in #counselling7 years ago

In our society and by extension the world at large,family happiness has really gone down the drain.
Husbands are no longer happy with their wives and children,while the love and respect the wives had at first,has cooled off and children on their parts,are disobedient to their parents

But come to think of it,what could be the brain factor or reason behind all of these?
Well in this write up,we are going to know or see the functions and roles each in the family is supposed to play,so as to enhance the happiness in the households.

HUSBANDS:You are duty bound to love your wives as you love yourselves.See her as your compliment and not a slave.Assit her in the domestic chores.Do not prefer the company of your friends to that of her.she should be your best friend,your confidant.
Learn how to spend quality time with her instead of spending it with your friends in drinking joints.Look into her eyes and tell her the secrets of sweet nothings always.

Telling her i love you every now and then,is good but it goes beyond that.Let her see the professed love in every of your deeds and actions.shower her with your affections and endearment of love.How often do you take her out for outings?is there anything wrong in purchasing gift items for her?She will appreciate you the more.Every woman loves to have their husbands around them so do not be tired of doing that.Bring out out from your busy schedule to spend quality time with your wife,she will appreciate it.She would not be happy seeing you always in company of people of the opposite sex,so be warned.

Be romantic.There is nothing wrong in helping out in the kitchen and household chores,while she watches you she will feel cared for.Be choosy in your choice of words.Misunderstandings must come seldom times.Please try not to be sacastical in addressing the issues. Don't call her names because it is difficult to forget the abusive words spoken at times of disagreement Appeal into her heart.

Show Appreciation.Make efforts to notice and acknowledge the good quality in your wife,these will typically improve your relationship.Learn to say thank you.
Don't underestimate her efforts to provide and support the household through raising the children, working or homemaking.When you tell your wife she has done well at something around the house-for example with chores,she will recognised your love for her irrespective of her flaws.But in contrast, when your wife feels taken for granted,this may threatened the very integrity of your marriage. When a wife does not feel appreciated by her husband, it is easy to be drawn to someone that makes her feel more appreciated.So carefulness is required.

WIVES-You should have deep and undiluted respect for your husbands.Be observant to know the things he likes and don't.During this week and proceeding ones,take note of the positive behavior your husband displays and watch out for the things he does to keep the household running smoothly-probably things that you have taking for granted until now.
At the expiration of the week,take a jotter and make a list of:

1.Behaviors and traits you so much appreciated in your husband.

2.Positive things he did for the betterment of your household.

Do not take your husband's hard work for granted. Each time he does something for the household, appreciate him by thanking him.
Learn to settle and resolve disagreement with your husband and not to seek solace from your friends or family members, most men does not like that.And above all,do not discuss your husband's weaknesses with another.Tell him how much you love and cherish him.Unburden your heart to him.Be equally observant to recognise his favourite meal and prepare it for him.There is these popular saying that the easiest way to a man's heart is,through his stomach.
Learn new things and be intelligent enough to satisfy his needs.Do not nag but be proactive in dealing and handling issues.Love and appreciate his parents. Listen to him and don't interrupt him while he is talking to you.know when to talk and when to keep quiet.Be careful while making friends and do not keep trouble for him.

CHILDREN: They are precious gift from God,so as such,parents should treat them and do not exaspirate them.The training of these ones,should be the obligations of both parents. Teach them the ways of God.Assign them roles according to their age and capacity. If you must discipline, do it with love and let them know the reasons behind such actions.
Be mindful of the company they keep. At intervals, check their phones to know the kind and types of movie they watch and music they listen to.It is not everything a child ask for he or she gets. Be patient enough to give answers to their questions.

Children love it when their parents play with them so make time available to play with these ones. Let them see and feel loved.If you must quarrel with your spouse,do it privately and do not let them see you quarreling.Provide for their spiritual, physical and emotional needs.Teach them sex education.
Do not leave female children in company of men or boys always to avoid being abused.


I really do appreciate the time spent in reading this post. Thanks you so much.


If everybody heeds to this there will be sharp reduction in divorce rate and more people will want to go into marriage. a happy marriage is to me, a catalyst for long life.

Thanks for your thoughtful contribution

Thanks for sharing bro, am inspired with this

Am very grateful for your impute. Let me start learning all this family tips before time..i like this post..

Thank you so well.

Thanks , this is very educative

Action speaks louder than voice, show to your spouse you are in love, express it through your action and not by merely saying I love you

Thanks bross

You will make a good marriage counsellor bro just following print

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