughalbristish • 2 years agoBritish govt. and mughal empirehere was competition from the beginning among the Europeans who came for the purpose of trade in India, but due to the…rahulsain5674 (25)in #histroy • 2 years ago한국의 역사대한민국의 역사. 라훌 사인 한국의 역사 한국의 역사는 선사시대까지 거슬러 올라갈 수 있지만, 일반적으로 여러 주요 시기로 나뉩니다. 삼국시대(기원전 57년~서기 668년): 이 시기는 고구려…memamun (74)Guest(Bangladesh)in Incredible India • 2 years agoবাবার জিবনের গল্প থেকে নেওয়া (পর্ব ২) (একজন পরিশ্রমী ছাত্র))ছোটবেলা থেকে একটা কথা বারবার শুনে আসতেছি, কষ্ট করলে কেষ্ট মেলে৷ কষ্টের পরেই রয়েছে সুখ। তাই ধৈর্য ধারন করা আর চেষ্টা…solarisastro (63)in wormhole3 • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.On this day in 1959 - "The day the music died"The 3rd February is one that was captured in the famous Don McLean song, "American Pie" in which he quoted that it was…harish70 (25)in #histroy • 3 years agoChristopher Columbus1492–1499Appointed byIsabella I of CastileSucceeded byFrancisco de BobadillaPersonal detailsBornBetween 25 August and…ammaro.wattoo (39)in Steem Punjab • 4 years agoHistroy of punjabThe History of the Punjab refers to the history of the Punjab region, a geopolitical, cultural, and historical region…ammaro.wattoo (39)mutedPlagiaristin Steem Schools • 4 years agoBeauty of pakistanThe city of Lahore, Pakistan, was an extremely important city for the Mughal Empire. Luckily for us, many of the…victor010 (47)in STEEM NIGERIA • 4 years agoAt 27 years this woman gave birth to 8 children at once. See how grown there are nowHow many of us can remember Mrs. Nkem Chukwu, the woman who took everyone by surprise in the late 90s after she gave…imagediet (56)in #kr • 4 years ago권력과 인간, 사도세자 죽음, 조선왕실, 정병설, 한중록, 혜경궁홍씨, 정조, 영조실록, 의대병, 관증, 주의력결핍과잉행동, 권력욕, 권모술수, 배신과 절망, 선희궁, 영조권력과 인간, 사도세자 죽음, 조선왕실, 정병설, 한중록, 혜경궁홍씨, 정조, 영조실록, 의대병, 관증, 주의력결핍과잉행동, 권력욕, 권모술수, 배신과 절망, 선희궁, 영조 조선 최고의 비극,‘사도세자 죽음’에…noskiart (62)in SteemAlive • 4 years agoCOLONIALISM AND ITS EFFECTColonialism has always been a thing of history in the minds of African world . It has been a thing of…wddr019 (25)in #histroy • 4 years ago这些东西认识三个,证明你老了