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RE: New bitcoin!

in #covid3 years ago

Please share with anyone you feel necessary. Feel free to copy and paste. If you have been tagged it is because I feel you may be inclined to share with others. Thank you.

If you have received this compilation of questions I challenge you to read through the entire list. If you feel triggered, I suggest you take a break and come back to it at a later time. If it brings you to anger or drives you to dismiss it and stop reading, I encourage you to ask yourself why? These are simply questions and we should never be afraid to ponder questions. Please share.

I'm curious if you start to question the narrative when the Prime Minister ofCanada just so happens to come down with covid as soon as one of the largest, and arguably most important, protest in Canadian history arrives inOttawa? Do you start to question the narrative when the Prime Minister gets covid after taking all 3 shots that we are told are safe and effective? Do you stop to wonder how effective they can possibly be when they don’t stop anyone from contracting the virus?

Do you start to question mandates when they are said to keep people safe from getting covid but so many who have taken the vaccine are still getting and spreading covid? Does it make any sense to segregate individuals who are not vaccinated because they could spread covid, yet the vaccinated are also catching and spreading covid?

Do you ever wonder why hundreds of thousands of Canadians have lost their job for choosing to have the right to decide what goes into their own bodies?

Do you ever wonder why nurses are allowed to continue working even after testing positive for covid, yet countless people that test negative for covid are not allowed into the hospitals to visit their own parents or loved ones who have fallen ill just because they haven’t taken the latest booster?

Do you start to wonder what it's like for those that are now segregated from society and whose tax dollars have gone to paying for all of this infrastructure and are now refused access to it?

Do you ever stop to contemplate what it means when we no longer have a say over what goes into our own bodies; when governments now have the power to mandate that we inject ourselves with any substance they so decide? Do you ever wonder why they refuse to show us a comprehensive list of the ingredients inside the vaccine? Do you start to ask yourself any of these questions?

Do you ever contemplate the consequences of just going along with the narrative and not searching past the surface? Do you start to ask yourself if maybe we’ve been lied to? Do you ever wonder why Joe Rogan gets 100 million listeners a month but mainstream media can’t even break half a million during prime time airings? Why are so many abandoning mainstream media?

Do you ever wonder if you should be looking to God for answers instead of the state? Do you recall the teachings in the story of Babylon? Do you ever ask yourself if maybe you're on the wrong side of this? If maybe you should put i n he time to do your own research before merely trusting the state funded media?If it may serve you to read actual studies and peer reviewed science?

Do you ever stop to consider the effects of mainstream media being totally funded by governments and corporations with billions of dollars on the line?Have you read any comprehensive peer reviewed articles on ‘the science’? Are you getting all of your information from the 5 o'clock news and taking it as truth?

Do you ever contemplate the consequences of what it would mean if all that you were being told were lies? Do you ever contemplate the consequences to your family, your loved ones, your own health, well being, and your liberties?

Do you ever question all of the liberties that are being taken from us in the name of ‘safety’ and ‘the better good’?

Can you see any of the lies that are right in front of our face? Can you see how segregating healthy and active members of the community from society is blatant discrimination; no different than any form of racism, sexism, or the likes? Do you ever contemplate the slogan 'we are all in this together', while the mandates clearly exclude a large group of individuals from society?

Do you ever wonder what is so scary about healthy individuals choosing to maintain their bodily autonomy (specially if you are vaccinated and those vaccines are ‘safe and effective’)?

Do you ever wonder why so many people that are speaking up and asking questions are being censored and removed from social media? Do you ever contemplate the consequences of censorship and the silencing of countless professionals risking their careers to share information with you? Do you ever wonder why they are trying to prohibit open discussion amongst the professional community? Do you ever wonder when we became so childish that we can’t have open conversations about important topics?

Do you ever wonder why, if this is such a deadly pandemic, we don't see bodies in the streets and countless people dying from it? How many people have you known that have died directly from covid without pre-existing health conditions? I've personally known 3 people now that have died of drug overdose in the last year alone. However I don't know a single person who has died or become extremely ill from covid.

Do you ever ask yourself the consequences of these lockdowns and the mandates?Do you ever ask yourself the effects this has on peoples’ mental health, their small businesses, and what this does to families? Do you ever ponder the consequences this will have on generations to come? Do You ever ask yourself if this outweighs the benefits of this false sense of security we have from these mandates that clearly do not prevent anyone from getting the virus?

Do you ever stop to wonder why you have to wear a mask as soon as you get up from your table, but somehow covid can't get you when you're sitting down? Do you ever wonder if maybe the mandates have nothing to do with stopping the spread of covid; since many of the vaccinated, including the Prime Minister ofCanada, are still getting and spreading covid. Do you ever wonder what the point of the mandates are if this is the case?

How do you justify segregating members of your own family from society when covid is spreading regardless of vaccination status? Do you ever ask yourself if this form of reasoning and so called ‘logic’ is built on truth?

Do you ever wonder why you are so afraid to look at any information that is counter to the narrative pushed by the 5 o'clock news? Do you ever wonder why you're surrounded by so much fear? Do you ever stop to wonder if the fear will ever stop? Do you ever wonder why the news only ever pushes fear?

Do you ever wonder what this is all doing to our kids? When children can no longer see the facial expressions or the smile of another human being? Do you ever wonder why we are pushing for our kids to take the vaccine and wear masks when they have little risk of serious illness or spreading the virus?

Do you ever wonder why we are all still participating in wearing masks and vaccine programs when it has done very little to stop the spread of covid? Do you ever contemplate the effects that mask wearing has on our brains from the lack of oxygen and inability to read facial expressions?

Do you ever wonder if now that almost everyone has had the virus, we will ever go back to normal? Do you ever wonder if one day you will take off your mask and share your beautiful smile with the world once again? Do you not miss the smiles of others? Do you not miss giving people hugs and seeing all of the happy people at your family gatherings?

Do you not miss the world before we all became so separated and started living in fear? Before we started looking to governments and big pharma for answers and safety?

Do you ever wonder why so many people idolize the state and turn to them in search of truth instead of God? Do you ever wonder why so many people have turned away from God and have replaced it with the state? Do you ever wonder why there was no major investigation into the burning of over 50 churches in Canada last year? Do you ever wonder if maybe we've all just stopped asking the important questions and started outsourcing our search for truth to the state and big corporations?

Have you ever contemplated the consequences of this? Have you ever asked yourself at what point you will draw the line in the sand? Will you bat an eye when they take your loved ones to the gulags and start executing them for not going along with the narrative? Would you draw the line then or is this all still in the name of safety?

Have you ever contemplated what it would take for you to have the courage tos tand up for what you truly believe in? Have you ever wondered what you truly believe in, when you stop looking to the group to see what everyone else is thinking?

These are only some of the questions I believe It would serve all of us to ponder. Many blessings and much love.

Choose courage over fear.


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