in #covid3 years ago (edited)


Then end goal of the Pedophile Globalist Elites that control Biden, Trudeau, Boris and many of the global leaders and their body doubles is to get rid of 70% of the world’s population through vaccinations. The vaccinated who don’t died soon after the 2nd or 3rd dose ( booster ) will be tracked and restricted, using the metallic Graphene Oxide and Nanotechnology added to every vaccine. Once areas have full 5G and towers installed, this can link to the metallic vaccine ingredients to tracks you like animals. The dangerous 5G radiation from the hidden towers, will make the multiple Cancers that pop up after vaccinations, to speed up in growth, and spread rapidly causing those who had Cancers in the past and now in remission, to wake up and spread like wildfire, eventually killing the patient.

Your satanic child raping cannibal elites, have planned for decades for this Global Purge, using the World Economic Forum by Klaus Schwab, Queen of England ( Royal Family are literal Lizards, another species from humans ), the Vatican, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Pedophiles
Elites inside the City of London within London...their final goals are to kill off most of the world’s population and enslave the remaining humans before they RESET the fiat currencies into the corrupt, trackable FED DOLLAR ( fed coin ) & the digital FIAT DOLLAR called Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDC ) probably riding on top of the semi private blockchains XRP & XLM. Even though these two blockchains are centrally controlled by the corrupt bankers, you can still make big money buying these to CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAIN COINS ( XRP & XLM ), but keep these banker coins on separate wallets.

With their nano trackers in your body via poisonous vaccines and you only holding their trackable restrictive FED DOLLAR & CBDC, they can restrict almost every single thing you do and eat, just like in China.

Your corrupt leaders may look like they are pulling back the Covid restrictions after citizens found out that the covid19 vaccines ( GARDASIL HPV vaccines have caused many deaths in kids but this is hidden by the lying mainstream news controlled by the vaccine company bosses ) are used to cause a worldwide genocide but behind the scene your government will try to implement a Social Score system, where if you do stuff positive for the government, they will raise your score and you will be able to do more stuff, buy more things BUT if you dare do thing negative to the POWERS THAT BE, your Social Credit Score will be lowered and you may not be able to buy certain foods or all foods, you may never be able to fly in a plane to escape or ride public transport. This is happening in China. Basically your NEW WORLD ORDER/One World Government can erase your existence, with a click of a mouse.

Some corrupt government like in Canada, Trudeau is planning to implement their Universal Basic Income ( Free money $2,000 per citizen every month ) UBI taken from TAX PAYER money or printing out of thin air to help you back on your feet after the financial crisis they created manufacturing this pandemic to sell deadly vaccines. This free money like the corrupt Fiat currency you now have in your pocket or bank, it will DEVALUE QUICKLY, as the hyperinflation in the price of food and other items begin skyrocketing, you will be able to buy less and less with your UBI money and your CBDC.

Since banks and governments are all quietly moving over to their semi-centralized blockchains, they can easily harvest your year taxes and crypto taxes, without your consent. If you didn’t already know, your taxes are used to bail out big companies controlled by the pedophile globalist elite families and their puppets like the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, George Soros who funded the Antifa Terrorists and hired the Antifa for Trudeau, to make trouble for the Freedom Convoy 2022.

Thinking I will stop paying my taxes since our taxes are being used by Democrats and some corrupt Republicans to traffick children to the rich people to be raped, tortured, sacrificed, murdered and have their blood drank by the Queen of England ( lizard species and not the originals Royal family ) and other rich families. Your taxes are also used to CREATED WARS where there is none....Trump Tried to stop any wars during his time in office but Biden needs war to distract the global citizens in order to have corrupt central banks steal from bank accounts and safety deposit boxes during their BANK BAIL-ins, blaming the looting of customer money, on the coming WAR. This has been done every few decades, using WAR and the bankers and their master provide weapon to both sides, gaining tons of money during this manufactured currency RESET. When I was young, I remember stories of hundreds of Aboriginal children taken from their prison schools and delivered over to the Queen of England. No one ever heard about these children again. All we a see is the dead returned to Canada and hidden under or near these prison schools run by corrupt nuns and priests.

Very important to know is that their goal to have Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, Dr Bonnie Henry, Dr Sanjay Gupta, Dr Deena Hinshaw, Adrian Dix and the rest of the corrupt medical community is to convince, pregnant women and moms to be, that they need to take these poisonous, cancer causing Covid vaccines used to soft-kill citizens, to keep their baby inside their tummy safe.
You may have malformed baby or a stillborn ( baby born dead ) if one or both parents have been vaccinated. These unborn babies of VACCINATED COUPLES may be genetically different from regular babies if they survive drinking the poisonous breast milk of their vaccinated mother because the Covid vaccines funded into existence by Bill Gates and satanic CDC scientists were made to alter DNA thus this are NOT VACCINES but Gene Therapy Bio-weapons.

So they try to kill or mutate your babies before they are born buy convincing populations to take these toxic vaccines in order to PROTECT OTHERS. Why the FUCK, would I want to protect others when the masks don’t work cause even the nurses that wore the N95 masks all got infected by Dr FAUCI’s virus...the faulty test kits that have a 97% FALSE POSITIVE reading, makes you believe that Covid is everywhere when it has since pretty much disappeared. These faulty rest kits have the dangerous GRAPHENE Oxide tainted on the top of the swab so that you too will be infected via test kit swab.

These dangerous test kits have been known to dig so far back into the nasal cavity that it causes terrible infections that spread to the brain area, causing brain fluid to leak out, leading to more surgeries and money for the hospitals. The sicker your doctors make you, using their poisonous vaccines, the more you will need to use their hospitals and treatments, giving them more and more power and money from the treating of your illness caused by their vaccines....think carefully when your child developed TYPE 1 diabetes, did they take a childhood vaccine previously or did the baby with Type 1 diabetes, did the pregnant mom take a flu vaccine or other injections. When your corrupt doctors tells you your kid has a genetic disease, think again.

I will always keep my decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Digibyte in separate crypto wallets from the centralized ID 2020, 2022 CENTRALIZED crypto. So far the decentralized crypto can be manipulated via exchanges but can not be controlled or deleted or blocked from your wallet like CENTRALIZED wallets can.

I will still buy XRP & XLM as these can still make me money later when they rise but I will trade and sell them right away as these can be taken from you if you post stuff online not favourable to your corrupt government.

I am still quickly buying as much Bitcoin, Litecoin and Digibyte as possible to remains free under the new financial system. Have some PHYSICAL GOLD AND SILVER, not that manipulated like that paper SLV & GLD. Physical Gold & Silver can not be taken unless you allow your government to seize it.

As the pedophile master of the Skull And Bones Club of the elites ( FREE MASONS ) want to kill off all the Truckers of the Freedom Convoy and you....they plan to have a staged blackout of communications, maybe shutdown the internet cause corrupt gay Obama already sold out net to satanic pedophiles to control. SO A BLACKOUT to hide the crimes they are planning to do to the heroic Truckers in no internet, maybe phones will be blocked so no one can recorded the crimes done by corrupt police and military working for Trudeau and the Democrats.

If you live in buildings surrounding Ottawa’s capitol, have you REGULAR CAMERAS and phone cameras available to shoot video of crimes that may happen during this staged BLACKOUT in communications and internet. As soon is net is back up, upload not only to YouTube but also onto decentralized platforms like,, the world can see how Trudeau controlled by the Queen will try to terminate the Freedom Convoy with their FALSE FLAG attacks and blame the Truckers.

All involved in this global purge via vaccines, will only succeed if we continue to comply, wear masks, social distance, show vaccine passports and follow all the illegal vaccine restrictions. DO NOT COMPLY OR WE ALL DIE TOGETHER.

Like in Australia, their corrupt government is building hundreds of Quarantine DEATH Camps to hold citizens who chooses not to take their poisonous, Cancer causing DNA altering Soft-kill Gene Therapy Injections that causes Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility, Autoimmune Diseases, Heart Attacks, Brain Strokes, Blindness, Dementia and of course speeds up death.

DO NOT LAUGH at people who are uneducated in vaccines and still choose to wear masks because of the fear given to them by the lying mainstream news that is pushing lies about Covid and death every minute in your radios, TV, and on all their social media accounts, be understanding to the brainwashed sheeple. Yes, us tin foil hat wearing people who were called nasty names by the public, are still warning you about vaccines. Anti-vaccine and racist are labelled cooked up by mainstream news bosses to divide everyone while they push deadly poisons to you babies, children and family.

Be UNDERSTANDING and EDUCATE those who have been blinded the mainstream news ( FAKE MEDIA ). Before Pelosi, Oprah and Stephen Colbert’s pedo friends begin their BLACKOUT ATTACK on the Freedom Convoy, please STAY CALM, do not be violent, do not give Biden’s Democrats or Trudeau’s minions reason to take down the Peaceful Protest of the Freedom Convoy.

RCMP, Soldiers, Military And COPS, remember that there are many children and family with the truckers plus children with families attending the trucker celebrations in unity to fight for YOUR Freedoms & YOUR Rights to choose which poisonous, cancer causing Covid vaccines gets injected into YOUR BODY. Your bosses want you to take down the vary people who are helping to fight for YOUR LIFE and the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/New World Order globalist elite want to use their vaccines and restrict to turn our world into a Global Prison where no one can travel unless they took the deadly vaccine injections.

If you are a small business, know that you are helping the pedophile elites kill off citizens by complying to the vaccine passport requests of customers.

We must reduce the size of all governments who pay pedophiles to do nothing all day long in government buildings using our TAX DOLLARS.

BIDEN & TRUDEAU are also using this hyperinflation caused by the Covid restrictions and excessive money printing by the private corporation called the FED, to manufacture Food Shortages, so support your local farmers.

PREPARE NOW...corrupt governments will create Food Shortages, Climate Changes ( HAARP MILITARY WEATHER MACHINE ), and ELECTRICITY BLACKOUTS when they RAGE AGAINST THEIR CITIZENS... SO harden all your devices. Keep all crypto wallets in faraday cages...the water that run out of your taps depends on electricity so make sure you have lots of clean drinking water...

Store a few months worth of clean water, food, first aid kit, batteries, flashlights, candles, solar lamps, electric generator...for emergencies

The Following are some of the common side effects of the COVID19 Vaccines:

-Hair Loss
-Neurological disorders
-Numbness & Tingling sensation
-Muscle weekness
-Brain swelling
-Nerve Damage
-Erectile Dysfunction
-Testicular Cancer ✅
-Lymphatic Cancer ✅
-Leukemia Cancer ✅
-Esophageal Cancer ✅
-causing blood vessel to leak, leading to bloody stools, severe nose bleeds, bruising and discolouration patches on the skin due to micro bleeds cause by vaccine ingredients made to slowly kill
-Brain Fog
-Failure of the Immune System causing Shingles & Herpes from precious vaccines to come out of dormancy and begin spreading
-EBV and now EBV is identified as a contributory factor in the development of Multiple Sclerosis MS
-Stillborn Births
-Atrial Fibrillation
-myocarditis that leads to Heart Attacks
-transverse myelitis ( severe and potentially permanent injury to the spine )
-Heart Palpitations ( vaccine chemicals throws heart off it’s normal rhythm
-Babies born to Vaccinated mothers may die after breastfeeding breast milk with the poisonous Vaccine Ingredient, graphene oxide
-Muscle Control loss
-Baby born with DNA damage leading to body mutation
-Lipschütz ulcers: acute genital ulcerations leading to painful Ulvar Aphthous Ulcers
-Fully body neuropathy ( nerve pain )
-Paralyzed Face
-Bell’s Palsy
-Paralyzed Legs & Arms
-Full body paralysis
-Loss of Motor Skills
-Migraine headache first time in their life
-Personality change due to loss of higher brain function
-Severe Photosensitivity
-Red, raised, burning, itching rash
-Difficulty focusing eyes
-Double vision
-Blurred vision
-Eye pain
-Debilitating Anxiety
-Autoimmune Diseases
-Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
-Compromises your natural immune system
-Tunnel Vision
-Vision Problems ( blood clot/papillary congestion ), sinus vein thrombosis ( clot )
-Loss of sensory acuity
-Thrombosis of the neck ( blood clot in the neck )
-Blood clotting leading to thrombosis all over the body
-Neurological disorders
-Numbness & Tingling sensation
-Muscle weekness
-Brain swelling
-Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis, especially in females of child bearing age
-Adult-onset HLH disease ( Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis ) immunodeficiency disease, severe systemic inflammatory syndrome
-Adult-onset STILLS disease, systemic anti-inflammatory disease
-Oral Allergy Syndrome aka anaphylactic reaction to almost every food you eat ( throat & tongue swells in over reaction to foods you normally can eat but now becomes life threatening as throat swelling can suffocate you to death, similar to kids that develop peanut allergies after their childhood vaccines
-Hemorrhagic Stroke
-Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) some may be put on ventilators
-Reactivation of the Shingles disease
-Bruising caused by low blood platelets linked the vaccine ( Thrombocytopenia )
-Black outs
-Delayed Menstrual Cycles ( ovarian failure )
-Unusually Menstrual Bleeding that doesn’t stop , leading to blood infusions
-Panic attacks
-Blood Cancers
-ALS disease
-Multiple Sclerosis disease (MS) $6,000 per month for meds
-Reduces Natural Immunity by 40%
-Cytokine Storm caused by the COVID19 VACCINE causes serious Anemia
-Muscle Spasms
-Muscle Weakness
-Neurodegenerative diseases
-Septic Shock
-sensitivity to light
-sensitive to sound
-lymph node damage
-sudden low blood pressure
-blood clots in brain causing brain to swell
-swelling testicles
-Stomach pain
-destruction of endothelial cells that protect the heart and brain
-Vitiligo ( skin depigmentation 2 weeks after Moderna vaccination)
-Gastroparesis, also called gastric stasis, occurs when there is delayed gastric emptying. Delayed gastric emptying means the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. Sometimes, when the food doesn’t empty properly, it forms a solid mass called a bezoa, sometimes surgery like Gastric Electrical
stimulation may benefit the patient when their meds don’t work in to coverup this vaccine created condition

There is certainly a pattern of demyelinating/ neurological issues with the vector vaccines - this article summarised the various cases that cropped up not only in the AZ / JNJ trials but also with previous Ebola and HIV vaccines that used Ad26 vectors



KILL VACCINES #3 victim ignored by doctors ➡️

KILLER VACCINES #4 Hospital Doctors killing patients then harvesting their organs to boost death count to raise fear to sell more money making vaccines ➡️

All that is within this post is not financial or medical advice cause I’m not a doctor or financial advisor

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