RE: The Fear Is Worse Than The Disease
Most people don't like to hear this but I'm thinking and saying the same. I don't want to downplay this but 1 million infections on 8 billion people is a small number. In The Netherlands, more people die from normal flu every year but that doesn't make the news ( no pandemic )
The media are spreading fear like never before and I ignore most of it to not go insane, as I believe it's the news and the isolation that makes more people sick ( depressed, suicidal ) than the disease itself.
I could go on and on, but no matter what happens, looking back on this, everybody will say that what they did was the right thing.
I see this as a chance to level up and get out of this stronger. It's a wake up call for many of us ( especially in the Western world ) to become more resilient, more independent and hopefully many of us will say afterwards:
I needed this to become a better person, instead of becoming even more fearful of anythign and everything and having more faith in the government than ever.
Thanks for sharing this with us. I try to do the same in my own way ( all of this is great inspiration for my fiction )