Anarcho Rebel Connection Report 2020-12-04

in #covid4 years ago

Anarcho Rebel Connection

​ by Snake Plissken

Friday 4th December 2020

Monday 14th November 2020

CoVID News Update

CSL is to begin manufacturing the Oxford University UK, which is being jointly done with the University of Queensland and AstraZeneca.

The concern is that the clinical trials have not yet been completed, and no reports handed down as yet. This is a big risk raised by Professor Cunningham in relation to the logistics of the Pfizer product.

More details can be found here

Channel 9 was showing the latest in technology in the Covid War. Check it out. The arm band tracker. It tracks some of your vital signs, and send the data back to the hospital where staff monitor your condition, and if you deteriorate, they send a nurse out to your home. How great is that.

They report that they would like to add more features to the device like ECG monitoring and GPS tracking, yay! More info here

Futurism Signalling from the Elite – World Economic Forum

Check out what the World Economic Forum is pushing out. But don’t worry, it is just a scenario, published on the WEF website, written by Ida Auken, an MP from Denmark.
​ In this article she details how good it is to not own anything, not even that apartment she lives in, and how it is shared out when she is not there, the living room is used for business meetings, whilst she is not there. When travel is required, a driver-less car is called, and for longer distances, a flying car was utilised?
​ Clean energy has driven down the price of energy, and everything you need from transportation, accomodation, and food and all things needed in life are accessible.
​ You don’t own anything, clothes, appliances, car, home. One by one, all these things became FREE!!!
​ Nothing is for free my friend.
​ I wonder if Klaus Martin Schwab would like to share out his possessions, or Christine Le Guarde, or Bill Gates? I am sure these lovely people would be willing to share out their possessions.
​ The full article from the WEF website can be found here

Aussie Politician who rejects the Great Reset Agenda

One of our politicians in the Federal Senate, controversial Pauline Hanson moved a Notice of Motion to reject the WEF’s proposed “great reset”. In the motion she urges the Australian Government led by ScoLo and the Coalition Party to boycott all future World Economic Forum events in protest of their “Great Reset” agenda.
​ At least one of our political representatives has not been bought and in the hands of the elites.
​ Her media release can be found here

2020-11-12 PaulineHanson-RejectGreatResetAgenda.png


Another article on the WeForum website, is ‘how to harness the top 10 emerging tech of 2020 for good’

This article lays out the top 10 tech for 2020, which includes the following:
​ - microneedle patches for painless injections and tests?
​ - Sun powered chemistry
​ - Virtual patients
​ - Spatial computing
​ - Digital medicine
​ - Electric aviation
​ - Lower carbon cement
​ - Quantum sensing
​ - Green hydrogen
​ - Whole genome synthesis

Key thing to take from this is, they say, there is no guarantee all this tech will be used for good. Disruption form this technology can be positive and negative.

The whole article can be found here

And more detail on the top 10 emerging technologies can be found here

YouTube went down Thursday 12th November 2020

Apparently YouTube went down today? Could the internet be next?

Apparently it was a worldwide outage. I checked the outage report and you definitely see a spike in reports of YouTube being down, and it is all over twitter, but it seems to be back on line now.

2020-11-12 YouTubeOutageReport.png

2020-11-12 YouTubeDown.png

Friday 4th December 2020

Welly welly well, what a crazy month November was!

###US Election

Biden ends up becomes walking Dead Prez Elect. Even ater all the Hunter Biden laptop leaks all over the web! Trumps says he will commence the handover. But things have been too quiet. Maybe this thing is not over after the Guilliani press conference. There are mad claims corruption, so we will see where the court cases end up.

South Australian Lock Up – “The circuit breaker”

Timeline breakdown below:

###Wednesday 18th November 2020

It was announced on Wednesday 18th November 2020, South Australia would go into lockdown, the whole state after an ‘outbreak’! Of what? How many? 23 positive tests! The cluster dropped to 22 after 1 person was retested and came back negative. What they are not telling us is how many CT’s they are using to determine if someone is positive or not?
​ The World Hell Organistion instructions for testing states 45 CT’s (Cycle Threshold). How can they recommend this when even Fauci has stated that anything above 35 cycles would result in false positives?
​ Check out the extract from the WHO document below, from the full document here

2020-12-04 WHO-PCRTestCycle-45.png

As of midnight, Thursday 19th November 2020, SA was going into lockdown for 6 days, due to advise from Nicola Spurrier, Chief Pubic Health Orifice. How do these idiots wield so much power? For the flu? And if that’s not enough. A further 8 days of reduced restrictions will be following the 6 days of lock up.

They were selling this lockdown to the South Australians as “The Circuit Breaker”, designed to give the contact tracers some breathing space to catch up?
​ - All schools and universities will close, except for the children of essential workers, and vulnerable children
​ -All outdoor sport and exercise banned
​ -All hospitality businesses including food courts and take away’s closed
​ -Elective surgeries except for urgent surgery and cancer treatments postponed
​ -Construction industry shut down
​ -Weddings and funerals banned
​ More information in the link here
​ Then they say, butchers, fishmongers and hardware stores to remain open? Hardware stores? Are these essential!

Thursday 19th November 2020

On Thursday 19th November Premier Steve Marshall took it upon himself to assume that people in South Australia would think it would be much better to have ‘6 days, to really go hard early, than what we saw in other parts of the world’. How nice of him to make that assumption. Does he read minds? Did he hold a referendum? Hell no. How is this guy so in touch with the people of South Australia?
​ Then the Pig Commissioner is so kind to clarify that it will be ok, yes, the people have South Australia, have permission from the Pig Commissioner and The Parasite Premier, to take your dog with you if you decide to walk to obtain essential good, such as food or alcohol. WTF? Since when was alcohol essential? What about a gun to protect yourself from the pigs that might decide to bully, harass, intimidate, assault or steal from you? How about that? Hell, the pigs may decide to run you over, then kick your head in? Anyone forget what happened in Victoria? Click here for a refresher course!

2020-12-04 VicPoliceKickToHead.png

2020-12-04 VicPoliceRunOverMan.png

Anyone like being kidnapped from their vehicle and being ruffed up by a pig. Click here for a refresher course.

And on the first day, the pigs were at it stealing hard earned dollars from people for being at the beach.
​ And idiots were abusing homeless people on the streets! Where the hell are they going to go you morons? Maybe if the parasitic pigs and politicians took a well deserved pay cut, they could fund homes to be built for the homeless. Or better still, they should open their own homes up and take in some homeless people. How do they like those apples? Grubs! More disgusting info here

Saturday 21st November 2020

SA announces the lockdown will end sooner due to finding out that one of the people contact traced from the Pizza Bar was in actual fact a worker there and not a customer, as he had initially stated to contact tracers. So, because the contact tracers could not link up all the positive cases, they had locked down the state. Now, it was revealed that this person had two jobs, and was somehow linked to hotel quarantine of international travellers returning to Australia. But because of this missing link, the state was shutdown. Victoria closed their borders to SA. NSW did not close their borders.
​ The full story can be accessed here

So in Australia, here is an extract from Federal Health Department PLHN (Public Health Laboratory Netwrok) Guidance Document, found here

State and territory public health laboratories have established pathogen genomics capacity and capability at varying levels. Some jurisdictions have demonstrated major benefits of using SARS-CoV-2 genomics to inform their public health response. The Australian National Disease Surveillance Plan for COVID-19 outlines and monitors the roles of SARS-CoV-2 genomics to enhance surveillance data. In silico digital data sharing currently occurs between jurisdictions to help inform the national picture of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. There has been national agreement to share data and undertake national SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance using the AusTrakka platform ( Facilitated through the CDGN, there are arrangements for states and territories without SARS-CoV-2 WGS capability or capacity to refer samples to the jurisdictions with established genomics programs. This assists with the sequencing and/or bioinformatic analysis of their samples. Implementing this technology more broadly provides an opportunity to expand this capacity to public health laboratories in each state and territory. This provides local access to high-quality genomic analysis, enabling precise public health responses for all population groups and regions in Australia.

Note the genomic surveillance!

And check out this extract from the Federal Department of Health guidance on sars-cov2 testing. Full document can be accessed here

Analytical accuracy of the PCR is therefore very high but clinical accuracy of the PCR is a function of the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the population being tested. A higher prevalence of SARS-COV-2 in the population, increases the pretest probability and the likelihood for detecting SARS-COV-2 RNA. This is reflected in a higher positive predictive value for the test. Conversely, even a very specific test will have a reduced positive predictive value if the population being tested has a very low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2. For example, if a test with a specificity of 99% is used to test symptomatic passengers on a cruise ship Page 3 of 7 where the likelihood of infection is 50%, the positive predictive value is 99% (i.e. for every 100 people with a positive test result, 99 people will have SARS-CoV-2 infection but 1 person without infection will have a false positive result). However, using the same test, if a low risk asymptomatic population is tested where the likelihood of infection is 5 in 10,000 (i.e. 0.05%), the positive predictive value is 4.3% (i.e. for every 100 people with a positive test result, four to five will have SARS-CoV-2 infection but 95-96 people without infection will have a false positive result). The SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used in Australia have very high specificities and the strategy of using a second and/or third SARS-CoV-2 PCR assay with different gene targets increases the specificity of the PCR even further. The combined SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing experience of the PHLN laboratories is that the false positive rate is extremely low.

Interesting stuff.


To the Markets!

On to more exciting stuff! Bitcoin has been on a tear! And so have some of the ALT’s.

On 1st November, BTC was trading at $13,845.
​ In the 1st December, BTC had reached an all time high of $19,832.
​ BTC dominance is at 61.4%.

BTC Monthly Price Chart

2020-12-04 BTC-MonthChart.png

BTC Market Cap Chart


2020-12-04 BTC-MarketCap.png

BTC Hashrate

2020-12-04 BTC-Hashrate.png

Gold, Silver and Crypto Pricing

Gold and silver have peeled back from their high’s a month or so ago
​ Gold USD = $1845 per ounce
​ Gold AUD = $2486 per ounce
​ Silver USD = $24.43 per ounce
​ Silver AUD = $32.92 per ounce
​ AUD = $0.74193 USD (has strengthened)
​ BTC $18,946 USD
​ Monero is at $131 USD
​ Monero/BTC cross – 0.00692
​ Tapis Crude Oil (Malaysia) = $48.22
​ Cossack Crude Oil (Australia) = $48.36



Health & Finance

Peace and love to all you cool cats out there.
​ Be your own Bank, The Government won't save you. Be part of the Peace Machine, not the War Machine
​ De-calcify your pineal gland, & stop drinking that fluoridated water.
​ How good is it to wake up and smell the coffee sunshine?
#NoNewNormal #NNN
#OutOfOrder #OOO

Other Sick Info Rebels

Check out Brendan O’Connell - Bitchute or Youtube or Patreon
​ Check out Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser of The Keiser Report and The Orange Pill
​ Check out Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal
​ Check out Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante Crypto Vigilante
​ Check out Max Igan of The Crowhouse
​ Check out David Icke – The Ickonic
​ Don’t believe the hype!
​ Remember, everything is gonna be alright
​ Don’t worry, be happy. Be positive.
​ I’m out!



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61320.84
ETH 2394.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.56