The Corona Virus in the U.S. Infects Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous + Misc. Corona Strangeness

in #covid195 years ago


I have a theory! That's real novel, a conspiracy theorist with a theory! anyway...I started to notice that in the United States Corona appears to have hit the wealthy, well to do, and Celebrities yet it seems it isn't epidemic yet amongst the working class. New Rochelle in New York for instance, a suburb hit so hard that it represents half of all Covid-19 cases in New York appears to be an affluent suburb of NYC, and is responsible for half of all Covid-19 cases in NY.


I have pored through god knows how many hours of podcasts in the last several weeks,and the majority of regular working class everyday listeners have mostly reported not knowing one person who has Corona Virus.
Than I thought about it, and nobody I know at work knows one person personally who contracted the Corona Virus. Than St.Louis had it's first Covid-19 case which was in a very well to do area called Ladue. The infected girl was a college student who was attending school in Italy. Instead of a self quarantine on the entire household, The sick girls sister, who attends a high dollar private school said Fxck the quarantine and with her f
Dad went to a Father Daughter dance at the highschool knowing they could have potentially infected a large number of those in attendance.

Why do I bring up the fact that Corona in the U.S. appears to be in predominantly wealthy elite circles? To let all my working class mates know to chill the fxck out! It hasn't really hit the everyday American yet. People are losing jobs and taking lay-offs unnecessarily. I would suggest that people who have jobs that can't be done from home at least be allowed to volunteer at their own risk the opportunity to go to work verses shutting everything down when nobody even literally knows one infected person with Covid-19 besides celebrities and politicians.

Our Fore Fathers had to whether storms and circumstances that make Covid-19 a walk in the park. Many times our ancestors had to shed blood, kill or be killed. We don't have to pay the ultimate price, there is no Army invading our lands. Yet here we are acting as if this is Stephen King's,"The Stand" or a zombie apocalypse. I am confident this will pass, and my advice for now is stay away from the Rich and Famous, and do not travel and shop in the wealthy well to do parts of town.


Interesting Covid-19 related You Tube Cast's:

NYC Ghost Town – Where's Viro? Day 2 Hunting Covid-19 at New York Hospitals During Pseudo Pandemic

You Are Free TV

"Quite Frankly" Featuring X22Report 3/17/20

Here is another bit of Covid-19 high strangeness. For everyone in the know who is quite familiar with numerology as it pertains to conspiracy theories, do a google search on Corona Virus 33. I did this on a recommendation in a YouTube comment and it is bizarre!




And Lastly an interesting graphic taken off Zero Hedge, unfortunately I forgot to copy the link. Stay strong everyone! I pray to God this goes by quickly and the Creator lays the hammer down on the people responsible for what I believe is an orchestrated crisis!


This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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Social distancing is keeping people physically apart from each other.

But I've never been closer to you until now lol.

Social distancing is a smart move, yet I believe when it comes to employment it should be voluntary, more people will die or face more harm from the economic fall out than the actual virus.

Haha a conspiracy theorist with a theory, how mundane lol. Well, if government wants to help us, then they SHOULD simply enforce external borders as opposed internal borders, if anything.

Open Border Prison Planet

One of the biggest 1984 ironies is in the Open Border Prison Planet that globalists are pushing in 2020 like never ever before.

Expanding Tyranny

Instead of talking about the beer bug, people should focus on the engineers behind the bug which probably went black-op in 2015, which could be traced back to at least 2010 some say. To educate the general public, we can simply show people the genome of these alleged viruses that may include things like nano bots and who knows what. Long story short, even a retarded tadpole could eventually comprehend the simple fact that COVID was engineered just like those three 9/11 buildings in 2001 in New York City. People can look at building 7.

Right! There is something terribly wrong with Corona and its narrative, I didnt realize they could have locked the globe down during H1N1 based on those numbers, something like 6 out of 7 people with Corona are asymptomatic? Im not settled on what the truth is yet, there is obvious collusion between Trump and Qanon so you cant entirely disregard their information, I hope Qanon isnt hopium in disguise. Im leaning toward the Q plot, and the obvious, event 201, running a Corona Pandemic right before a Global Corona Pandemic!

Bits and pieces of Q can be accurate to an extent as Qanon can be a collection of different sources and some of it can be misleading and some of it may not come to pass. In other words, of course there are patriots who are trying to drain the swamp. Some of those patriots may be in the Q movement. So, I don't doubt that some people have good intentions. But one problem can be when Q inspires people to do nothing. And people should try to help out instead of only trust the plan. We gotta create backup plans. And then backup plans for the backup plans and so and so forth. It seems that Trump knows about Qanon but from my perspective, it doesn't matter either way. I will assume the worse and fight hard for a better tomorrow, bottom line, cuz better safe than sorry.

Corona Virus

The beer bug is real and not real. It is fake and not fake. It is pretty bad and yet we can fight it. Some people are fighting it. But there are other viruses out there. We have other problems we face as well. So many different things happening, both good and bad. And globalists are trying to release even bigger pandemics, as in worse viruses in the future. Globalists and others have many different plans in their pursuit of world domination and one of them involves getting people used to Marshall Law Open Borders Prison Planet Lockdown which accelerated after 9/11 as they tricked too many humans towards accepting getting raped and Michael Jackson touched all over during full-body searches at airports which is a step towards what is happening now in 2020, that is about 19 or so years later.

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