
in #counseling6 years ago



At this stage of PaulsRobot use you will want to selectively trigger (and discharge) hot topics in your life one by one. You should have completed the first five routines (hottest topics, 44-question list, lifetime relief, people relief, places relief) first for best results.

The overall purpose of discharging a topic with PaulsRobot – indeed, with any Rub & Yawn activity – is to proactively desensitize the triggers you would be encountering naturally in life anyway.

General questions

Lifelists are lists of fairly general questions designed to trigger specific stressful topics in the user's life. The 44-question list is very similar, except that list is very broad and lifelists are somewhat narrower in scope. There could be hundreds of such lists, aimed at different groups of people. A specialised list might have questions like "Someone wounded?" (Military combat) or "Hostile takeover?" (Fortune 500 CEO).

The point is to bring relief to the user. A PaulsRobot lifelist does this by

  1. broadly suggesting areas where charged topics might be found,
  2. triggering a specific topic unique to the user, and then
  3. leading into procedures that release those trapped sensations and emotions.

The idea is to strike a happy medium as shown below. The list would ideally contain the most fruitful areas for individual charged topics to lie, and by gradually working through the list and discharging what gets brought to view, an individual can get a great deal of relief.

Too broad a view

A question like "stress in your work?" will probably miss, as the person has already discharged as much as a general look will achieve.

Too narrow a view

On the other hand, a question like "Did a Chinese decorator threaten your job?" is also likely to miss as being too specific.

Just right

But a question in the middle aimed at that particular line of work might well trigger a charged topic and bring it to mind, at which point it can be explored and discharged.

Here is an example written by someone still at high school, and thus very familiar with potential areas of stress there.

High-school lifelist

• 1. Bullying? 2. Feel socially awkward around peers? 3. Unhappy with your grades? 4. Unmotivated by school? 5. Ashamed to approach teacher about academic problems? 6. Ashamed to approach parents about academic problems? 7. Ashamed to ask peers for help? 8. Doing things you don't want to due to peer pressure? 9. Unable to concentrate in class? 10. Unable to talk to members of the sex you're attracted to?

• 11. Lack motivation to revise for exams? 12. Uncomfortable with your performance in sports? 13. Feel excluded from social life? 14. Feel academically inferior to your peers? 15. Feel physically inferior to your peers? 16. Unable to set targets for yourself? 17. Lack ambitions for the future? 18. Behave badly towards others intentionally? 19. Difficulties learning by reading? 20. Difficulties listening to what the teacher is saying?

• 21. Difficulties obeying simple instructions? 22. Uncomfortable with figures of authority? 23. Uncomfortable with the concept of authority? 24. Feel like teachers dislike you? 25. Feel like teachers treat you unfairly? 26. Feel like peers treat you unfairly? 27. Feel like you treat others unfairly? 28. Feel discriminated against? 29. Do you discriminate against others?

Ideal sequence

Ideally a list would be arranged so that the hottest questions – likely to trigger the most people – would come first, gradually working down to the least likely. The 44-question list is like that. However, it takes a lot of real-life experience and feedback to get it right, so for now the existing lists have been prepared on a best-guess basis. The way to get the most out of such a list is probably to

  1. Scan over it and see if anything leaps out at you -- "OMG YES!!" -- and address those first one by one, then
  2. Work through the list in order, question by question, seeing how each one could apply in your life. Take up anything that gets triggered and starts to discharge, or is overcharged and starts to send you to sleep.

Purpose is desensitization

Remember the purpose of this activity is to cool off topics that sometimes get triggered randomly in your life. The purpose isn't to "get through the list" as fast as possible so you can add another badge to your collection. Again, you'll have to find a happy medium between skimming over it so lightly that nothing at all impinges, and carefully exploring each question for 10 minutes and getting so bored or exasperated if nothing comes up that you give up looking.

Lifelists generally are used at PaulsRobot3 with the Rizzo module, which is essentially the three procedures (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian) packaged up far more neatly at They are included here as the final Advanced Option 4 from the earlier list of possible topics.

Lists currently available at PaulsRobot3

General military; salesperson; Holmes and Rahe stress scale; actor; entrepreneur; software developer; high-school student; study/learning/school; trouble at work.

More lists needed!

You are very welcome to contact me with a list you have compiled based on your life experience in an area. It doesn't have to be perfect. Also with suggestions on improvements to existing lists.

Sources: Above text adapted from my writing at Image: Pixabay


Feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

Free sessions

To get free online fully-personalized stress-release sessions 24/7, see the links below.


I am not a licensed practitioner in your area, and no longer give personal sessions. My works, designed for normal people and not clinical cases or the dysfunctional, treat you as a spiritual being and not mere flesh and blood. Use my free websites and videos at your own risk.

Index of my main Steemit blog posts

Table gives post number, title/link, brief notes about content.

Links to some of my stress-release sites

Yawnguy YouTube videos: Entry level. Since 2007, I deliver sessions directly to you by video on your custom topics. Start with Rub & Yawn 1/3. Entry level. Mobile-friendly. Text-based Rub & Yawn sessions. Entry level (more or less). Mobile-friendly. More options to address your own topics. Sessions use three different Rub & Yawn techniques (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian). Includes theory and explanations. Entry-level. Mobile friendly. Theory/explanations only, no session delivery. Advanced level. Desktop site. Delivers sessions on your custom topics. 3375 session pages in 31 onsite modules, using over 16 different techniques, none of them simply “talking about it”. Includes all relevant theory. Advanced level. Mobile-friendly. Experimental. PaulsRobot functionality but through icons instead of words. Includes automated session record. Video intro. Entry level. Desktop site. Links to my other sites. Over 100 testimonials. Includes roll-your-own audio session templates.

Facebook: My FB account, not used much.

Twitter: I have @yawnguy, @paulsrobot, @rubandyawn accounts, now coming out of hibernation since 2009.


This post has received a 20.00% upvote from @jmiller05!

I never saw a gun that close dude!!!

Yeah. The jolt is intentional. Do you drive fast cars yourself?

very informational posts!!

Thank you. Have you tried Rub & Yawn yet?

Never been on that end!

Posted using Partiko Android

Heh. I've been looking over your site, mealworms etc. I was looking at the whole idea of homesteading in the years just before y2k and even moved from Los Angeles to a place outside Seattle in preparation. Fortunately, nothing happened, and I moved all my possessions back again. I like the whole idea of sustainable living -- honest work -- but only in a vicarious way these days. Thanks for commenting.

Sustainability isn't only achieved by getting your hands on the soil. Information management and distribution, efficiency increases, encouraging creativity and innovation all keep us moving in that direction...

You must certainly have your hands full. I imagine it is a lifestyle filled with much hard work, many joys and disappointments, and a definite awareness of soul-nurturing if you ever get a chance to notice it. All the best to you. 😊

Hi @yawnguy I'm a bot, and wanted you to know that I've upvoted and re-steemed your post to help you with your promotion efforts! -exp

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