NESARA, Cestui Que Vie, CRIS, Strawman, TDA Account, Obama Birth Certificate & Probate
"The government was so afraid of what they would say during their trial in Michigan that extra steps were taken to conceal the true nature of the case. County courthouse employees were not allowed to work between Monday and Thursday during the course of the trial. And outside the courthouse, FBI agents swarmed the perimeter preventing the media and visitors from learning what was going on as well."
"Common law is law that is derived from judicial decisions instead of from statutes."
"Judicial decisions constitute one of the most important sources of legal authority, along with legislative and regulatory enactments, in our common law system"
"The court clerk is the hot shot, even though it appears as if the judge is. The clerk is the trustee for the CQV owned by the state/province and it is s/he who is responsible for appointing the trustee and the executor for a constructive trust––that particular court case.
So s/he appoints the judge as trustee (the one to administer the trust) and appoints the prosecutor as executor of the trust. The executor is ultimately liable for the charge because it was s/he who brought the case into court (created the constructive trust) on behalf of the state/province which charged the CQV trust. Only an executor/prosecutor can initiate/create a constructive trust and we all know the maxim of law: Whoever creates the controversy holds the liability and whoever holds the liability must provide the remedy. This is why all attorneys are mandated to bring their cheque-books to court because if it all goes wrong for them…. meaning either they fail to transfer their liability onto the alleged defendant, or the alleged defendant does not accept their offer of liability, then someone has to credit the trust account in order to off-set the debt. Since the prosecutor is the one who issues bogus paper and charges the trust, it is the Prosecutor/Executor (“PE”) who is in the hot-seat.
When the Name (of the trust), e.g.: JOHN DOE, is called by the Judge aka Administrator aka Trustee (“JAT”), we can stand and ask, “Are you saying that the trust which you are now administrating is the JOHN DOE trust?” This establishes that we know that the Name is a trust, not a live man"
"A Cestui Que Vie Trust is set up under the PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST through a “BANK”"
"The judge is the trust, itself."
"Securitization of a legal case, happens when Judges attach a monetary judgement, or a penalty to a case, and then hold the defendant as the collateral, until the promised amount shows up in the account of the Judicial Branch.
Usually, this is done by attachment of a bond, to a prisoner or a judgement.
The county, municipality or agency then profers that bond into the bond market, guaranteed by the taxpayers, but promising a nice rate of return. The prisonner is held as the surety, until the bond reaches maturity."
"Many Judges are former prosecutors, so the message is clear: if you keep quiet about what the current judges do, then maybe you too can have some extra funding later"
"Most attorneys claim to not know this, but they will not seek it either. And if they bring these things up in open court, they can expect to be disbarred."
Is a foreign agent"
"surety for this case and these proceedings."
"Audits of Federal Judges, never happens.
Well Audits of CHRS, are not known to have happened either."
"the Judge, Clerk and County Attorney, stand to make a pretty penny off your conviction and incarceration!"
"makes money on every conviction but he doesn’t pay TAXES on them as a Rule! He usually only declares the salary he receives."
"The concept of ‘treasury direct’ is well known, and stems from the system of global finance established long ago and is the basis for our ‘commercial redemption’ concepts. It has to do with the Global Debt Facility and the Collateral Accounts"
"STRAWMAN: common term in United States of America or Canada
These are the legal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it."
"The most significant point is that Rod Class acted as his own counsel, but as a Third Party
Intervenor. Class, the Civilian, represented the GOVERNMENT COPYRIGHT TRADEMARK NAME
RODNEY DALE CLASS. Some people refer to this entity as “The Strawman.”"
Case Dismissed with Cause and Prejudice Judge bows to Sovereign.flv
The judge (whom is actually a magistrate) is the TRUSTEE of the CQV trust
The clerk is the ADMINISTRATOR of the CQV trust
Both the magistrate and the clerk must follow YOUR instructions for discharge / dismissal as You are the Executor of the trial and Beneficiary of the CQV trust.)"
"Are you referring to the Trust"
"NAME IS A TRUST, and it has money attached to it, which you have LITTLE NO ACCESS to.
A Trust has 3 persons: Beneficiary, Trustee and Executor.
Legally, one person cannot act as all 3 in a Trust.
The judge is supposed to be a Public Trustee acting for the state, defendant, plaintiff, etc.
But the judge (a pseudo judge) wants to trick you into switching your rightful role.
A Trustee can only take orders.
The judge and/or prosecutor wants to fool you into being the Trustee of your own Trust (cestui que vie) account."
"the birth certificate is actually a monetized document that has trade value.
The courts (i.e. witchcraft rings) know that every person has a hidden Trust attached to him/her.
The courts use the monetary value of these Trusts against the PERSON ‘YOU’."
"The courts almost always operate with the motive of making money.
Whoever raises charges (plaintiff) must pay for the use of the court."
"The trustee (judge) is the liable party who will go to jail, and the executor (prosecutor) is the one who enforces this.
This is why they want us to take on both titles, because then, not only do we go to jail but also, by signing their paper, we become executor and enforce our own sentence."
"ESTATE (the ALL CAPITAL NAME) and your birth certificate is your title."
"The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is signed by the Registrar — an Officer of the Probate Court, which proves that your estate was probated. "
"Canon 2057 (link) Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment."