The Non-Compliance of No - Identifying and Ending The Vaccine Agenda - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #covid193 years ago



Vincent Price can provokes the mind's imagination. Watching the 1964 movie, 'The Last Man on Earth,' I was reminded of how twisted reality can be in an Orwellian world. A wind spread airborne plague infects the world, mutating humans into zombie vampires. Some of these dead zombies create a vaccine to survive in the world, and initiate a reset of humanity. Only one non-vaccinated man exists as a remnant to a world before. Sadly, he too, is killed by the vaccinated zombies, marking an end to humans as they once were.. and the illusive beginning of being safe.

It reminds me of the divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. It seems those with critical thinking are in the hunted minority, as the last ones with common sense.

It seems the virus/vaccine mutates humans into a different entity. I am reminded how the current covid vaccine may alter our DNA, making us a bit more AI friendly models. Wasn't the gene pool corrupted thousands of years ago. That's why we had the great flood...I digress. But what is the Covid Jab vaccines agenda all about?


If they were concerned about new variants, the border would be closed.

We were given exaggerated risk stats of the virus when it started. The truth is that if you are over 70, the covid is more of a risk to your health than the flu. However, if you are under 70, the flu poses a greater risk than any covid strain.

Considering the minimum risk, we did not need to do lockdowns, masks, mass testing or even vaccines. It is absurd society is willing to close down the economy, when Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine reduces symptoms by 90%. Governments and scientific advisors have sold us a filthy lie. . If there is a variant, it is 99.7% chance of being the same as the original one. Only a .3% chance of being different. Sars was 80% similar to Covid and research show that cells recognize the similarities. A 20% difference is not enough to trick the immune system, as it recognizes the virus as being a cousin to that it has already had.


These vaccines are being used to damage our health, and kill in a global mass depopulation effort. The propagated lies, about the delta variant and her Greek sisters, are necessary to sell the sheeple on damaging top off vaccines. With the present vaccine related deaths, they will fabricate the story about a biological threat to push the top off vaccines. The truth is, once you have been infected, you are immune for decades and probably for life.

The vaccines are emergency based, experimental gene therapy. We do not know anything about then and are voluntarily subjecting ourselves as guinea pigs to test them. There is no emergency. Much of this vaccine agenda violates the Nuremburg Code and how we should initiate a Nuremburg 2 over this.

The FDA knew about the side effects of the vaccines as far back as October 22, 2020, as stated in a power point 25 slide internal FDA document. This document would assess the injuries and how they would be reported to the government. modern day polio, death, neurological damage, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, seizures, convulsions, maculopathy, blood clotting, inflammatory diseases and brain swelling, The vaccines are designed to create spiked proteins in your body. These proteins can damage 28 different tissues in your body.

There is a push to give 5 month old babies the shop starting in September. Over 250,000 have reported side effects to the jab.

In addition to depopulation, it is believed they want to sterilize and infertilize without straight out immediately murdering you. The spiked proteins damage sperm and the female organs.


When people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson.

Lockdown is a tern commonly used to control unruly prisoners. It is all about control and obedience to authority. Implementing forced Lockdowns never slow transmission of a virus. Historically, we have never used lockdowns before, as they are not effective. The normal approach is to quarantine the sick, not the healthy, Folks who are not symptomatic are not a threat to anyone. This concept, that you can transmit the virus though you have no symptoms, was invented in 2020. It had never been expressed before.

Masks are also ineffective. IF they were serious about them, folks would be wearing the N95 models. Instead we wear flimsy cloth and paper and some even wear home made bandanas. Also, there has been no emphasis placed on proper mask sanitation and disposal, to limit the spread.

In reality, this Virus is less of a threat than influenza. Viruses find their way quickly inside our cells. In contrast, antibodies reside outside our cells, so they are in different compartments. Antibodies don't necessarily help fight off covid. Our immune system has many components including T cells to fight viruses and do not rely on antibodies at all. The media's emphasis on antibodies is a psychological operation.

The government understand the psychology of the masses and know humans are conditionable. I offer this example. One person who stares up to sky for an extended period, may thought to be crazy. Yet they may attract others in time. When 5 or more chose to stare at the sky, crowds will form. They may not know what they are looking at, but the majority of people are sheep. The powers that run club earth already know this.

Another form of control is through the stomach. If you can control the food supply, you can control the people. Bill Gates owns 1/4 of farmland in America. The governemtns is suggesting there is an excess of food, Farmers are being incentivized to destroy their crops. The government is paying them up to 150% over market value. This will create a food shortage and disease, yet it benefits the tyranny with population reduction and control of the people.

Add to that inflation, poverty, depression, psychological baggage from covid, and supply freeze ups, and there is your real plandemic.



This psychological play book has been used before. Hitler, Mao, Stalin. Simply, divide the people, keeping them in separate groups. It is possible that countries could be divided in half, creating a civil war. Though the worn out divide and conquer strategy, people are weaker to a tyrannical government. They may more easily identify who are the sheep and who will cause problems. The problem people go to reeducation centers or concentration camps. Those who cannot be reeducated, will be eliminated.

Cities offer them an easier means of control. Everyone is contained with the interstates as the fenced border. Depopulation is crucial for them to better control the obsolete and irrelevant human.


If they initiate vaccine passports, we have lost the battle.

Vaccine passport would be better served for yellow fever but not covid. Vaccine passports do not provide you with any safety and don't need to see them at all. They only provide complete control over your movements. This could include shopping malls, sports events, or anywhere that is public. The algorithm will control you the rest of your life. A person may not even be able to use their bank card without the vaccine passport. For example: If you don't bring in your grandchild in for covid vaccination, the vaccine passport of you AND your grandchild will expire.

Sadly, the general public will not be able to control the rules of this, yet be tyrannically subjected to the control of those who rule.



It is unfortunate that university professors will not ever speak out because they would forfeit governmental grant money. They have to pay attention to whose buttering the bread. Even if this evil agenda is overcome, the process is fast destroying the economy.

Only a small amount will chose to speak out about the vaccine tyranny. The government has left many of us alone, not because we are off target on the truth, but because they feel we are ineffective in making a difference. They have already calculated that there would be some minimal resistance. The state run media is in their control and the sheeple are plugged into it. Sadly, these folks may never hear the truth.

Collectively, we need to do something unexpected. We have 50 independent states, Biden cannot put in order that all must be vaccinated. America is much different than across the pond in Europe. In France, they are enforcing the vax agenda to the non vaccinated with 5 months prison term for non-compliance. Thankfully, the people are fighting back.

Just Say No

Big Pharma is in bed with the government and they are pushing the nasty drug. I remember how Nancy Reagan told us in the 1980's to just say no. Her splendid advice is most relevant with this Orwellian governmental agenda. If each of us did this, we could initiate global, unified non-compliance. That is the only way we will overcome their vaccine depopulation agenda.

It is our body and our choice. As for myself, my mama told me long ago do not do drugs. The covid vaccine is a drug that does not belong in my body. We are also have the right to say no for our children.



We already have ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for those who are infected with covid. Ssome folks are even making home-made forms of hydroxychloroquine. We do not need some sleazy experimental gene therapy, masked as jab to infect us with spiked proteins and compromised health. However, if you have already taken the jab, it has been suggested to increase your intake to vitamin C to 10,000 mg a day, magnesium 500 mg a day, and selenium. I personally would add vitamin D and zinc to that list.

This covid plandemic is not a movie. The depopulation war and control of humans is real. If you want to live in the illusion, go watch the movie I started this article with. It is up to us to protect ourselves. The government will not do it for us. I ask each of you to do the following.

Be the unified non-compliant resistance to defuse the evil freedom stealing agenda we face.


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