Lifetime relief

in #counseling6 years ago (edited)


What is it?

When finished, no event in your entire lifetime should snag your attention when you take a fairly good look through it; nothing that would make you feel particularly sour. This isn't an absolute state, meaning that if you really dug into things you would still be able to find issues you could address and discharge with Rub & Yawn, but it is a comfortable state to be in.


This would all be done in session. It is assumed you have already worked through the first two topic pages, i.e., the hottest topics that easily come to mind, and then those conjured up using the 44-question list. Next is to look over your whole life and see what else comes up, as described below. Read through this whole article before starting to do the session actions.

Break up your life into bite-sized chunks, of maybe around five or ten years each. The chunks can run by the calendar, as in "from 1st January 1970 to 31st December 1979," or by description, as in "the several years I lived in Kansas," as long as it is clear what is intended. The idea is to eventually cover the whole of this lifetime from birth until now.

Scan over first time period

Here is an example. Let's say you were born 5 July 1982. First, take the period from 5 Jul 82 to 31 Dec 89. Get an idea of the main people, places and events from that time period, as best you can. Different aspects of your life will flicker through, and most likely your attention will fix on a particular person/group/place or event.

Zoom in

This is your topic for the session. Write it down! In session, discharge the topic using the normal PaulsRobot procedures in the module you are using. When it is flat, depending on your SUSHI state and however much time you have available for the session, either end the session or if you're ready for more ...

Zoom out

Take up that general period again — flick, flick, flick — and another aspect will probably draw your attention.

Rinse and repeat

Zoom in on that one aspect, discharge it as usual, then zoom out and look at the general overall time period of that chunk again.

Your mind isn't like a movie

Your memories aren't stacked up neatly in date order like in a simple-timeline movie. You don't have to zoom in on specific events in the sequence that they happened — just take up and discharge each one as it appears. Continue doing this until no aspect of that entire chunk of your life sticks your attention any more. This may take one session, or it may take many sessions.

Repeat with the other time periods

Then take the chunk from 1 Jan 90 to 31 Dec 99. Address it as above. Then from 1 Jan 2000 to 31 Dec 2009. And so on until now. You can always repeat any of this whenever you wish, as other topics may come to view later on and can be addressed then.

Use your own time periods

The dates here are an example. Choose dates to match your own life.

New things may pop up later

Don't be concerned if you "finish" this routine and can find nothing else, and then weeks, months or years later yet more stuff comes to view that had been hidden before. That's just the way it works sometimes.

How long should it take?

Assuming the prior two steps described above (hottest topics; 44-question list) have been done properly, it may take 25 session hours, more or less, for a normal person.

Sources: Article edited from my writing at PaulsRobot3. Image: Pixabay.



Feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

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Links to some of my stress-release sites

Yawnguy YouTube videos: Entry level. Since 2007, I deliver sessions directly to you by video on your custom topics. Start with Rub & Yawn 1/3. Entry level. Mobile-friendly. Text-based Rub & Yawn sessions. Entry level (more or less). Mobile-friendly. More options to address your own topics. Sessions use three different Rub & Yawn techniques (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian). Includes theory and explanations. Entry-level. Mobile friendly. Theory/explanations only, no session delivery. Advanced level. Desktop site. Delivers sessions on your custom topics. 3375 session pages in 31 onsite modules, using over 16 different techniques, none of them simply “talking about it”. Includes all relevant theory. Advanced level. Mobile-friendly. Experimental. PaulsRobot functionality but through icons instead of words. Includes automated session record. Video intro. Entry level. Desktop site. Links to my other sites. Over 100 testimonials. Includes roll-your-own audio session templates.

Facebook: My FB account, not used much.

Twitter: I have @yawnguy, @paulsrobot, @rubandyawn accounts, now coming out of hibernation since 2009.


You say start at birth and do several years, perhaps to age 10. Can I do it backwards if I want, like the last 10 years then when that's cool go over the 10 years before that, and so on? Would that work ok?

Try it and see. Some people prefer to do it birth to present day, others prefer present day to birth. From what I've heard it tends to work better birth to present day, but feel free to go with what works best for you.

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