Evidence of the arrogant and their obvious tactics. When will people realize those in western medicine were trained by a Carnegie and Rockefeller foundation? So an Oil Tycoon known to make money on the Synthetic rather than the natural.
I would say there is a Very Big reason it has been referred to throughout the ages as Snake Oil!
More verified hoodwinked info and how people pretend to be one thing, but enjoy shooting their mouths off showing something completely different from what they wish to portray on their own page.
Are they fronts? Are they working for David Brock's Soros paid Shareblue Media and Media Matters?
You decide!
This is a post from a self professed liberal,
So clearly when someone stands up for themselves, the brainwashed go at it, even though They are the Ones who only listen to the Mainstream Narrative and don't seek information on their own outside of their "Approved Gatekeepers!"
They continue to demonstrate their only way forward, rather than show evidence and facts is name calling when those of us who Think for ourselves and Research for ourselves Do use Facts. They get irate, then attempt to belittle and name call. This has been their MO for years.
Apparently an opposing point of view puts these irate in a state of frenzy, where they can't handle it due to their obvious cognitive dissonance!
Because after I put this. ..
And this,
Footage of Mika stating this
She has her numbers mixed up and clearly doesn't look at the Worldometer nor what Dr. Rashid Buttar and others the MSM tries to silence has to say. These voice pieces that parrot out what their corporate owned media tells them Never even Look at another side as they are so singularly focused. Sad.
Wow. . .pretty arrogant too!
Is it founded?
You decide!
More proof from Fine Warrior Delia Cantu on what wearing a Silencer does!
Songbird Trailer
This is all very interesting for the Crystal poster as this is what is on her page,
Don't worry! Many of us stay as Far away from the Militant in these hospitals as possible!
Yet More Proof why they are detrimental!
Wonder if she is aware of what all has occured at Twentynine Palms?
Just to be clear. ..movies are generally tells, tales of quite a lot of reality already occurring!
What Really LIES Beneath?
Those who claim it doesn't exist. ..this is from The Modern War Institute USMA.edu
“Sir, what do you want us to do about the tunnel?” one of my squad leaders asked. We were conducting platoon attacks at the massive Range 220 complex at the Marine Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California as part of a training exercise in 2017. Nowhere in my training had tunnels come up or been addressed as a tactical problem.
“Seal it, post security, and we’ll deal with it later,” I replied, an answer that not only seemed best for my platoon at the time, but also sums up the US military’s response to tunnels and subterranean warfare over the last century. We were able to clear our lane successfully and I was proud of how the platoon preformed. But, the tunnel nagged at me. Was there a right answer, or even a good answer?
The Marine Corps has no clear or developed doctrine or training for dealing with underground facilities. The Army published its first doctrinal publication related to subterranean warfare in November 2017, Small Unit Training in Subterranean Environments. But one of the best descriptions of subterranean warfare comes from the world of fiction—the hypothetical scenario in Max Brooks’s World War Z, a novel set in a future where small paramilitary units are fighting a zombie infestation in the catacombs beneath Paris. The US Army Asymmetric Warfare Group has produced two good handbooks—the Subterranean Warfare Handbook and the Subterranean Operations Handbook—which start to address subterranean warfare, but both fall short of establishing either a subterranean doctrine or comprehensive set of tactics, techniques, and procedures. Aside from these publications, there are also a scattering of theses and dissertations from military researchers and case studies of underground warfare. Taken as a whole, though, the sum of work the military has put into studying subterranean warfare pales in comparison to what is needed. We, as a Marine Corps, need to develop doctrine and a method for fighting underground and train our Marines to win in subterranean warfare.
Underground facilities are a near constant in asymmetric warfare. As a 2007 Marine Corps Gazette article by William Birdzell, “Overcoming Enemy Counters to Combined Arms,” put it:
Tunnel systems and irregular urban warfare are essentially advanced methods of cover and concealment. Given that the mission of the infantry is to “locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver,” if the enemy can prevent us from locating him or closing with him, it will be nearly impossible for us to destroy him.
An Air Force officer put it even more succinctly: “Subterranean warfare may be the answer for the enemies of the United States.” For much of the era of manned flight, combatants have consistently gone underground in the face of enemy air superiority—either in strike capability or reconnaissance.
US forces have faced challenges posed by subterranean warfare before. Marines fought underground opponents on the islands of Tarawa, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Soldiers and Marines battled entrenched and underground Chinese troops in Korea. In Vietnam, the 173rd Airborne Division encountered thousands of tunnels stretching hundreds of miles from the outskirts of Saigon to the Cambodian border. In Operation Desert Storm, the Air Force deemed underground Iraqi bunkers the most secure places in the country. In Afghanistan the last hideout of al-Qaeda was a cave-and-tunnel complex in Tora Bora. But those experiences have mostly come far from cities. We’ve been spared from inclusion in most major historical cases of subterranean warfare in urban environments—in places like Stalingrad, Hue, or the Warsaw Ghetto. We’ve never had to deal with a subterranean layer in a major city like the subways under New York City or London, the catacombs and quarries under Paris and Rome, or the PATHS network under Toronto, all daunting threat environments. Clearing Mosul, with a prewar population of only seven hundred thousand and no significant prewar subterranean networks, took nearly nine months. Adding an underground layer onto that operation would have made it substantially more complex and time-consuming.
We need to understand that any type of terrain can have a subterranean component. It is not just an urban problem; in fact, historically, our military has faced far more tunnel networks in jungles, mountains and rural areas than urban environments.
Our enemies can and do leverage underground facilities across all six of the warfighting functions, using tunnels and underground storage to protect their forces and serve as logistics hubs. Tunnel systems have been used to maneuver forces to attack above-ground objectives from the tactical level and the strategic level. North Korea constructed tunnels across the DMZ that would have been able to move ten thousand troops an hour across the border in to South Korea. At the siege of Petersburg in the Civil War and in the Battle of Messines Ridge in World War I, units used tunnels to undermine enemy positions and detonate massive amounts of ordnance underneath them, effectively applying subterranean fires on surface targets. To fully appreciate the value that tunnels and underground facilities can provide our enemies we need only to look at history.
An Underground Warfare School
After redefining subterranean warfare, we need to develop a school that can train Marines, soldiers or both how to fight underground and offers courses built around a comprehensive subterranean-focused doctrinal publication. Leading voices in the Army have argued for the creation of a “megacities combat unit,” trained at a special school. The Marine Corps has neither the money nor the manpower for that level of specialization; what we need are skills that we can distribute throughout the force. We should start by creating a “Subterranean Leader” designation, given to those who successfully complete training at the subterranean warfare school.
The school should not be limited to individuals; it should also be capable of training whole units as well. Together, the individual and unit training will establish a breadth and depth of knowledge across the force. A similar “Leader”-centric model works well at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center. Another option is to incorporate a significant subterranean portion into the curriculum of a Joint Close Combat School that has been proposed and discussed elsewhere.
The Corps also already has a fifteen-day Urban Leader Course and an Advanced Urban Combat Course, run by the 1st Marine Division in Camp Pendleton and Security Forces Battalion in Chesapeake, Virginia, respectively, which could serve as introductory courses or primers for a longer, weeks-long course. Army schools—like the 10th Mountain Division’s Urban Combat Leaders Course—use similar models.
The course would start with a thorough definition of the subterranean domain and a framing of the problem for our forces. Next, the course would provide an overview of the history of subterranean warfare, from the siege of the Roman fortress of Dura Europos to karez clearing in Afghanistan—carefully considering all of the case studies in the same analytical framework. It is vital that we look at subterranean warfare as a comprehensive concept, not isolated and disparate cases.
See more in here,
More evidence here, fully sourced,
This was nothing short of disgusting!
Interesting! After giving Crystal some Real Science and Math she came back trying to justify her side and got furious when she couldn't win the argument. You can tell when they get riled up because they start cussing and attempt to belittle while name calling. So exact Same MO.
Well, I didn't want to send her into tilt mode, but. ..the truth is out there.
Go #KateDaley https://www.bitchute.com/video/tYXyCA6Ofy9q/
From the video Crystal does not allow herself to watch because it might oppose the controllers approved info. . .The lady who bought JFKjr.'s great aunt and 2nd cousins house. . .Grey Gardens. ...Ever heard of it? I guess it was a cult classic way back when, books and movies can be purchased still on Amazon. Anyhow, it was Sally Quinn who purchased it. Do you know who she was, who her father was? Who her husband was? How about the Hex?
So her father was an intelligence officer?
You decide!
So you tell me as I have been told by one who deems herself an "educator" I am ignorant. . .so I rely on You all to help me out. . .do they Play Both Sides? The establishment, the rich, the money, the High Society? Please tell me as you need to be the ones to decide!
Acts 7:6
“And God spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years.”
I Chronicles 29:15
For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.
Job 19:15
They that dwell in mine house, and my maids, count me for a stranger: I am an alien in their sight.
Psalms 69:8
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.
Sure makes you wonder if it was Cuomo and now the "powers that be" don't want people to find out because he has been Proven to be a Harasser, plus he placed the nursing home population Back into the nursing homes After being instructed Not To by CDC guidelines proving these people don't even follow their Own/Owned protocols yet they try to preach at us. Lots of "virtue signalers."
This article appears in the September 2017 issue of Washingtonian.
They didn't dwell much on These Facts. . .
Sally Quinn was born in Savannah, Georgia, to Lt. General William Wilson "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (November 1, 1907 – September 11, 2000) and his wife, Sara Bette Williams (January 27, 1918 – September 26, 2004).
Both are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Quinn has two siblings—Donna of Oakland, California, and William Jr. of Phoenix, Arizona.
Her father was an infantry officer who also served as an intelligence officer and played a key role in the transition of the United States' intelligence service from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
- As a US Army colonel in World War II, he helped coordinate the invasion of southern France in 1944 and captured Hermann Göring.
Though he was not present, his regiment liberated Dachau concentration camp; he arrived the next day, when he heard the news. From 1964 to 1966, he commanded the Seventh Army in Germany. Quinn wrote about his career in an autobiography, Buffalo Bill Remembers.
- For many years, the Quinns lived on Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C., where Bette Quinn was known for her cooking and entertaining.
So her mother had already modeled what Sally ending up doing and taking to the Next level?
- She recalled her mother putting hexes on two people who later died. She further described performing hex magic herself on three people, two of whom died shortly after.
See evidence here,
From USA Today,
Sally Quinn has cast 3 hexes, and worries they worked
All of That to show Why I find it just a little More Than Concerning that Sally Quinn used Anthony Fauci as her Hero in one of her books from the early 1990's.
Now this was all laid out Quite a bit quicker in my vid Crystal tries to slam because of the Platform it is on. Notice no consideration or checking out of the verified sources that back it up. Take Note, that is the MO of someone who wants to Force, rather than allow people to view info and decide, disCERN for themselves what the truth is because we Don't Agree with Mika. . .whose father BTW was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as adviser to both Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter. So you see these people are Placed and Networked in with the ruling Elite class!
So here is the video for those who can sneak a peak when their Overlords aren't surveilling them ; )
It's under 13 min. with a lot of verified tells and source links!
Note when I first dropped this video after gathering the research and creating it. . .it was called Wizards and Warlocks for a Reason! I changed the name trying to keep the Overlords and Gatekeepers from YT from removing it. It is logged on Bitchute because Bitchute is Non Censoring!
Why shouldn't you be able to see all of the information?
How are these people So Arrogant as to tell YOU what you can or cannot view?
That is a Massive Tell if you ask me!
From 6.24.2021
Facebook Frames **What happened when people questioned the narrative back in JFK's time after 11.22.1963?
Who was Sally Quinn and what did her father do?
Why did she use Fauci as her Erotic Hero in her Best Seller in 1991?
Who was Sally Quinn's husband and what Newspaper was he at the head of?
Are All of these Players connected?
FB Post with Crystal's bashing of anyone who won't heel and submit!
Done on Nov. 4.2021
Facebook Frames Plum Island- how many are there? Super Prison for deadly animal diseases? Can they affect us? Some seem to think so concerning what everyone is Fearful of Right Now!
Facebook Frames Biowarfare history from Fort Detrick located in Maryland close to D.C. and the Truth about Dr. Fauci from a Medical Researcher with a PhD.
A word about Military Code Jusitce 11.3 and 11.4
It is the duty of the military to Protect the Constitution and the Republic
Then as safely, quickly as possible Once the Constitution of Union States is protected, then as quickly as
possible to restore lawful civilian authorities to control of the government.
In this case, because the election outcome is a knowable thing, instead of being required to have another election. ..the data didn't go anywhere.
The data is clear enough to tell Exactly
- how the vote was cooked
- where it was cooked
- who was involved by using the Dominion System and other mechanisms
Once it's determined that the vote would have gone the other way, did in Fact go the other way based on the correct analysis of the voter information, then there's no reason for another election.
Another elections would be inappropriate.
If you Know what the original outcome of the election was Before the interference,
then you go to the correct outcome.
Most people know, knew, have known the whole time who really won.
A lawful Civilian Authority being restored to power in the government, would mean our true
Commander and Chief of the military being recognized as the leader and president.
So our true Commander and Chief must be restored to his position in his role,
then the military looks to him to begin the process of restoring lawful leaders to positions of authority in said government.
Both by installing correct people, who may have won and/or have been denied
or removing people who had some involvement in the cooked vote.
In the extent that those persons could be identified through
- communications
- interactions
- assistance
- collusion
then the president could participate, supervise in having those persons taken into custody.
If the policing authorities, the justice department, policing agencies, federal agencies were operating in a captured operation mode, then the Only Alternative would be for the president to turn to the military
because it is an Act of Sedition, Treason, Traitors interaction with foreign entities in order to cook our election.
Military arrests would be appropriate in this kind of situation.
There could be federal agencies involved also with arrests.
This is a Digital Pearl Harbor.
War by another means which is why General Flynn referred to it as an Insurgency and Irregular Warfare!
The people involved who did this against us, in many cases are alleged allies, NATO partners who were involved in this digital the^t of the vote.
Many here in the intelligence agencies who assisted or participated in working through the mechanisms to do this.
In addition. . .the cancel culture where you're not allowed to even speak about what happened.
Which is designed so the nefarious don't have to culpable as the attempt to censor and silence those talking about what actually happened.
It is a way to protect the fraudsters along with their theft and fraud.
We were under attack
our v's were flipped, perverted
so that someone who was not the choice of the American people could be instilled.
This was so they could turn the course of the country in the direction that the American people didn't want nor v for.
Comprises the very definition of treasonous, traitorous, sedition activity.
Will this be stopped and put back on track?
Does the military have the knowledge of those involved directly?
The first step is to secure the safety of the country, the contract between the people and the government.
This contract is what gives the government Any Validity to Exist at all!
If the government isn't honoring the constitution [the contract with the people]
it doesn't have a legitimate right to exist!
We don't work for the government. . .the government Works for US!
Next is to protect us from foreign entities that might still be a threat.