What ever has happened to cosplay?
Every year, and sometimes multiple times in a year, there is a special coveted event for all the fanatical anime fans of the world, to live, breathe all things anime. What started off as a genuine opportunity for people who enjoy anime to gather and share their interests, became a whole new pile of commercial profiteering shit.
Anime is an obsession with Japanese weeaboo culture
For all people that like anime, that's great. Some of it has amazing story telling, and some of it has amazing art and music. Hell, a lot of it deserves all the acclaim even the critics jump on board. But so do animated productions from OTHER parts of the world. But no critical acclaim is given to those are they? Why is that?
It's become so clear that the appeal of anime has nothing to do with it's fundamental measurable attributes of quality story telling, quality production, or quality direction. We know this because a lot of it is honestly utter sacrilege garbage and yet they appeal just as much to the same loli popping infantile crowd and none the less, proves the point that it really boils down to the weeaboo culture that has taken over popular culture.
Fully grown adults, dressing up as underage girls in scandalous attire, prompting all manners of forbidden fantasies in the name of "cosplay."
Really, the crux of the cosplay community is to ignite the sexual fantasies of people who fail to wake up to the real world, and ever land themselves in real relationships. The girl from school that you fantasised about, probably with utmost sexual deviancy just became a half reality. The appeal of all this heinous kiddie porn fantasy, is that it is alluding to a period of life where fantasies as these run rampant and free. The adolescence. Again, an opportunity for adults who are so afraid facing reality to find a place of escape.
Attention whoring to the next level
From all this cosplaying and adolescent sexual signalling, the industry has gone full circle and evolved into full on cosplaying. Girls who are by no means fans of the characters they're cosplaying, only knowing what the characters wear, what production's they're in, have the excuse to now whore themselves out knowing there will always be an army of sexually hampered deviant adult men who never got their taste of a real women to express their appreciation.
Some characters are meant to be sexy, it's part of telling real life stories and getting into those characters at least has some semblance of relevance. But dressing up as sexy Pokemon and flashing boobs whilst posing for the camera has nothing to do with those characters.
Cosplay is well and truly becoming a contest of who can get the most amount of attention showing skin. A real shame as there is a lot more to cosplay (ie. craftsmanship, character personality, role play) than just showing a bit of boob.
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