Leading causes of death in 2020.
2020 suicides? Down 5.5% from 2019.
Despite all the predictions of a wave of suicides due to loneliness and isolation, suicides last year were at a five year LOW. My guess is the generous and rapid unemployment compensation boosts (where some low-wage workers on UI were making more than their full-time jobs paid) prevented the worst impacts from unemployment.
There was an increase of 19k (+11%) in unintentional injuries, presumably opioid overdoses.
Contrary to the narrative of a surge in deaths from delayed care because people were afraid to go to hospitals, cancer deaths were flat. That effect must be small or even undetectable.
Several of the high-risk comorbidities for COVID-19 showed increases, that's likely where much of the undercount went. (Excess deaths are up more than the COVID confirmed deaths, they're mostly missed COVID cases tallied as stroke, diabetes, heart disease or Alzheimer's.)
Good to finally have some hard numbers after a year of speculation and predictions.