Don't need rescue from everything

in #coronavirus5 years ago

(My Eastern New Mexico News column from March 11, 2020- posted in its entirety now that the paper's exclusivity has expired)


I'm surprised at how seriously people are taking the coronavirus. I'm even more surprised at how many believe government can save them from it, or that it's even government's job to do so.

This is the same sort of thinking which has led to the recent plague of "red flag" legislation.

If you believe you need politicians to save you from a virus or from someone's gun, then you'll keep handing control of your life over to anyone who promises to rescue you. Whether they actually can or not.

It's not only diseases and guns. It seems almost everyone wants to be saved from something. Maybe they fear immigrants who don't comply with unconstitutional anti-immigration legislation. Or maybe they want to be rescued from "inequality", whatever they imagine it to be.

Others may want to be saved from weather, poverty, different political ideologies or other religions they don't follow, or from rich people. Some beg to be rescued from their student loan debt or their own bad choices.

Drugs, other drivers, people who might appear to be smoking but aren't, messy yards, backyard chickens, loud parties, tall grass, and more are all things someone out there wants government to save them from.

If this seems like a long list, you are right. Yet it barely scratches the surface. There appears to be no end to the number of things you could list which some people, somewhere at some time, have begged government to save them from.

Government encourages this pandemic of cowardice.

H. L. Mencken, a favorite writer of mine from early in the 20th Century, noticed this and called it out. He wrote: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

He's right, and it's working.

Were your hobgoblins listed above or are yours something else entirely?

It's not that these things don't exist, but making them into hobgoblins you fear irrationally is a path to slavery. You become so desperate to be saved you'll accept those fanning the flames of fear as your self-proclaimed saviors.

Fear is the reaction to feeling you won't be able to cope; of suspecting you aren't enough. It's a lie. You are enough. You don't need to be rescued from every little thing. I know you can do it without depending on government or its legislation. To conquer fear, get busy doing what needs to be done.

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i nearly scared a clerk to death by walking into a store with my backpack.

In Kalifornia reusable bags, which are required because disposable bags are "outlawed", are now considered to be covered in viruses.

So, they had me leave my backpack outside with my bicycle.

She was terrified beyond words. Just kept shouting at me that bags are not allowed.

... i thought she meant for shoplifting policy.

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