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RE: The Hershey's Trust - Charity, Corruption and Child Abuse

in #corruption7 years ago

It’s a complete disgrace V.
Thieves and deviants seem to flock to these charities like moths to a flame, we’ve had more info coming out here in the UK regarding our biggest charities covering up child abuse and misappropriation of funds.
The corrupt political systems of the west are hand in glove in the theft and abuse, it’s beyond disgusting.
The Jimmy Savillle case should have been a catalyst for change in the UK regarding the abuse of children (and in his case disabled adults and corpses!) within charitable organisations however all we saw was the usual political hand wringing and cover ups.
Haiti was devastated and these bastards saw it as an opportunity to steal and abuse, what a horrific state of affairs.

Sadly I’m not surprised by the info you’ve given us here, it’s indicative of the sickness that pervades western society now with vile creatures parading as politicians and philanthropists robbing and abusing the most vulnerable at every opportunity.
No surprise also to see the Clintons involved, wherever there is a buck to be made or a kid to be violated you find them and their despicable ilk.
Great work bringing this to us mate however depressing it is it needs to be out in the open.
Resteemed buddy.


"... like moths to a flame..."

I believe this to be the primary problem with such institutions, as those seeking power and wealth are shown to be expert at infiltrating even organizations originally intended for good works to suborn them for their private aggrandizement.

The state itself is the primary mechanism that perpetuates slavery, through taxation, and worse, incessantly broadening the laws creating criminals that can be held captive and forced to work as slaves.

This is the draw for psychopaths that want to abuse that power themselves. Their success at it is reflected in geopolitics today.

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