Making one more coronavirus prediction

in #coronavirus4 years ago

(My Eastern New Mexico News column from April 15, 2020- posted in its entirety now that the paper's exclusivity has expired)


I'm going out on a limb to make another coronavirus prediction. You can decide for yourself, with hindsight, how my previous predictions have held up-- and hindsight will get clearer as more time passes.

My newest prediction is that the coronavirus panic has peaked and is already on its way down. This doesn't mean I believe the pandemic itself has peaked, only that society has passed its peak reaction to the pandemic.

I see people starting to behave more normally again. I've seen this in those around me over the past several days. They are getting sick of the drama, especially as the most dire warnings of the officials fail to play out.

People can only stay worked up to a high level of concern for a certain amount of time before their attention starts to wander. People will get used to anything. Constant panic is tiresome.

People have become more skeptical of pandemic lock-down theater and are starting to lose patience with their partial quarantines and financial sacrifices. It's happening regardless of official permission. They're ignoring the fear-mongers a little more with each passing day. This is a problem for those who want to keep everyone scared for a long time.

This means the virus may spread faster for a while, but until enough of us have been exposed and formed antibodies, it's not going to stop being a threat.

My prediction -- based on my observations-- has nothing to do with whether I believe it's a good idea or not; it's just how these things go. It's human nature.

The power-hungry fear-mongers aren't going to like this development.

This might mean you'll see more scary doomsday reports presented in an attempt to keep you focused on the things the political people-- including most of the national broadcast media-- want you to focus on. They are desperate for your attention and your fear.

You can choose whether to give them what they crave.

There's risk in going back to your normal routine too soon. A large part of the risk comes from those who imagine they have the authority to force you to comply with their demands. There's also a risk in not letting the economy get back to business soon enough. Since every path holds risk you should be careful, but you are the only one with the right to decide for yourself how much risk you're willing to take. Never forget it.

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So many po-po have been doing things that are unconstitutional.
And if we were parties to that contract, we could sue every single state, municipality and police department for their crimes against us. Destroying lives and property.

But, we truly got to see that many police will do whatever the story dejour elicits.

Just like the brown shirts.

We are a complacent people because we believe we will have our day in court and that our vote matters and can change things.

So, yes, i believe you are correct. Wuhan-flu panic is starting to wane. The pressure just cannot be kept up.

Fortunately, things are not going to go back to normal... and neither is "this the new normal" going to happen. Now, we are going to see black and gray markets that are so slick and seemless that Wallymart will never see it coming.


To play what?


I don't know. It isn't working for me.

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