Judicial Watch President: "Forget Mueller," The Real Question Is "Do We Need To Shut Down The FBI?"

in #corruption7 years ago (edited)

Content adapted from this Zerohedge.com article : Source

Echoing the thoughts that are undoubtedly running through the minds of many Americans following startling revelations of an "insurance policy" crafted by FBI agents Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok to prevent a Trump presidency at all costs (something we covered here: FBI Texts Reveal "Insurance Policy" To Prevent Trump Presidency), Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on Fox News last night to say it's time to move beyond discussing whether or not it's appropriate to shut down Special Counsel Mueller's investigation and move on to consider whether it's now time to consider shutting down the entire FBI after "it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration?"

"Fusion GPS was a Hillary Clinton campaign vendor and the DOJ was working hand and glove with it...perhaps paying them money...the suspicion is they were paying them money...top DOJ official's wife was working with them. There was no distinction between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice and the FBI."

"Forget about the FBI investigation into Clinton and Trump being compromised by these conflicts. I think the FBI's been compromised. Forget about shutting down Mr. Mueller...do we need to shut down the FBI because it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration?"

.@TomFitton: "I think the FBI's been compromised. Forget about shutting down Mr. Mueller. Do we need to shut down the @FBI because it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration?" pic.twitter.com/zBParrU9QJ

— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 14, 2017

For those who missed it, Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) did a masterful job during Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's hearing yesterday of summarizing all the DOJ/FBI conflicts which prove that Special Counsel Mueller's probe is nothing but a farcical, politically-motivated witch hunt led by Obama/Clinton loyalists. If you missed this exchange, it's definitely worth a listen...

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We should be recognizing the corruption due to political influence.
Everyone knows how the Clinton respond when exposed. I'm sure there are things you dont want to know about and the top level security firms dont want anyone to know. onerous to mention what was within the mans heart. however the actions he took show pretty clearly that he ne'er had any intrest in what was best for the country. However keeping them accountable to their actions and regularly scrutinized is the only way to stop this corruption from reoccurring.Filling a really necessary appear cock interference state investigations into corruption.

Yes @sangeeta

They are all the same when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar. The more powerful they are in Washington, you can bet the dirtier they are.

The Clintons have wielded a ton of influence for the past couple decades. This allowed them to skirt around the laws and basically do what they want. It really is surprising that she lost this election...they had it all set up.

Just like old man Bush was a major power broker for years and was able to influence a ton of stuff, a lot not above board.

I have to say this: I am personally aware of the criminal involvment of the FBI with criminal conspiracies with every level of law enforcement, the courts, finance, and child sex trafficking.

Unless Trump is far more machiavellian and more of a genius that I believe is possible, the FBI is untouchable, and things are going to get worse.

Tom Fitton is probably a dead man walking.

So am I.

Does anyone trust the government bastards anymore?

Everything is politics. No matter how it is broken down, everything in Washington is politically motivated. There is no rising above it.

So is it time to scrap the FBI and start over? Most likely. Of course, the same could be said for the entire US Government.

I am super excited about blockchain. It is time to destroy these out-of-date, corrupt organizations. The dual hands of banking-government are basically one and the same.

Now there are no checks and balances....only corruption.

Fire, jail, or shoot them all...I dont care..just get them out of there.

I agree with this

Fusion GPS was a Hillary Clinton campaign vendor and the DOJ was working hand and glove with it...perhaps paying them money...the suspicion is they were paying them money...top DOJ official's wife was working with them. There was no distinction between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice and the FBI."

"Forget about the FBI investigation into Clinton and Trump being compromised by these conflicts. I think the FBI's been compromised.

The FBI "has been comromised", Is this guy serious? Everything in the world is political or money related, FBI is no different. This Trump guy will fuck up everything badly... Shame

You really think he has that ability?

Step back from your political ideology and realize what is going on?

The system is bigger than anyone person and the system isnt right.

I didnt mean that Trump will shut down the FBI or that he can solely do something.
I meant that things are not looking good.

Ah ok...I apologize.

Yes I would agree...things are looking dire but then again, they have looked like that for a while.

The basic conclusion is the system itself has been so corrupted that it is past coming back in its present form.

I believe blockchain and other technologies are going to help because they attack the core of what is wrong: the handshake of the banksters and their minions i.e. government, media, and corporations.

Crypto hits there where it hurts, their precious fiat. WIthout control over the monetary system, their goose is cooked. That is why we are seeing so much backlash...they know they are under attack.

i watch this video.nice sharing dear. resteemed this post @zer0hedge

Thanks for your great information keep it up @zer0hedge 👍👍👍👍👍

You're doing an amazing job of saving the rewards for those who deserve them! Keep up the great work!

good video, good sharing ... thanks

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