Comedian BILL MAHER caught the COVID19 virus even after he was FULLY VACCINATED

in #covid194 years ago


Elite comedian Bill Maher still caught the covid19 virus even after having his 2 doses of toxic cancer causing covid19 vaccines.
YES, these brain damaging vaccines promoted by corrupt Dr Fauci and Communist Biden DO NOT protect you from catching the Covid19 Virus that escaped/released from the CDC Lab in Wuhan, China where Dr. Fauci did his 'gain of function' bat studies under the watchful eye of then former President Obama.
The covid19 vaccines, many of which were funding with money from former microsoft man Bill Gates for the VIRUS he had created in a CDC lab in North Carolina then shipping to the CDC LAB in Wuhan, China...these vaccine do not prevent you from catching the GATES' virus but they do give you slow developing brain damage, blood clots that that lead to heart attacks, brain strokes and brain bleeds, serious skin rashes, paralysis in the face or body, anaphylactic reactions to food, brain damage that can lead to instant Alzheimer's disease or Dementia, infertility in woman when the chemical in the vaccines causes OVARIAN FAILURE ( population reduction throught sterilization drugs in vaccines ), vaccine chemicals block the Cancer protection of your cells leading many to develop BLOOD CANCER ( LEUKEMIA cancer ) down the road, full body convulsions, terrible migraines, permanent arm pain due to needle placed in wrong area of the arm when being injected...these are just a few of the side effect listed on the vaccine paper insert that comes with every vaccine bottle.
If you or your family member dies or is seriously injured after their vaccines ( side effects may occur in the hours, days, week and even months after the vaccine - slow kill bio-weapon ), you can NOT sue the vaccine and drug manufacturers that help the GERMAN NAZI's produce the deadly gases used in the concentration death camps to kill citizens during the HOLOCAUST....yes these corrupt and evil drug & vaccine companies are NOT LIABLE for any death or damage cause by their unapproved, experimental vaccines.
By the way, the Gardasil HPV Vaccines for your children also contains the INFERTILITY DRUGS that causes ovarian failure.
PLEASE REPORT ANY VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS even symptoms of AUTISM in your otherwise healthy family member after they were vaccinated to the VACCINE ADVERSE EFFECT REPORT SYSTEM ( VAERS ) so that there is a record of the vaccine death or injury.
There may be a chance that you are able to go to VACCINE COURT to prove your case, but many vaccine injured are given a hard time and denied compensation for lack of proof so be sure to take photos and videos of your healthy family member's activities and speech, before and the hours, weeks, months after their vaccine to hold proof of vaccine damage.
Remember that many of the late night talk show host like Anderson Cooper, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmy plus the CDC, W.H.O., NATO, United Nations, Biden, Cuomo, Trudeau, Boris, most of the Mainstream Media ( FAKE NEWS CHANNELS ) and the controlled social media like LINKED-IN, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube, Google, Reddit, Patreon, Chimp Mail, Twitch, and Instagram are all working under the Rich Elite Families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, Bushes, Obamas who are controlled by the Queen of England, Vatican, those inside the City of London within London to REDUCE WORLD POPULATIONS with the Cancer Causing covid19 vaccines that turns your body into a Spike Protein Virus producing factory where you can shed these dangerous viruses to everyone around you for up to 90 or more days, allowing this manufactured pandemic to continue as the elites like Elon Musk helps the rich pedophiles in power like Nancy Pelosi to coverup the Financial Collapse and Fiat Dollar Global Currency Reset before the trackable and corrupt Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDC ) are released after they rob all your bank accounts, devalue your money maybe by 50% or more and switch it over to the new CBDC, they elites that own both the banks, big box stores and the mainstream media plus the vaccine companies may not allow you to withdrawal their new CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES unless you've taken their deadly brain damaging vaccines that kill over time.
That is why their mainstream media is trying to convince you to get the vaccination card/passport to stay safe as they implement regulations that may restrict entry to all stores that you purchase your food from, if you do not show your VACCINE CARD.
If you hadn't notice both Trudeau of Canada and Biden of the U.S. is under the control of the COMMUNIST party, their plan is to use this manufactured pandemic to extend lockdown to increase fear so everyone takes their deadly vaccines that lowers your I.Q. so you will easily accept all corrupt communist regulations that they blast out using the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
I prey the masses around the world find out how doctors in hospitals are intentionally killing COVID19 patients with lung damaging ventilators & drug overdosing in order to boost the Death Toll numbers. Hospitals are labelling every patients that dies as a COVID19 patient even if that patient tested negative and only died from a car accident.

HOW THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, THE VATICAN AND THOSE WITHIN THE CITY OF LONDON, WITHIN LONDON PLUS THEIR PEDOPHILE PUPPETS, THE ROTHSCHILDS, ROCKEFELLERS, CLINTONS, BUSHES, OBAMAS, OPRAH, BIDEN, TRUDEAU, CUOMO plans to erase us in order to bring into every country undocumented illegals from mostly Muslim Countries to replace us as the pedophile child trafficking elite that control the vaccine and drug companies and mainstream media plus most centralized social media plans to ERASE most of us before they collapse the Financials System to RESET all Gobal Currencies to the trackable, corrupt CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES ( CBDC ), FED COIN and Facebook's DIEM STABLE COIN.

Beware that all your doctors have become Vaccine Shills for their Elite masters, do not trust anything they say in regards to the deadly unapproved experimental covid19 vaccines that they promote along with the lying mainstream media ( FAKE NEWS MEDIA )... CENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN, Youtube, Patreon, Reddit, Patreon, Twitch, Whatsapp, Pinterest that block the truth about Cancer, Diabetes and the Covid19 Pandemic plus brain damaging Vaccines by shadowing banning and terminating users' accounts that posts the Truth.

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