IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF COVID19: The Truth Is Out There (Part 2)

in #covid192 years ago


This in-depth analysis of COVID19 is 19k words and 42 pages long. This PDF is the entire report so it is easier to download and read. I have spent many months working on providing you this analysis. I hope you find it informative and it helps you understand the dangers that are fast approaching all of us. Please send questions or comments to jhann.analysis @, email is also in the PDF. I will try to respond. Thank you.


Since Steemit only allows so much text I have split this report into multiple parts.




Informed Consent


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, […] laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – Thomas Jefferson – Declaration of Independence – Signed by Congress 1776


What is consent? Consent is the voluntary acceptance and agreement in sentiment. Informed consent, especially when it comes to medical decisions, is the fundamental principle for ethical decisions and practices. Informed consent is a fundamental need when conducting research on subjects. Full disclosure of information so subjects can make informed decisions is required. This decision needs to be free from lies, manipulation, threats, and coercion or it is by definition not voluntary. Informed consent is viewed as a critical communication link between subject and researcher. With informed consent refusing to participate, or discontinuing participation at any time, should not involve penalties or loss of benefits that subjects are entitled to.


Everything the government has been doing by making COVID19 vaccines mandatory for employment, enacting travel restrictions, forcing businesses to deny service, and offering monetary bonuses or lotteries to get a COVID19 vaccine violates the very definition of informed consent. All COVID19 vaccines are still in the experimental trial phase and will be until 2022 or 2023 when their trials end with final reviews not being submitted until 2025. Without true informed consent everything that has been done for COVID19 for the past two years has been illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, and unethical. Why do so many not view any of this as an issue? Why are the masses accepting medical tyranny at face value without question or regard to potential ulterior motives? When will this actually end and normalcy return? How much are you willing to accept until you say enough is enough and stand up for your rights and the rights of the innocent people around you?




Ignorance is a virus. Once it starts spreading, it can only be cured by reason. For the sake of humanity, we must be that cure.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson (2003)


COVID19, or SARS-CoV-2, is a class of coronavirus, a novel betacoronavirus from the subgenus Sarbecovirus, which all coronaviruses are considered to be a type of common cold virus that is associated with upper respiratory tract infections. Coronaviruses account for 15% to 30% of the common colds tested for with only six strains being able to affect humans, at least until now. The other type of common colds that make up the rest of the cases are Rhinoviruses, which can be broken down into more than 100 various strains that can affect humans by manipulating genes which brings an excessive immune response leading to cold symptoms. Influenza (flu viruses), type A, B, and C viruses, are similar to common cold viruses but are usually more severe with the symptoms that become present.


COVID19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 with the narrative pushing that it jumped from bats to humans in an open market. On May 29th, 2020, I published a 15k word article (Part 1 & Part 2) on everything I could find at the time on COVID19 from what the media was telling everyone, to available studies. In that article I wrote about how COVID19 was a potentially man-made virus that was leaked from the Wuhan Level 4 Biolab that has ties to Dr. Fauci and the NIH. I wrote about how Dr. Fauci and the NIH spent millions on gain-of-function coronavirus research at this biolab. This has been further verified by other politicians and news organizations reporting on the millions Dr. Fauci had sent to the Wuhan biolab. The NIH in 2017, announced that it was lifting the ban of gain-of-function research. Funds were then transferred to the Level 4 biolab in Wuhan, China through a company called EcoHealth Alliance to conduct gain-of-function research. A year and half later more evidence had come out to the point that even Senator Rand Paul, a physician, blasted Dr. Fauci over his gain-of-function research showing I was correct on what I was reporting early in 2020.


To further drive this point home, researching awarded contracts through the government site USA Spending, you will find a $116 million dollar contract (CONT_IDV_HDTRA108D0007_9700) awarded by the Department of Defense to Black & Veatch Special Projects Crop which started on September 20th, 2012 and ended on October 13th, 2020. Within this contract, a sub-award (19-6192) was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health Inc. on November 12th, 2019 totaling $369,511 for the purpose of “SME manuscript documentation and COVID19 research”. Labyrinth Global Health Inc. was founded in 2019 by Karen Saylors, and only has three employees. Karen Saylors spent a few years working as Vice President of Field Research for Metabiota. Metabiota is viewed as helping “to push the boundaries of insuring catastrophic risks, preparing for infectious disease threats, and catalyzing public-private partnerships to protect global health security”. The Place of Performance listed for the DoD contract with Black & Veatch Special Projects Crop is in Ukraine, the same country mainstream media and the government swears didn’t have U.S. funded biolabs. If COVID19 wasn’t discovered until December 2019 how was Labyrinth Global Health Inc. awarded a government contract to conduct research on COVID19 a month prior to the COVID19 discovery? Do you think this shouldn’t be questioned? Do you still believe COVID19 jumped from bats to humans naturally?


Dr. Fauci and the U.S. and China governments are more than likely directly responsible for the creation and leak of this man-made virus that has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and the near collapse of the world’s economies. Recently, it has come out that Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, raised millions of dollars through Metabiota to create dozens of high level biolabs all over Ukraine, with President Obama’s approval, which conducted more gain-of-function research. The same Metabiota that Karen Saylors worked for before being granted funds to research COVID19 a month before COVID19 was officially discovered. Metabiota has strong connections to EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology, which all partnered together in 2014 under EcoHealth Alliance’s PREDICT project that focused on disease surveillance and response for infectious diseases like influenza, SARS, and Ebola. These organizations potentially have direct role in the development of COVID19. Why are we still listening to those who are connected to these organizations?


As of April 8th, 2022 there have been roughly 82 million confirmed COVID19 cases in the U.S., roughly 1 million deaths, and roughly 66 million having recovered showing a mortality estimated rate of 1.5%. At the initial start of the COVID19 pandemic, official numbers suggested the total mortality rate was close to 20%. I called these numbers into question in 2020 because it was not what we were seeing in reality. A 20% mortality rate should have led to massive deaths everywhere. Do you remember the videos of Chinese citizens falling over in the middle of the streets and bleeding out? We never saw that here in the U.S. Was that more lies and propaganda pushed by China or something else killing those individuals? The official statistical numbers do not include cases where individuals were asymptomatic, never tested, and were never included into official numbers nor symptomatic people who recovered without seeking any help from medical professionals.


Estimates showed that 25% to 80% of individuals who had COVID19 were completely unaware they even had it. By these estimates the U.S. has hit herd immunity for natural COVID19 infections without considering everyone who vaccinated. Why are still in a pandemic and emergency when coronaviruses are endemic in nature? Early on in 2020 antibody tests from multiple cities were showing a 30% to 50% positive rate of individuals having gotten COVID19 and recovered but never added to official numbers. Granted, the CDC did acknowledge that the COVID19 antibody tests were faulty and that “less than half of those testing positive actually had antibodies”. If the antibody tests weren’t reliable then why should we trust any official numbers pushed by government? Each of the individuals who tested positive for antibodies (assuming a real positive test) have natural immunity to COVID19, which even the Michigan government agrees that “natural infection almost always causes better immunity than vaccines”. To further solidify this point, a recent large study of antibody titer decay shows that COVID19 vaccine antibodies decrease 40% per month while natural immunity antibodies decrease 5% a month. This significant decrease in antibodies for COVID19 vaccines is why government is pushing boosters with the focus on creating a coronavirus strain specific-vaccines (4th dose). How many injections are you willing to get to reach normalcy? Government will continue to add more required boosters so normalcy will never be reached.


CNN reported on COVID19 in May 2020 showing the CDC indicating that the estimated mortality rate was 0.4% for those who are symptomatic. Including asymptomatic carriers would further reduce the true mortality rate (total deaths/total cases). As of March 2021, the CDC’s estimates for total mortality rates of symptomatic carriers is 0.7% - 7.3%. This range includes all age ranges. Out of all estimated figures the worst-case scenario mortality rate shows 65+ (27%), 50-64 (2%), 18-49 (0.17%), and 0-17 (0.008%). Looking at worst case scenario estimates, why is there such a massive push to force those 49 and under (at worst-case estimate .09% mortality risk) to get vaccinated and mask up when they have such a low risk? The Health Ministry of Israel openly stated that the COVID19 vaccines are only 39% effective at stopping transmission. If vaccines cannot stop transmission then vaccines will never be able to stop COVID19 and viewing only vaccines as a solution is a fallacy. People have forgotten that we are responsible for our own personal health. If we are in a high-risk category we should take precautions to protect ourselves. It is a violation of rights forcing someone else to be responsible for our health when it was never their job to be responsible. We are not responsible for the lives of those we might interact with when out shopping or enjoying nature either. This is not how rights work.


Per CDC 12/22/2021

Variants of Concern in the U.S.

The CDC considered each of the following variants as a concern due to their transmission as being “much faster” than other variants. The naming convention of variants follows the Greek Alphabet. Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant was first identified in the United Kingdom in September 2020 and is viewed as being roughly 50% more transmissible than the original virus. There is little to no evidence that there was a change in the severity compared to the original virus. Beta (B.1.351) variant was first identified in South Africa in August 2020. Delta (B.1.617.2) variant was first identified in India in December 2020. Some studies suggested a vaccine effective rate of 88% or less, depending on the vaccine, for the Delta variant. Gamma (P.1) variant was first identified in Brazil and Japan in January 2021. The Delta variant was the main variant the government and media had been focusing on for most of 2021 which had been the cause of greatest concern. Then we faced Omicron (B.1.1.529) which was first identified in South Africa and “may” spread more easily than other variants due to the numerous mutations. Now we must worry about “Stealth Omicron” (BA.2), which is subvariant of Omicron, and is supposedly far more infectious than Omicron. Little information is available on the mortality rate of these variants and if it is worse for symptoms and mortality rate than the original COVID19 virus. There will be a constant evolution of these viruses and there can always be another one that government can blame and distract us with. Do you really want to live the rest of your life in fear?


All statistics seem to combine all of the variants under the COVID19 catchall heading which is disingenuous when trying to determine real statistics. To further complicate statistical tracking of COVID19 numbers, early in 2020 the U.S. government was classifying all coronavirus patient deaths as COVID19 deaths regardless of the true cause of death. This means if they had COVID19 but died due to Stage 4 cancer that individual was still classified as a COVID19 death. This is pure sophistry to drum up fear and panic.


A theme among the identified variants is that breakthrough infections, those fully vaccinated yet still catching the virus and having symptoms, is expected. If vaccines do not stop infection and transmission then it is impossible to stop COVID19 by vaccinations alone. As time continues it seems like the breakthrough infections are a lot higher than expected even though our government and the media is constantly saying breakthrough infections are rare. Pfizer CEO, Albert Dourla, explained in an interview that their vaccine does not prevent transmission so breakthrough infections would be anything but rare. This NIH study explains why vaccines do not stop transmission due to not producing a local mucosal secretory response, meaning that patients fully vaccinated can still spread COVID19 through their upper respiratory tract. The Omicron variants seems to really only be found and transmits through the upper respiratory tract, which vaccines do not protect against. This situation is similar to super bugs that are antibiotic resistant due to the overuse of antibiotics. Noteworthy COVID19 breakthrough infections of those who are fully vaccinated and have had their booster shoots are House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Governor Tim Walz, Governor Larry Hogan, Senator Nancy Pelosi, and many more. The Omicron variant is being spread by the fully vaccinated, so why is there still such a push to force people to vaccinate?


I find it highly suspicious that the AstraZeneca vaccine trials were conducted in the UK, South Africa, Brazil, and India, which we had the highly transmittal viruses that were being tracked show up after the vaccine trials started from these locations. Many of these variants mutated before the initial push of vaccines were available to the general public. Maybe because the experimental trials for the COVID19 vaccines were driving the evolution of the disease? If the current round of vaccines did not stop these variants then how can the goal of “defeating COVID19” be achieved when the target government is trying to hit has already moved several times? Remember, vaccines do not provide a full robust immune response and defense unlike natural infections. We are no longer in a pandemic but have entered an endemic, meaning COVID19 is something we will all need to learn to live with because it will constantly be with us leading into the future. This should be even more reason for everyone to stand against the government’s push to force everyone to be vaccinated with a new gene therapy medical procedure that targets older versions of COVID19 that are no longer a threat.


The previous variants being tracked by the CDC is not a conclusive list of all variants. On August 30th the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that a new named variant “mu”, B.1.621, was being tracked that has mutated enough to get passed the antibodies that vaccines have previously provided but it has not been a focus in the media or government. An additional South African variant was identified in May 2021, C.1.2, and has been discovered in multiple countries around the world. This variant also has mutated and is “associated with increased transmissibility” (always with increased transmissibility) and ability to evade the protection offered by the vaccines.


There is no stopping COVID19 when the only tool being used is vaccines. How many injections are you willing to get to get back to “normal”, 4, 10, 20? The goalposts have already moved several times and will continue to move in the future to suit the government rhetoric being pushed. Government only needs to announce there is a new variant, or a new engineered man-made virus, to convince many to get another booster shot, or totally new mRNA vaccine that was developed in record time. The COVID19 vaccines only provide “protection” for three to five months. Do you really consider that immunity?


Herd Immunity

One NIH study defines herd immunity as “the proportion of subjects with immunity in a given population”; the definition of immunity covering natural and vaccine immunity. The WHO defined herd immunity on June 9th, 2020, as “the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” This definition includes natural immunity and vaccinated immunity to reach herd immunity. Throughout the history of humanity natural immunity, and a healthy functioning immune system, has protect us. Natural immunity has always been our primary defense against the continuation of any disease or infection. Even traditional vaccines leverage part of our immune systems to reach partial immunity. The WHO changed the herd immunity definition on November 13th, 2020, to “a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.” Absolutely no mention of natural immunity now and the definition focuses on protection not providing actual immunity. Why would the government ignore natural immunity and focus on a for-profit liability free medical procedure when alternative treatments exist? Why are individuals being forced to vaccinate when they already have natural immunity and it has been proven that vaccines cannot and will not prevent infection nor transmission?


Immune System

Our immune system is extremely complex with skin and mucous membranes that play their own part for granting immunity along with our lymphatic system. Skin and mucous membranes act as a first line of defense against germs and infections. These membranes remember past infections like the lymphatic system. Vaccines only target the lymphatic system to generate a response while natural infections generate skin and mucous membrane responses as well. This is one reason why natural immunity is always better than immunity strictly through vaccines.


medRxiv, a preprint server for health sciences, posted a new study on August 18th, 2021, looking at antibody levels overtime comparing fully vaccinated vs unvaccinated who had prior natural infection. After peer preview, if the study holds true, then there is further proof that having a natural immunity provides greater protection and for longer period of time than through vaccines:


medRxiv: Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection

  • doi:
  • “A total of 2,653 individuals fully vaccinated by two doses of vaccine during the study period and 4,361 convalescent patients were included. Higher SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody titers were observed in vaccinated individuals (median 1581 AU/mL IQR [533.8-5644.6]) after the second vaccination, than in convalescent individuals (median 355.3 AU/mL IQR [141.2-998.7]; p<0.001). In vaccinated subjects, antibody titers decreased by up to 40% each subsequent month while in convalescents they decreased by less than 5% per month. Six months after BNT162b2 vaccination 16.1% subjects had antibody levels below the seropositivity threshold of (less than) 50 AU/mL, while only 10.8% of convalescent patients were below (less than) 50 AU/mL threshold after 9 months from SARS-CoV-2 infection.



RT-PCR and Rapid Antigen Tests

The Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test is the primary standardized test that had been used around the world to determine COVID19 cases and active infectability. Considered to be the “gold standard” at testing for COVID19. Most studies and discussions use this test as the basis of the work. The RT-PCR test was developed by Dr. Kary Mullis in 1986 who won the Nobel Prize in 1993 for his invention. Dr. Mullis had been a huge opponent (watch the video) of Dr. Fauci and the government’s use of the RT-PCR test for years. Dr. Mullis repeatedly explained that with the RT-PCR test, if you do it well, you can find (watch the video) almost anything in anybody. Dr. Mullis spoke out against how Dr. Fauci and the government were misusing his invention over the years. With this test someone can create a lot of something out of something miniscule, it only takes something and makes it measurable. At no point can the test determine infectability, or risk of symptoms, that is not what it was designed for. Dr. Mullis said Dr. Fauci is not a scientist and did not understand medicine. Dr. Mullis died in August 2019 before COVID19 was discovered. I personally find it suspicious that Dr. Mullis passed away right before he would have been one of the most critical opponents to Dr. Fauci and government through the entire pandemic.


Since the start of COVID19 plenty of people have been trying to shine a light on the fallacious statistics being pushed by the CDC and government using the RT-PCR test, with high cycle rates which produces large numbers of false positives. Do you remember when the Tanzania President John Magufuli had a goat and papaya sample sent in for testing and both came back positive for COVID19? Less than a year later, President Mafufuli, who had grown into a large opponent of the testing and vaccines being pushed, died of a “heart condition”. I find it highly suspicious, especially since the CIA had a secret heart attack gun since the 1970s which has only been perfected since then. To further highlight this issue on July 21st, 2021 the CDC issued a Laboratory Alert indicating changes to the RT-PCR testing due to the test failing an audit which showed the test could not “facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses”. Labs had until the end of 2021 to make their change to a different test. How can we trust any study or official government numbers concerning COVID19 when the main test being used since the start of this pandemic couldn’t tell the difference between variations in coronaviruses nor influenza viruses?


Now the government has sent out 500 million at-home rapid antigen test kits to households across the U.S., and the FDA approved a breathalyzer that supposedly can detect COVID19. Don’t you find it interesting that these were developed and sent out as laboratories had to stop using the RT-PCR test? There is little guarantee that these tests will be accurate, which should be a major concern for everyone, nor is there any guarantee that the kits are not already contaminated. All official numbers need to be called into question because there is no incentive for our government or the pharmaceutical companies to tell us the truth. Do you remember when COVID19 tests bound for the U.K. were contaminated with COVID19? Who will be held responsible if some of the at-home tests being sent out by the U.S. government are contaminated?


COVID19 really spreads through respiratory droplets, small droplets also known as aerosol particulates. The smallest of these particulates can range up to 10k particulates per breath. These small particulates can linger in the air for hours with some studies showing them potentially staying in air for months when in a static environment with little to no airflow. Large respiratory droplets, spittle flying out as we speak, only travels a short distance and then drops to the ground and is not the driver of COVID19. Each environment and setting can change the survivability of COVID19 based on temperature, humidity, air flow and pressure, and how individuals interact within the environment. All mask studies that have shown why masks work do not take any of these items into account. COVID19 is roughly 0.125 microns small (125 nanometers), invisible to the naked eye, and can pass through some materials like cloth with ease, e.g. a gnat moving through a chain-link fence. COVID19 aerosol particulates can even infect individuals through exposed eyes. If we are to take COVID19 seriously as a real threat then we should be taking a vastly different approach to protecting people and cleaning environments by having proper industry standards of control mechanisms in place, which doesn’t include lockdowns or masks. We will go more into this in detail in the Mask section.


PubMed NIH: Transmission of COVID-19 virus by droplets and aerosols: A critical review on the unresolved dichotomy

  • Environ Res. 2020 Sep; 188: 109819. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109819
  • “One could dispute that, unlike larger droplets, aerosols may pose a greater risk of the spread of the COVID-19 disease among many susceptible hosts positioned far from the point of origin.”
  • “Small aerosols are more susceptible to be inhaled deep into the lung, which causes infection in the alveolar tissues of the lower respiratory tract, while large droplets are trapped in the upper airways.”
  • “In the events of the droplet and aerosol transmission, the efficacy of such personal protective equipment in combating the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 has been poorly understood.”
  • “The most common types of viruses causing infections in the respiratory tract through aerosol transmission are influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses (RSVs), and parainfluenza viruses.”
  • “The most important environmental factors that could impact on the viability of airborne microorganisms are temperature, humidity, radiation (sunlight), and open-air (ventilation).”
  • “The effectiveness of the use of masks for the control of SARS-CoV-2-laden aerosol transmission from an infected person to a susceptible host is uncertain and not fully conceivable.”
  • “Homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals” – Infected symptomatic individuals not asymptomatic carriers.
  • “With surgical masks worn, about 20–30% leakage of droplets and a large portion of aerosols, particularly from the loosely fitted sides” – cloth masks have an even larger leakage and failure rate with all aerosols not being stopped. Neither stop nor reduce small respiratory droplets transmission.


My name is Jeffrey Hann and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook|Instagram) and I can be found on Twitter|Instagram|Minds|Steemit|Keybase


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