in #covid193 years ago (edited)


🚨 In the past Citizen physically hung the bankers, doctors, Scientists and Politicians that did Crimes Against the People. Today the rich globalist elite pedophile cannibals have weakened the children and adults with brain damaging vaccines ( even childhood vaccines ).
Their plans to soft-kill as many world citizens as possible with the dangerous DNA altering Gene Therapy Injections labelled as vaccines before they Reset all Global Currencies to the trackable, corrupt Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDC ) & FED coin is moving forward as not enough IPHONE reading Sheeple 🐑🐑🐑are awake.
You must rally people to remove the politicians and leaders that keep passing these Communist Covid Regulations, that is the only way.
They give the orders to businesses, school boards, and hospitals to deny the unvaccinated.
Near the top giving order to kill via vaccines is the Queen of England ( Royal family ), the Vatican and the pedophiles insider the City of London within their vaccine puppets Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, Tedros, Dr Theresa Tam, Dr Bonnie Henry, Biden, Trudeau, Boris, Stephen Colbert, Anderson Cooper, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver and all of Mainstream Media News Channels like CNN, Bloomberg, the Guardian, CNBC, Global News, City TV, Washington Post, CBC ...the FED, Central Banks, BIS, IMF and United Nations...
People must rise up now and fight back the Vaccine Passports, Masking, Vaccine mandates and Quaratine Death Camps or WE ALL DIE like the citizens of Germany when hitler’s army took away their rights one by one, slowly...The rich elites are doing a Global Purge.
We are now in a CIVIL WAR against the Rich Criminal and their big corporations like ANAZON, COSTCO, WALMART ... that run the hospitals, school boards, your police and insurance companies...STAND UP FOR YOUR CHILDREN & FAMILY...voice your decision, use lawyers to fight back these Communist Covid Restrictions...while food is still in stores and our body is strong, FIGHT BACK NOW...once they pick us off, one by one using the Cancer causing vaccines, there may be no one left to fight back...doing rounds of your City Halls, Government Buildings, Politicians Homes would be a start.
Your leaders brought in hundreds of thousands of fake refugees and illegal to replace you, they paid Antifa Terrorists and the BLACK LIVES MATTER groups to burn and loot your cities and you just stood by. Your child raping politicians told you to suffocate yourselves with masks, YOU COMPLIED...they ordered you to Social Distance, YOU COMPLIED...they ordered you to get blood clotting vaccines that caused Heart Attacks, Brain Strokes, Erectile Dysfunction, and Infertility, YOU COMPLIED...they want to TAX those who chose not to take brain damaging vaccines, you complied...they told you that they will NOT treat unvaccinated people infected by the vaccinated people who are shedding the Covid spike proteins from their vaccines, you will comply...they told you that the unvaccinated are not allowed in liquor or marijuana stores, YOU COMPLIED...they told you to LOCK DOWN so that you would not be able to get the life supporting Vitamin D from the sunshine or gather with your friends so you could not chat among yourselves and eventually find out that the Pandemic was a big Vaccine Selling Scheme to REDUCE world population numbers, YOU COMPLIED...they take away your Health Insurance cause you refused their deadly vaccines, you WILL COMPLY...they will MANDATE the invasive Nasal Swabbing that infects the nose with attached Graphene Oxide, mandate Toxic Vaccines, Mandate the kidnapping of the Unvaccinated into Quarantine Death Camps, YOU WILL COMPLY....when the corrupt police & doctors kidnap your family to be never seen again, WILL YOU FUCKIN COMPLY THEN?
FUCK YOU - Biden, Trudeau, Boris, lizard Queen of England and the Pedophile Pope and his men at the Vatican and those child eaters inside the City of London within London.
Remember, the false inflated Covid numbers reported by corrupt Fact-checking sites, Mainstream news and the greedy CDC & W.H.O. are lies to give you more fear so you would run to get their poisonous vaccines.
The last place you would want to send any family member is into a Killing Hospital funded by the big Drug & Vaccine Companies...every patient that enter is counted as a COVID PATIENT even if they ended up in the hospitals due to a car accident. Hospitals receive big bonuses for each patient counted as a Covid patient. According to nurses, over 90% of Covid patients inside hospitals are Fully Vaccinated but the hospitals need to blame the overwhelming hospitals upon the Unvaccinated to boost fear and hide the huge amount of understaffing cause by their firing of Unvaccinated Nurses & Doctors. The new Covid patients are withheld the Covid CURES of Hydrochloroquine + ZINC protocol or the drug Ivermectin used for years to treat the Lupus disease and Antimalarial patients. These two cures were available at the start of this manufactured Pandemic but the vaccine selling CDC & Dr FAUCI banned these cures in favour of the vaccine bio-weapon $$$. So the poor Covid patients were left on their bed with NO TREATMENT until they slowly began to die, then these patients were stuck into LUNG DAMAGING ventilators to SPEED UP DEATH...once these so called Covid patients were murdered by the Doctors & Nurses at the hospital, the corrupt doctors wrote out the edited Death Certificates labelling the murdered patient of dying from their co-morbidities instead of killed by non-treatment & ventilator death. This my friends is how they boost the Covid and Death numbers to fool the public into getting vaccinated.
My friends and family take the following supplements to easily fight of any virus that Bill Gates, the CDC, Dr FAUCI and the bad part of the military releases into the public.
As most people will contract the dangerous Spike Protein virus from a vaccinated person shedding the virus, you just need to know how to fight the virus and prevent from going to a KILLERS’ HOSPITAL...
I give my family the supplements of Vitamins C, D, A & K2 plus ZINC to boost their immune.
When they catch Dr Fauci’s virus, I give them the added CHAGA MUSHROOM TEA ( easier to breathe ), ELDERBERRY SYRUP ( loosen the phlegm from the lung to bring out the virus ), QUERCETIN and NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine ) ...
Your natural immune system is 27% better than any toxic Covid vaccine protection but you also need to have:
#1 Adequate Sleep ( be in bed by 9:30 PM as your body repairs all it’s cells between 11:00 PM to 2:09 AM )
#2 Adequate water ( 8 to 10 full cups of water, NOT COFFEE, JUICE or SOFT DRINKS )
#3 exercise to keep weight at healthy number ( obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes ) is a co-morbidity for dying when you catch Covid
#4 Get Out into the Sunshine, the essential to make your natural vitamin D, from the sun’s rays is important to keep everything in your body running perfectly to kick out Cancer growth created by vaccine ingredients plus to boost your immune system.
#5 Eat foods raw when possible as long cooking kills the nutrients, I mean for vegetables. Cook your meat. Reduce the carbohydrates as these create dental cavities and obesity leading to Type 2 Diabetes. Most people who have Type 1 Diabetes either got it from a childhood vaccine or if their mother had vaccines during the pregnancy.
Type 2 Diabetes is easy to Cure but your greedy doctor who only wants to sell expensive insulin to you, will never tell you how to cure your Diabetes or they will run out of customers.
Same with Cancer the cures were available long ago but hidden by the medical industries so that they could sell you their expensive and deadly Cancer Treatments.
Beware, never sign an Organ Donation form or card. If you do and get into an accident, the hospitals is less likely to try their best to save you as a dead body is worth more in organ sales than a live one. They may harvest the human organs from you while you are ALIVE and sometime without pain killers...
All hospitals are BUSINESSES, money comes first ☠️💉☠️
Never allow the doctor to give your family the Dr Fauci Remdesivir drug, this drug destroys all your organs, starting with the kidneys. Remdesivir is Dr Fauci’s own profit making drug.
You can make you own natural Hydrochloroquine at home, just Google it...Oranges & Grapefruit skins ...
By saying that they want to get COVID numbers down to ZERO is a joke, we’ve never gotten the manufactured Seasonal Flu down to Zero so what make them convince you that the highly contagious Covid can be stomped out when they keep injecting entire strands of the Covid virus into patients by vaccines.
Those on control want more control and profits from freaking you out with the high numbers of vaccinated people with Covid.
The heathy unvaccinated are used as scapegoats to hide the truth that it is the vaccinated that is catching Covid from their vaccines and manufacturing the new variant viruses inside their body then shedding these viruses to others.
The goal of the Globalist Elite Pedophiles that also congregate in Charlotte, North Carolina is to RESET all the Global Fiat Currencies into their corrupt, TRACKABLE Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDC )?
Every few decades those pedophiles in control will trigger a war using the lying mainstream media, then blame the war for the stocks crashing to zero then bringing out a new currency. This time with Trump, the Satanic Democrats were not able to start a war without the public’s approval so a Pandemic was manufactured using CDC funding for Dr Fauci’s Gain of Function experiments on BATS to make an animal virus easily jump to human cells.
With the Pandemic they could scare citizens into agreeing to lockdown due to manufactured fear of virus, then the lockdowns were used to kill small businesses and siphon all the free flowing paper cash from the stores back to the corrupt banks. That way they could take away the freedom from the people who held non-trackable CASH. When the new TRACKABLE money CBDC ( digital fiat ) comes out, it may be easily adopted since PAPER CASH is taken out.
To hedge against the Biden created hyperinflation and food shortages created by his Covid restrictions on Truckers and Shipping companies, I have purchased some Physical Gold & Silver. Got me some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin & Digibyte but also grabbed some blue chip crypto like Polkadot, Chainlink, Phantasma, Solana, Loopring, Ethereum, Tezos, and I especially love Polygon ( Matic )...I will buy some Stellar as it will make money but will keep this XLM in a separate wallet as it like XRP is the coins controlled by the Pedophile Elites, just as EOS. Both XRP & Stellar are coins with trackers so keep them and the other satanic coins in separate wallets from the rest.
Beware of Facebook’s META METAVERSE and it’s DIEM coin, formerly LIBRA...stay away...Zuckman had names changed to get away from data harvesting crimes against the people...the META metaverse is BAD...
If you didn’t already know most school boards in Canada & the U.S. are controlled by the child eating rapist Elites. Many have ordered their corrupt school nurses to inject the deadly Covid vaccines that damages the reproductive organs ( infertility ) of your school aged kids so beware. Pull your kids out of those school or fight back by protesting or bringing in lawyers. School have been told to lie to parents...
Since school went online using ZOOM, parents at home quickly realized that their young kids were being brainwashed by their communist teacher that taught in MARXIST thinkings... this is done on most universities that is why your kids think a certain way when they finish University or Colleges taught by communist thinking teachers.
The heads in the satanic pyramid of elites like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Royal Family at least the real individuals, not their doubles are in hiding right now as citizens search to hang or make this group of families that rape, abuse and murder children, face their Crimes Against Humanity in killing global citizens with dirty vaccines to cut down the numbers of people who bought into the Climate Change lie that will be used to take away more tax money, your rights and freedoms in the name of a climate change that happens naturally for the worse every few hundred centuries. The small amount of carbon produced by cars and factories DO NOT make a dent in the Climate Changes that will happen for the worse whether you ride your car or not.
It is your lying fact-checkers and mainstream news that are making up stories to convince all the uneducated sheeple to believe that there is no cure for Cancer, Diabetes, or Covid...and that You Caused this Climate change when in reality your governments military’s HAARP WEATHER MACHINE and Bill Gates using aircrafts to spray the sky with chemtrails ( not contrails ) that has mixed the weather for the WORSE ...

Without your protective firearms you will not be able to fight off the corrupt doctors and their deadly vaccines with cop in tow. You will not be able to defend your home from the BLM & Antifa Terrorists funded by the Cult of Islam and rich elite JEW George SOROS as Biden lets in hundred of thousand of infected illegals and fake refugees plus criminals & rapists through your open borders, Trudeau in Canada is doing the same. The rich pedophile elite chose the Cult of Islam to be the only religion to exist on earth because of the Pedophilia allowed inside their SHARIA LAW, remembering that most school boards in your country is allowing ISLAM to be taught inside your schools.
The government’s fear of your mighty guns is the only thing stopping them from rounding up every citizens and poisoning them with the brain damaging Covid vaccines that causes Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction and Dementia in time.
Fight back while you are still strong and your numbers are bigger than the cops that defend the child raping Globalist Elite cannibals that control your leaders. Thinking I need the home addresses of all the corrupt politicians, Doctors, nurses, and vaccine companies...Vatican with their secret hidden library of cures and high technologies

As the food shortages increase due to Biden’s Communist Vaccine mandates and regulations, stock up on Toilet Paper, Non-GMO seeds to grow your own food, extra clean water for when they shut off the electricity, extra winter blankets, electric generators, extra batteries and even flashlights or solar lamps

Beware of using Facebook, WECHAT and WhatsApp all tracking data. I use the SIGNAL MESSENGER


Vaccines causes Cancer

Vaccines causes severe Illnesses, Infertility and Autoimmune Diseases

Vaccines causes Heart Attacks, Brain Strokes and Death


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