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RE: A Dystopian World Ruled By Corporate Giants

in #corporations7 years ago

I myself am of two minds about this, and I think my third mind is going to win the struggle. One thing that all large companies need are users. Whether it is a user as in "Log-In, or come in and buy something. I do not see them as being EVIL. Some Governments, yes I see some of them as Evil. They want and need to control to the point of brainwashing so they can have their happy little fighters, so they can show the other guy how strong a government they have. With corporations, the greater the peace, the greater the growth, with the exception of War Companies.

So yeah, I think only time will tell, dark dystopian world with evil corporate overlords, or Star Trek Federation type of world. Personally, I think right now, the corporate choice is better than the government one. The corporate one does not require you to die in order to stay in control, just the opposite.


The corporate one does not require you to die in order to stay in control, just the opposite.

you are not seeing the big picture, that corporations and central banks (all private and corporate entities) RUN the government. That heavily documented on the net.

you are not seeing the big picture, that corporations and central banks (all private and corporate entities) RUN the government. That heavily documented on the net.

Heavily documented, I guess it is not that well documented on the Net, I know people for a number of reasons do use that or similar comments about the government and corporations. Can you honestly name even four companies that own the government? People thought that Bethlehem Steel at one time owned the congress, people thought that AT&T was to big to break up. People thought that Microsoft was to big to be sued by governments, same with google. How many banks have disappeared over the last 50 years, If banks have so much control over the government then how did Credit Unions come about.
What Corporations own the government? Or is it a secret that you and the internet can not let me in on? So what is the "Big Picture"?

Yes, you are correct that log-in and buy is not evil at all. They are solving our demands and that is a very good thing. The problem arises when we as consumers have no other option and are completely depended on a handful of companies to meet our demands. That's when the power shifts to the corporations.

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