IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF COVID19: The Truth Is Out There (Part 1)

in #covid192 years ago


This in-depth analysis of COVID19 is 19k words and 42 pages long. This PDF is the entire report so it is easier to download and read. I have spent many months working on providing you this analysis. I hope you find it informative and it helps you understand the dangers that are fast approaching all of us. Please send questions or comments to jhann.analysis @, email is also in the PDF. I will try to respond. Thank you.


Since Steemit only allows so much text I have split this report into multiple parts.






Any single man must judge for himself whether circumstances warrant obedience or resistance to the commands of the civil magistrate; we are all qualified, entitled, and morally obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers. This political judgment, moreover, is not simply or primarily a right, but like self-preservation, a duty to God. As such it is a judgment that men cannot part with according to the God of Nature. It is the first and foremost of our inalienable rights without which we can preserve no other.” ― John Locke (1632-1704)


What is obedience? Being obedient is to submit to being ruled by someone. Free and innocent people should not be ruled nor should they be forced through violence and intimidation to be obedient to anyone over them. This is how tyranny is created. The idea that we must be obedient to authority through a monopoly on violence is slavery. The United States (U.S.) was officially established with the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. A declaration to be independent from British tyrannical rule, which Thomas Jefferson drafted using many ideas and teachings from John Locke. The founders of the U.S. and a majority of those in the 13 original colonies no longer wanted to be obedient to a ruler they deemed as tyrannical. To gain this independence and freedom, resistance against tyranny was an absolute requirement. Resistance being an organized opposition to rulers. This resistance to government tyranny provided the pathway for the U.S. to maintain its independence and to usher in a couple hundred years of advancement that supposedly boasted freedom for all.


Why is it now that blind obedience to governmental authority is viewed as being a good citizen and resistance to what some think as government tyranny is being viewed as terroristic behavior? Has all understanding of how this country was formed vanished? Don’t you find it odd that these ideas about freedom from tyranny are ignored by the masses? Each of us should be able to judge our current political climate and issues without only repeating government rhetoric told to us. Our Natural Rights (Life, Freedom, Property), which are our inalienable rights that everyone in the world have and share, are being attacked at every step and for the most part the masses accept it without question or any form of protest and resistance. We are on the precipice of human evolution or devolution; which way do you want to go? Revolution comes after Tyranny in the government lifecycle and any real revolution will not be televised nor discussed by a tyrannical government trying to maintain control. It is up to each of us to stand up against tyranny and voice the ideas that made the U.S. a once great nation; defiance in the face of tyranny. If this does not happen then we, and our children, will all be in this new Age of Tyranny we are experiencing for many years to come. My hope is that this in-depth analysis of COVID19 helps open your eyes to the direction we are heading and gives you a sense of purpose by helping expose the horrors that are being committed against the innocent people of the world. It is up to each of us to speak up or the insanity will continue for generations to come.


Trusting Government


whenever the Legislators endeavor to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience, and are left to the common Refuge, which God hath provided for all Men, against Force and Violence. Whensoever therefore the Legislative shall transgress this fundamental Rule of Society; and either by Ambition, Fear, Folly or Corruption, endeavor to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other an Absolute Power over the Lives, Liberties, and Estates of the People; By this breach of Trust they forfeit the Power, the People had put into their hands, for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the People, who have a Right to resume their original Liberty.” – John Locke, Two Treatises of Government (1689)


There are steps to Critical Thinking as a skill set. These steps are Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric in that order. It is a never-ending process for determining the truth in any subject and situation. Grammar is the root definitions, themes, contexts, and objective vs subjective truths of a given topic. Logic is where we remove our inherent contradictions, our logical fallacies, and personally held biases while processing the information determined during Grammar. Rhetoric should be formed by properly following these steps which allow us to produce systematically usable knowledge and understanding of the conclusions of Grammar and Logic. At any point when new information is provided the process repeats in a never-ending cycle of determining truthful Rhetoric. If new information changes your rhetoric then it changes your rhetoric. We want the truth, correct? We must be able to accept that we could be wrong and be willing to move from deeply held beliefs and biases in seeking the truth of our reality. Trust in your ability to learn critical thinking as a skill set, but it starts with the understanding that we must address our own logical fallacies and hard held beliefs. It is shocking how much we have been and are still being lied to and mislead away from the truth. Everyone has fallacies and believes in things that are not factually true.


A few of the major logical fallacies I see being used in mass are Appeal to Authority (“I am a doctor so you should trust me without question”, “Government said x to be true so it must be true.”), Appeal to Emotion (“Think of the children!”, “Think of the hospitals!”), and Ad hominem (“You are selfish if you do not do this!”) and the idiom Moving the Goalposts (“two weeks”, “get one or two injections and you can stop wearing masks”, “only one booster is needed”). We need to look at facts, the process of science, and avoid the pitfalls of fallacies. Science is a never-ending process for determining the truth. Science is never settled. Science is neither true nor false; it is a process for determining what is true or false.


Medicine is called a practice for a reason, and with medical malpractice being considered by a 2016 Johns Hopkins study as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. no one should be condemned for challenging current held mainstream beliefs in medicine and science with legitimate questions and concerns. Science is never settled and claiming such is anti-science. Healthy debate has all but vanished from everywhere we look. If you step out of line you get slapped down; loss of jobs, being targeted and harassed, being arrested, etc. Plenty of doctors and nurses have lost their jobs and licenses for speaking out against government rhetoric during the COVID19 pandemic. This is an antithesis to how science should be conducted. It is how medical tyranny is conducted. Why is this our current reality? Why have the masses given up challenging authority without question when questioning everything in the universe is what has driven innovation and advancement throughout the ages?


First, we need to define government. Government, govern + -ment, means a tool or action of control, and innocent people can’t be free if they are being controlled. Who should be controlled? Criminals, those who create victims, and in a broader sense children should be controlled by their parents. When you are dealing with words you need to understand the root definition, theme, and context of how the word is being used, when in time it is being used, or translation can be lost. Sophistry is a real thing and it is used to control and manipulate the masses. Plato, arguably the most influential person for western philosophy, said thousands of years ago in his Five Types of Regimes that government has a lifecycle. Government is not a static thing. This still holds true today and most don’t realize this truth. We are witnessing the progression of government on a global scale heading towards full blown tyranny. After Democracy comes Tyranny. We are now in the late-stage of government, Tyranny. This should be concerning for everyone because that means it will only continue to get worse on an exponential scale with the masses taking the worst of it. What is next? Forced abortions to reduce the population to help combat climate change? This is being pushed as a legitimate idea. Good ideas never require force and governments have a history of forcing ideas that are not followed by the masses.


Many don’t understand that the root definition of terrorism is “government intimidation”. It was coined when the French government committed atrocities against its civilians during the Reign of Terror. I previously published an article in 2016 that focused on what terrorism is. The U.S. government is the world’s largest terrorist organization based on the root definition of terrorism. In 2021, the U.S. had 750 military bases in 80 countries worldwide with a military budget larger than the next 10 countries combined. This is your tax dollars at work. Over the last 70 years the U.S. government has operated military and special operation units in over 80 counties. Yet, the masses are currently upset that Russia entered a single country? Why is that? Where is the outrage of what our government has been doing for decades? Being upset with one and not the other is a fallacy. I could spend days discussing the atrocities the U.S. government has committed here and around the world for the past 100 years. If we include all governments throughout history there are thousands of years of evidence showing governments committing tyrannical acts on a consistent basis. Why does the U.S. government define terrorism to not include government actions against its citizens? This is sophistry in action. Belief in that government is anything but tyrannical is a fallacy. It always leads to tyranny.


If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?” – Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda (1928)


Edward Bernays, nephew to famed neurologist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, laid the groundwork to the propaganda campaign we see today. Society is being unknowingly manipulated and controlled in mass. I previously defined conspiracy theory as “a point of view that a group is plotting something sinister using direct movements and actions to control what is being seen, like in the sense of theater”. Conspiracy theories are absolutely real but not every conspiracy theory is real. It was in 1967 that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) turned the term conspiracy theory into a negative connotation to make it easier to discredit the truth from being discovered. The government has perfected psychological operations, psyops, and uses it constantly in expertly planned propaganda campaigns that has stoked the fires of fear for years. During the Iraq war the U.S. government spent over $500 million on creating fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos that helped sway U.S. public opinion on the war and atrocities being committed in Iraq. Over the last few years billions in taxpayer funds has been used to create COVID19 propaganda to be used on citizens with a primary focus on pushing liability free vaccines that have generated billions for for-profit pharmaceutical corporations. Do you not see the conflict of interests and issues this has created?


Even trying to question this immoral and unethical issue is now considered anti-science by the masses. Here is an example video explaining how Scientology indoctrinates and hypnotizes those entering the religion by causing confusion by changing definitions and using loaded language. Words illicit states of consciousness so if words illicit confusion then individuals are easier to manipulate and control because they are confused. This video can help shine a small light on the psyops being conducted on a mass scale today. We can all agree that history is chock-full of evil people committing acts of violence using government and public safety as reasons to commit atrocities against innocent peoples’ inherent natural rights (Life, Freedom, and Property).


Appellate court case Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. Ct. of App. 1981) found that the “fundamental principle of American law is that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen”. Later the Supreme Court case DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 489 U.S. 189 (1989) determined that government only had a duty to protect and serve those who were physically restrained by government, those in prisons and jails, and who could not protect themselves. Beyond that, government policy enforcers and its agents are only here to enforce laws and policies set before them. Most would agree that slavery is inherently wrong and should be abolished yet U.S. law and the U.S. Constitution allows slavery; therefore, the idea of law as a basis for what is acceptable is a poor litmus test as a standard for how we should coexist with each other. The 13th Amendment legalized slavery (read it again), exceptions matter, especially when being duly convicted of a crime is a very generic and broad reaching statement based on what government views as a crime (e.g. jaywalking).


The U.S. government has conducted experiments on innocent non-consenting individuals, destabilizing regions and toppling foreign governments, and ran guns and drugs to terrorist organizations, cartels, and inner-city communities. Groups of rulers and influencers that sway power to enact global changes often meet in secret without public knowledge which have negatively affected many around the world for many decades. Here is a small list showing evidence to this truth:


  • Tuskegee Experiment – The United States Public Health Service, under the guise of free healthcare, experimented on untreated syphilis using 600 black men. Free injections were given as treatment for “bad blood” infecting 399 with syphilis and 201 as the control. Informed consent was not gathered. Roughly 30 died directly because of syphilis. Roughly 100 died of related complications. Dozens passed syphilis on to their partners which also caused children to be born with congenital syphilis. The study was conducted from 1932 to 1972.
  • Operation Paperclip – The U.S. government brought more than 1,600 Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians to the U.S. to work for the government instead of facing crimes for their atrocities between 1945 -1959. Many of the experiments were continued in secret in the U.S.
  • Operation Sea-spray – The U.S. Army conducted bacterial warfare tests across the country in multiple cities from 1949 to 1969 by dropping live bacteria on non-consenting citizens. It was only discovered because of a spike of infections in local hospitals at the time of spraying with one person dying. How many other operations like this have been conducted or are still on-going without the knowledge of the public?
  • MKUltra – The CIA conducted LSD mind control experimentation on many non-consenting and unsuspecting subjects. These tests included brainwashing and psychological torture. Tests and studies took place from 1953 to 1973. Dr. Henry Murray, who trained CIA spies during World War II, conducted psychological experiments and torture at Harvard University. One subject was 16-year-old Ted Kaczynski who later turned into the Unabomber. CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of files and evidence hampering investigation efforts into these atrocities.
  • Operation Midnight Climax – A sub-operation to MKUltra, this project was set up in multiple safehouses in multiple cities where the CIA paid women to lure subjects to a bugged and monitored room, have the women slip LSD to the subjects, and prod the subjects with leading questions to see if they would reveal secrets or if they would be susceptible to commit crimes. This took place from 1953 to 1964. The CIA had several other projects and operations dealing with controlling and convincing others to do things.
  • Human Radiation Experiments – The U.S. Department of Energy and its predecessors, conducted hundreds of studies on many non-consenting subjects, many from state run mental wards, by injecting plutonium and radium. The studies took place from the 1940s to 1970s.
  • COINTELPRO – The FBI established a counterintelligence program in 1956 to monitor, expose, disrupt, misdirect, and discredit the Black Panther Party, the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers’ Party, White Hate Groups, and the New Left. The Black Panther Party took the most focus with Martian Luther King Jr. being under major surveillance for years up until his assassination. MLK Jr. was targeted by the FBI to be discredited and removed as an obstacle. It is not a hard stretch to think the FBI had a hand in MLK Jr.’s assassination.
  • CIA-Contra Controversy Allegations – Allegations were made that the CIA had a hand in running cocaine, processing it into crack cocaine, into the U.S.; specifically, black communities in the 1980s. Laws were then passed to target crack cocaine users where sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine had a 100:1 ratio. This ratio was later reduced to 18:1 through the Fair Sentencing Act. Does that still seem fair? I bring this up because of Afghanistan and the opium trade. Before the U.S. entered Afghanistan in 2002 the Taliban banned growing opium (2000); After the U.S. entered Afghanistan the CIA took over the production of opium, using U.S. soldiers to protect the fields, which increased Afghanistan’s production to 90%+ of the world’s trade. Suspicious that the opium epidemic in the U.S. really took off after the CIA started cultivating and dealing in opium. There are pictures and stories from many soldiers who had to risk their lives to protect these fields.
  • Operation Fast and Furious – from 2009 to 2011 this operation, one of the operations under Project Gunrunner (a project to combat Mexican Drug Cartels), the U.S. government helped arm Mexican Drug Cartels, which lead to a sharp increase in violent crime. You read that correctly. The U.S. government deliberately gave drug cartels weapons and resources.
  • Operation Timber Sycamore – in 2013 the U.S. government, through the CIA under the Obama administration, armed Syrian rebels in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian government which stood in alliance with Russia. Saudi Arabia and Israel also joined in with the CIA in funding and supplying these rebels with many of the resources actually making their way to major terrorist organizations through the black market and not the “moderate” rebels that were promised.
  • Bilderberg Group – Every year roughly 130 political leaders, religious leaders, elites, and experts from multiple industries gather together in private to discuss issues and foster dialogue between Europe and North America. No details about agendas, no resolutions released to the public, no votes are taken or cataloged, and no policy statements are issued. This is literally a secretive group annually plotting the movements and actions of what the masses see and hear. Is believing that such a group, or some involved, are potentially meeting for nefarious purposes really that hard of a concept to accept as possibly true?
  • Bohemian Grove – Another secretive elite invitation only social club that has an annual meeting. Founded in 1872, this club has had all types of political leaders, royalty, celebrities, artists, actors, lawyers, and journalists as members. In 1942 the Manhattan Project, which lead to the creation of the atom bomb, took place at the annual meeting. These individuals and groups have major sway on how society has operated and changed over the years.
  • Order 322 – This is the Skull and Bones secret society based out of Yale University which was founded in 1832. Three members of the Skull and Bones secret society became U.S. presidents, William Taft, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. Secret societies are very real and have had direct influence over our entire lives.
  • Operation Mockingbird – is a CIA project from the 1950s through the 1970s that targeted U.S. journalists and religious clergy to use in intelligence operations in an attempt to gain major influence over newspapers and wire agencies. This operation was extremely successful and has only grown in control and influence over the decades. Mainstream media is highly influenced by the CIA and government rhetoric. This was also the time and operation when the CIA started to influence Hollywood and the production of commercial films. Again, the CIA has only gained further influence and control over the film industry as the decades have gone by.
  • Operation Northwoods – was a plan developed by US military leaders which formally proposed on March 13th 1962 to kill Americans in a terrorist attack and blame it on Cuba to drum up support for intervention. Think 9/11. JFK rejected this proposal. JFK was assassinated in 1963.
  • US-98XN – also known as Prism, US-98XN was a top-secret NSA program birthed after the attacks of September 11th, 2001, and in operation during the Bush and Obama administration, where the government was given the legal authority to secretly collect intelligence data on US citizens from major tech companies and Internet providers.
  • XKeyscore – another NSA program and tool that allows the NSA to collect nearly everything millions of users do on the Internet; emails, social media, browsing history etc. NSA analysts had full access to all data without the need of prior authorization for searches, which is against the law.


US Interventions since WWII: Bomb attacks, assignations, sabotage, attempted regime changes:


  • China, 1945-1946, 1950-1953
  • Syria, 1949, 2011-2022
  • Korea, 1950-1953
  • Iran, 1953, 1987-1988
  • Guatemala, 1954, 1964, 1967-1969
  • Tibet, 1955-1970s
  • Indonesia, 1958, 1965
  • Cuba, 1959
  • Democratic Republic of Congo, 1961, 1964
  • Vietnam, 1961-1973
  • Brazil, 1964, 2016
  • British Guiana, 1964
  • Laos, 1964-1973
  • Dominican Republic, 1965-1966
  • Peru, 1965
  • Greece, 1967
  • Cambodia, 1969-1970, 1980-1995
  • Chile, 1970-1973
  • Argentina, 1979
  • Angola, 1976-1992
  • Turkey, 1980
  • Poland, 1980-1981
  • El Salvador, 1981-1992
  • Nicaragua, 1981-1990
  • Lebanon, 1982-1984
  • Grenada, 1983-1984
  • Libya, 1986, 1989, 2011
  • Philippines, 1989
  • Panama, 1989-1990
  • Haiti, 1991, 2004
  • Iraq, 1991, 1992-1996, 1998, 2002-2022
  • Kuwait, 1991
  • Somalia, 1992-1994, 2006-2007, 2020
  • Bosnia, 1995
  • Sudan, 1998
  • Afghanistan, 1998, 2001-2022
  • Yugoslavia, 1999
  • Yemen, 2002-2022
  • Honduras, 2009
  • Bolivia, 2019
  • Venezuela, 2019
  • Guyana, 2020


There are plenty of other examples of American imperialism and expansion but let’s move on to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has approved plenty of drugs and treatments to later pull them for the damages and deaths these products caused. These drugs did not come with liability protection like vaccines do. All previous vaccines have taken 5 to 30 years to be approved by the FDA for use while the new COVID19 vaccines were approved for official licensure in less than two years. Did you know that roughly 75% of the FDA’s Drug Review Budget is covered by the for-profit pharmaceutical companies the FDA is tasked with investigating and reviewing? When did conflicts of interest no longer matter? Here is a small list of previous drugs that were approved then pulled from the market:


  • Accutane (Isotretinoin) - on market for 27 years - 1982 to June 2009
    • Increased risk of birth defects, miscarriages, and premature births when used by pregnant women; inflammatory bowel disease; suicidal tendencies
  • Baycol (Cerivastatin) - on market for 3 years - 1998 to Aug. 2001
    • rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle fibers that results in myoglobin being released into the bloodstream) which led to kidney failure; 52 deaths (31 in the US) worldwide; 385 nonfatal cases with most requiring hospitalization; 12 of the deaths were related to taking this drug in combination with gemfibrozil (Lopid)
  • Darvon & Darvocet (Propoxyphene) - on market for 55 years - 1955 to Nov. 19, 2010
    • serious toxicity to the heart; between 1981 and 1999 there were over 2,110 deaths reported
  • Duract (Bromfenac) - on market for 1 year - May 8, July 1997 to June 26, 1998
    • 4 deaths; 8 patients requiring liver transplants; 12 patients with severe liver damage
  • Lotronex (Alosetron) - on market for .8 year - Feb. 9, 2000 to Nov. 28, 2000
    • 49 cases of ischemic colitis (inflammation and injury of the large intestine); 21 cases of severe constipation (10 requiring surgery); 5 deaths; mesenteric ischemia (inflammation and injury of the small intestine)
  • Omniflox (Temafloxacin) - on market for .3 year - Jan. 31, 1992 to June 5, 1992
    • 3 deaths; severe low blood sugar; hemolytic anemia and other blood cell abnormalities; kidney disfunction (half of the cases required renal dialysis); allergic reactions including some causing life-threatening respiratory distress
  • Vioxx (Rofecoxib) - on market for 5.3 years – May 20, 1999 to September 20, 2004
    • Increased risk of heart attack and stroke; linked to tens of thousands of heart attacks and deaths. Merck spent close to $5 billion to settle lawsuits.


Other drugs beyond vaccines have been pulled for way less than what some vaccines have caused. On average 4,500 drugs and devices are recalled yearly even though many of the items are FDA approved. Cigarettes are the cause of 480,000 deaths annually yet cigarettes are FDA approved and allowed to stay on the market. Facing thousands of lawsuits for damages and deaths being caused by vaccines in the 1970s and 1980s the for-profit pharmaceutical companies lobbied Congress, spending millions, to pass the Childhood Vaccine Act of 1986 which shielded these corporations from any and all liability concerning vaccines. Think about this with the currently rushed COVID19 vaccines. The COVID19 vaccines could kill 50% within three years of those who inject themselves with the new experimental medical procedures and these for-profit corporations would face zero liability or criminal charges. What incentive do they have to tell the truth or to conduct legitimate studies?


These pharmaceutical corporations now spend hundreds of millions a year in lobbying politicians. Pfizer spent $13 million for lobbying in 2020 alone. Pfizer was fined in 2009 and ordered to pay $2.3 billion for the largest healthcare fraud in the history of the Department of Justice, but we should absolutely trust everything Pfizer is saying now without question? Are you really ignoring the 36 billion in revenue that Pfizer has collected from their COVID19 vaccine in 2021 as a potential incentive to lie? Pfizer looks to make even more in 2022. This revenue includes a $3.5 billion taxpayer funded contract awarded by the U.S. Army to produce 500 million COVID19 vaccine doses. Why did the U.S. Army need that many doses, enough to inject close to the entire U.S. population multiple times, when the U.S. Army only has roughly one million personnel? The U.S. Army isn’t giving each of their personnel 500 doses.


If vaccines are so safe and effective why are they liability free medical procedures when they can come with a risk of death? It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to initiate and conduct a recall, but if a product is liability free what incentive does the manufacturer have in recalling a dangerous product? If any damages or deaths occur due to a vaccine the individual, or a representative, must petition the government to seek restitutions through a special court which is paid out using taxpayer funds. Since the Childhood Vaccine Act became law over $4.6 billion in taxpayer funds have been paid out to settle petitions protecting the bottom line of these for-profit corporations, this total was before the COVID19 vaccines hit the market. Making a profit while facing no liability for damages and deaths is a slippery slope and has many ethical and moral implications that are being ignored.


In 2019, the then FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, resigned his post and started working for Pfizer’s board of directors. Pfizer’s COVID19 vaccine has now been approved by the FDA for full licensure in record warp speed time. The 2019 to 2021 FDA Commissioner, Stephen Hahn, resigned his post and joined the venture capital firm that launched Moderna, Flagship Pioneering, as their chief medical officer. Moderna has now submitted their application for full FDA approval of their COVID19 vaccine. Moderna board member Dr Moncef Slaoui resigned his post in May 2020 to become the Chief Scientist for the Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.


In 2013, Moderna and AstraZeneca signed a five-year deal to develop mRNA products, as of 2020 only a single product was able to pass their initial Phase 1 trials, yet their liability free vaccine product is perfectly safe and effective? Still people are not questioning the massive conflict of interests going on nor the flawed science being pushed as gospel. The FDA took 108 days to review Pfizer’s COVID19 vaccine application and approve it for licensure, yet for a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request the FDA requested 76 years to release the data found in Pfizer’s application. You read that correct, 76 years before all of the information the FDA reviewed in 108 days would be released to the public. Vaccines should always be a personal decision and never forced or mandated. We will circle back to this topic under the Vaccine section. This is only a small sample of reasons why we should absolutely question every step of government and never take what it says at face value.


My name is Jeffrey Hann and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook|Instagram) and I can be found on Twitter|Instagram|Minds|Steemit|Keybase


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