CORONA VIRUS: (always) look on the bright side(s) of life

in #coronavirus5 years ago (edited)

Although personally I think this Corona virus thing is over-hyped and a very "convenient" scapegoat for the fucked up worldwide economic situation we've gotten into, it is nevertheless a serious thing which should be solved asap.

On the other hand. Lets not only look at the negative effects in cases like these, there are also positive sides.

For example:
I just called my Mother-in-Law to cancel for Christmas this year.
Better "safe", than sorry.

Furthermore ...
The wife doesn't want to go on holiday anymore.
She stopped buying stuff online because everything comes from China.
No more going out, neither shopping with her friends, affraid of getting infected.
And the best part: with her wearing that mask, I don't hear here whining all day long.

Besides this I just traded a 12-pack handsoap, 25 masks and 54 rolls of toiletpaper for a nice sea view appartment in Spain.

I've just heard on the news about marriages been cancelled. Apparently this virus will also save lives.

Pornhub is giving away free memberships.

And best for last ...
Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump was brought down by a Virus from China, named after a Mexican beer?

This virus is actually a godsend.

Stay safe you all!



Yeah:)) great saving money, no online shopping from aliexpress;) but ..the same things are sold here overpriced 2-3 times...shit.

Investing heavily in toiletpaper right now, it might become the white gold within days.

Seems a lot of people miss out on the irony.

They all go to the stores at the same time. Almost no room left to move, over crowded spaces. The shopping carts move fast from one customer to another...

It is beyond absurd.

Willem Middelkoop wrote about 'the Big (economical) Reset' in one of his books. This seems almost to be an occasion to be abused just for that.

Impopular subject though to bring up right now I noticed... So most of the time I keep my mouth shut. As some believe that keeping an open mind and looking at the situation from a different perspective is the same as not caring, or worse.

Examples of how worse it is, in most horrible details, will get thrown at those who try to put things into perspective. End of discussion.

There are of course people who are genuinely in danger, same goes for the flu or any fast spreading viral infection. And I hope they will be safe. Luckily this will all pass within a few weeks time.

99.9998 percent of the Chinese people survived. But be aware, stating that may trigger aggressive replies...

But those panicking people going to the stores en mass, to bulk buy all kinds of shit, as if a world war or a zombie apacolyps is about to happen, they actually are making it worse, spreading any infection faster and cause 'lock-ups' to last longer. So they will need even more toiletpaper, I guess... More irony.

No sense though in arguing with mass hysteria.
Common sense is the path to take.

Stay clear of mind and safe of body!


ironic if Trump was brought down by a Virus from China, named after a Mexican beer?

This made me chuckle the hardest

I think I'll shit my pants from laughing when that would become true.
(Damn, already regret trading that toiletpaper for the sea-view appartment in Spain)

Here: toilet paper for sale! 2 packs for 10K Steem (while it's still worth something).

Hahaha!! Okay, I like the part where you don't have to hear her whine all day...but do "we" women whine that much 🤣🤣. And wow, who knew hand soap, masks and toilet rolls would be such good business...damn 😂. Stay safe @smasssh.

Posted using Partiko Android

'but do "we" women whine that much'

Luckily not all women are the same ... ;-)

Pornhub - waiting for free memberships in Croatia :)

Not yet there? It will be just a matter of time mate.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump was brought down by a Virus from China, named after a Mexican beer?


hahaha. 😂it makes perfect sense. apparently the carona virus has a positive side.🤣

The glass is always half full.

You did the right thing sir. Cancelling of some trips now till next year probably is on the safer side. Well said too. Happy Sunday 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

A great Sunday to you too.

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