Follow the money. The vatican is in on the covid scam

in #covid2 years ago (edited)


And there's the money behind it. The Council on Foreign Relations. The Tri-Lateral Commission. The Central Banks and Federal Reserve, which is run by none other than the Zionist Jews.

The 'money lenders, or money changers'

America, when they print money, they get more in debt to the Zionists. Cuz it's the Zionist money system. The debt based monetary system.

But they're not the leader in all that. It goes right back to the Vatican. This is what David Martin was making fun of people about with the whole Rothschild thing. People are too busy looking for a Rothschild or whoever else to look for the real culprit.

David Martin: Isn't it funny how we've been sucker punched into believing that the bad guy is a Rothschild or the bad guy is Y'know part of this nefarious deep underlord dark underworld Y'know pentagram laden candle ceremony séance bullshit story. Isn't it great to have a cover story when nobody actually then asks the right question? Which is Hold on a minute. If somebody is marketing a story to me, I wonder if that marketing of a story is so I don't ask any more questions. And by the way, anybody who thinks the world is run by the Rothschilds has their head up their ass. And I'm dead serious. The world is actually life insurance executives. ....bad news.”

These Zionist bankers, are working FOR the Vatican. Because the Catholic Church uses the Zionist Jews, to do what is "illegal" for a christian or a catholic to do. Which is, their bible says they can't participate in Usury. Which is charging interest.


So they have the Jesuit Order in the Vatican and the Zionist bankers, charging interest on all of us on our debts. Like mortgages the interest on that, in our debt based monetary system. While the Zionist Jews control 90% of mainstream media


"But catholics hate vaccines and all this." Nope. In fact you must take the covid vaccine or else, you will be committing a mortal sin, by engaging in suicidal denialism. The popes own words. And I know you think I must be misquoting him. That can't be right. He wouldn't say thaaat. I'm exaggerating. Welp.



The mega churches push the covid jab.

Preachers push the covid jab everywhere.

The lemish jewish push vaccinations. And Hitler was extremely ANTI VAX. "The EVILS of vaccination" His words. But Hitler was the bad guy right? Right?



Then there's the RAPTURE! Oh the rapture ha ha. That's another story.

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