A Dicey Situation: Craps Strategy
Before spinning wheels or cards turning on the flop, there were dices. Even those ancient Egyptians enjoyed playing with them and they were sure to take them in the afterlife to enjoy their game according to ancient hieroglyphs. Every dice is a work of art plus a symbol of randomness that is embedded in the very fabric of space.
Who was that first player that got an idea to roll some dices will forever remain a mystery, but we are grateful for what he did that so we can enjoy our game of craps? This game features no fancy systems like roulette or card counting techniques associated with blackjack, but it still is one of the most beloved games out there. When you think of craps, you see images of big crowds gathered around the dice man who blows them for good luck and starts a chain reaction of pure adrenalin by throwing them across that table.
The magic of craps
This game is so action-packed, and it is a pure gem in this world of gaming. New players often fell in love with poker or slots and do not pay much attention to craps, but once they try it, they cannot get enough of it. From the moment when those dices roll across the table, that electricity spreads through the air, and everyone’s blood starts to boil. Its magic is contagious because everyone participates in this action started by a player who controls those dices. Your chances of winning are pretty good if you choose the right strategy and do not let this exciting atmosphere takes the better of you. Staying cool is very hard during craps sessions, but that is its magic, that overwhelming sensation of joy that radiates through everyone involved.
One doesn’t need any special skills when throwing those dices, as that randomness factor is too big so that he can influence each outcome with some special dice throwing technique. Learning to play the craps requires understanding differences between pass and don’t pass lines. You are basically placing a bet on a player to win or lose by throwing a certain number which falls into a pass or no pass category. If he hits seven or eleven or some of those losing numbers each session is over, but some real fun starts when he trows anything in between. That is when everyone gets involved with a bunch of side bets, and the more times he trows those dices, the more exciting it gets.
The strategy
The real question at this point is what can be the smartest move one can make if he plans on winning some cash. If there ever was a system that improves your odds in craps game it has to do with choosing between a pass or don’t pass line. You can try this out in some of the best Ontario casinos which feature craps, but make sure it is one of the Grand Ontario casinos with a good review from a trusted source like our website, before putting your knowledge into action. Even Canada’s en ligne casinos feature some of the most beautifully designed craps games available but choose those which can boost some stellar reviews of their overall experience. Every casino in Ontario is one perfect place to put craps strategy into action and see for yourself that pass line bet provides the best odds for winning.
Well, statistically speaking, don’t pass bet gives players better chances of scoring but for some reason, it is not utilized enough in practice. That is because you would be betting against everyone by choosing this type of bet, and that is no fun. Killing every action in craps is not a very popular way to play so it is considered bad luck. If you crave being a party popper, then go for it, but this will not sit well with others around the table, although it could bring some cash into your pockets. This strategy is best to apply in an online casino where no one can see you or disturb your play.
The proposition you cannot refuse
There is one group of bets that is reserved for those who enjoy risking a little bit, but these are considered longshots, but their odds are huge in comparison with regular bets. Some of the most popular are snake eyes or double sixes, but players love betting on seven to come because this number has statistically the best odds of emerging when rolling two dices. Some other bets come into play but this craps strategy is not for everyone, although it will certainly contribute to that action around that table. It is more appropriate using it once you are in a row and you got some chips to play with without being afraid to risk a little bit. After all, it pays well so once you feel that burn that screams for some action give it a try and see if this is your lucky night.
Otherwise, stick to that basic strategy of hitting a pass line and try managing your bankroll while playing. This is very important so you can combine any craps strategy with a progression in your betting pattern as you improve your play. Increasing your bet size while on a winning streak might actually work in craps as this game gives you an advantage like no other. It allows every player to take control and place multiple side bets or participate while someone else does the throwing part. In any case, it is one of the most exciting casino games that ever existed, so do not miss an opportunity to enjoy it.
If you haven’t played craps before do not waste any time and find a good casino to try it. You will soon get the hang of it as you will learn fast by playing or watching others play. Try soaking up the atmosphere that this game offers as that is what makes it unique in a gambling universe.