Maintaining Tolerance

Do you ever feel the need to exercise your freedom to speak and cross the line once in awhile? Maybe piss off the status quo for a minute to maintain a healthy public tolerance of crazy, it’s not like people become complacent and docile enough to forget that governments will abuse power. We all know that’s a conspiracy theory and the real danger is that free speech might end up hurting people’s feelings or worse, turn them into hate-filled racist nazis according to dimension B. If people are going to be dumb enough to advocate for tyranny I’m not going to feel bad about trolling them so here’s a rant for my facebag diary to mock the politically correct brainwashed authoritarian hypocrites who still blindly follow the virtue signaling corporate programming. Even though it seems to me people who would actually benefit from a little bit of unhinged criticism already have their minds made up. They won’t leave their safe spaces long enough to learn just how wrong they are, they’d rather have the government tell them what to think and pretend it’s progressive. The European socialist oligarchy or whatever it is can’t handle free speech anymore because it’s gone so far up Islams ass it would be embarrassing to even admit there’s a problem at this point. They’ll just keep bringing in the rapey migrants and pedophile grooming gangs who disproportionately commit more crimes because leftist globalists can’t fathom the idea of unchecked multiculturalism going bad. Imagine growing up in a shit culture where all your female relatives are compelled by ‘law’ or otherwise to segregate themselves and cover up in public, they don’t have rights and can’t drive, what a nightmare. Half a billion cult members who have no intention of integrating with ‘western civilization’ are ok with this Yet PC Europe calls it the religion of peace that empowers women, as they mutilate little girls by the millions. I’m not sure if that’s what their pedophile prophet told them to do or if it just seems like a good idea after a few years of herding goats in the desert. Yeah, I think some cultures and ideologies are worse than others, and certain practices should be stomped out of existence regardless of who thinks it’s sacred. Tolerance my ass, people shouldn’t be ok with torture because it’s a cultural thing I hold individual freedom above all else. Europe is fucked, and “they wonder why we barbaric Americans are reluctant to give up our arms,” it’s because we can look at you from across the pond and thanks but no thanks there’s a good reason for it. “If you can’t defend your rights you have no rights, you’re a slave who enjoys whatever privilege the government decides to grant you at the time.” I’m waiting for the day that the UK bans the movie V for Vendetta, any day now..

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