Coronavirus - The World faces a Hiroshima and Nagasaki moment - Will UN measure up this time?

in #covid-195 years ago (edited)

written by @ajain and @rgov

astute political observers


Almost three-quarters of a century back, August 1945, the world saw between 125,000 to 225,000 people being annihilated. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who does not know these cities? These are the two cities in Japan that saw nuclear bombardment. The results were devastating. The world was stunned beyond words. Nobody thought something like this could ever happen. But it did happen.

The world is in the midst of a similar disaster. 'Coronavirus'. In very many ways it is an order of magnitude more lethal than Nuclear bombardment. While the Nuclear bombardment affected two cities directly, the impact on the others was only indirect albeit stunning. In the case of Coronavirus 198 out of the 205 countries across the globe are impacted directly.

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The number of cases worldwide has risen to 707,682 as of 29th March with the total number of deaths exceeding 33,500. More frightening is the fact that the infection curve is still going exponential and hasn’t flattened as yet. The total number of deaths has far exceeded that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. But perhaps even more critical than the number of deaths is the fact that it has led to a ‘Global Lockdown’. No one quite knows how long the Lockdown will be required and even then what will be the final outcome. And, as far as the impact of this disease on life and economy is concerned, one has not even started to think about it, as everyone is concerned about the survival right now.

Are these mere words? Is this 'fear-mongering'? The answer is an emphatic ‘No’. For people who are interested in further data on Coronavirus spread, they may want to explore the following link -

While all this would be of serious concern to any responsible citizen of the globe, there are many others who are looking at it from an altogether different angle. The world infested with a desire for dominance, one is sure, strategists in different countries across the globe are studying the phenomenon from an absolutely different perspective. ‘Biological Warfare’ as the new strategic weapon in their arsenal. China has just proven to the world that this is by far the most lethal and effective weapon. And that it can be unleashed at a fraction of a cost that is required by other weapons with no battlefield casualties to nation unleashing the Warfare.

What is the incriminating evidence that is in the public domain which gives credence to the fact that Coronavirus is not a Natural disaster?

A. The entire disaster emanated from China – Wuhan. There have been enough reports in the public domain that point to China's role in Life Sciences Research and the way the molecules were clandestinely obtained by them from Labs outside China.

B. China was not very forthcoming with information on the spread of the virus and its devastating impact. On the contrary, they tried to hide as much information as possible. (Marco Rubio blasts China) (China hides information)

C. China actually tried to actively spread the virus across the globe. This is no different than actual biological warfare. We all know that Italy is today perhaps the worst effected nation from Coronavirus (Italy had the highest number of affected people just a few days back). And it is through Italy that the virus spread across the globe. The first cases across many countries were induced by traveling Italians to these nations or returning natives of these countries from their travel to Italy. How did Italy get it in large numbers? It was due to some swift promotion of the virus in Italy by China. The Chinese used the human as a distribution channel.

Across major cities in Italy – Milan, Rome, Florence, etc. – there were Chinese nationals who stood holding a placard stating 'I am a human. I am not a Virus'. So far so good. But they went on to urge people to come in close proximity to take 'Selfie' with them. Many of them even urged people to hug them. The entire movement got a huge boost when the mayor of Venice Mr. Dario Nardella was seen hugging a Chinese on a video posted on social media. See pictures below:

Mayor of Florence.jpg

hug me.jpg

We all know how badly Italy has got affected. More than 10,000 people have lost lives in Italy, the largest number across the globe.

D. Perhaps the major dimension is the fact that China has been able to see a very large number of cases return to normalcy. Have a look at the following figures:

China figures.jpg

While the total number of deaths in Italy is astronomical – about 10,000 plus deaths on total cases of approximately 100,000 (as of 29th March 2020), the number of deaths is less than half in China as compared to Italy. China has been spreading a message that this has been achieved by some superlative management of the crisis. Something the world finds difficult to swallow, especially since no information is provided on the treatment that led to the recovery.

E. Further, for China, it is an excellent opportunity for trade. While the world is struggling with the control of the disease and protecting its citizens, China is proverbially ‘making hay while the sun shines’. They are busy collecting orders for disease-related medicines, medical equipment (ventilators, etc) and medical supplies (masks, gloves, etc). Many of these supplies are substandard and the receiving countries are having to return them adding to their woes. Here are some news reports and video clips towards this end:

(Will China profit from the pandemic?)

(Chinese firms selling substandard kits) (China Cashes the pandemic)

The question goes begging if China was itself struggling with shortage for supplies and equipment just a month or two back, how come it has turned around as an exporter of these stuff for the world? See this news appearing in Japan Times when the number of deaths in China was around 360 or so (early days of the Corona Virus). Read below:

Japan Times.jpg


While we have tried to establish a case that this Corona Virus is not a natural disaster. There are indicators of it being in the realm of Biological Warfare. Whether or not it is a truth, time will tell. But one thing is for sure. The devastative effect of what Biological warfare can do has been witnessed by the entire globe even if this is not one. And therein lies the responsibility of the UN to ensure that a close watch and monitoring is done on the evolution of this technology across the globe. The UN has proved itself entirely ineffective in controlling the proliferation of 'Nuclear Race'. It is time they redeemed themselves through effective control on Biological Warfare so that the rogue nations do not hold the world to ransom just like they do in the case of Nuclear Armament.

A reminder

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Very analytical and eye opener.

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