COVID vs FLU - Five reasons why COVID is more contagious.
Most people know that covid-19 has been statistically and scientifically proven to be more contagious than the regular a or b influenza, but why?
Here are the facts as to why covid-19 is way more contagious.
- Covid-19 virus particles can last airborne for longer than influenza.
- Longer incubation periods
- It’s looking as though flu antibodies may last longer than covid
- No massive inoculation for covid like we have for the flu (currently, although it looks like we will hit similar vaccination rates by this summer/fall as the flu now that the market has produced so many safe and effective vaccines that will stop the spread whereas the flu vaccine is already at normal saturation.)
- Covid is more contagious during asymptomatic transmission than influenza a/b. It’s harder to tell when someone is as contagious as with the flu (comes back to #2 above)
There is plenty of empirical and statistical evidence today that shows why covid is more contagious than influenza a and b. There is no evidence that shows influenza a/b being more contagious than covid. In fact just the opposite, all the evidence shows that the flu is much less contagious than covid-19. Facts!