Sales techniques to put into practice.
I am sure that if you are a salesperson you need to improve your sales technique, if you are not, I assure you that by using the sales techniques explained here you will be able to improve "your sales" either in your relationship, with your friends, etc.
Although many say that sales are about convincing the other, today I want to tell you that it is not like that, it is not about convincing, sales are about understanding. That is why it is necessary to ask many questions in order to sell, such as: what do you need? What is the problem you have or what are you looking for? The first thing is to actively listen to the person and this gives us the possibility of offering what they need, listening to the person gives us the tools to offer them what they need.
This does not only apply to the sale of products or services, we can also apply this to our relationships with our partner, our friends, and all those around us, selling is an art and selling is also giving of ourselves to others, we can do it in the best way or not. By applying active listening and speaking less, I am sure that you will be able to expand your market, your relationships and gain a lot in affection, friendship and above all money.
Speak less and listen more: an example could be using the following phrase: "I want you to tell me more about what you are looking for", another question could be the following: "What is your biggest challenge with buying a car?"
Asking us would be the possibility of knowing more about what the person needs, we also understand that many times not even the buyer knows what he needs and that is where we must apply the art of conversation and ask the right questions to find out what his need is.