Blood clots in the corona and remedy.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #coronavirus4 years ago



The whole world is infected with the corona virus epidemic. Although there was little idea about the disease in the beginning, gradually doctors have been able to diagnose its nature. As a result, the medical system has also been expedited. In some of these infected patients, blood clots form in the blood vessels, causing complex problems. Many people have a stroke or heart attack. Such complications are seen in some people even after coronation.

SKF dedicated a special health program, 'Heart Protection, ' by organizing the Prothom-alo on coronary artery disease and its treatment. In the first episode of the program, Dr. Secretary General of Bangladesh Cardiac Society and former Director of National Heart Institute and Hospital Prof. Dr. Bilkis Fatema was the guest of honor. Abdullah Safi Majumdar.
The show aired live on Prothom Alo and SKF's official Facebook page on December 6.

Professor Dr. started the program with a discussion on the progress of corona treatment. Abdullah Safi Majumdar. He said that in the beginning, there was no idea about the nature of the corona, but after so many days of research and observation, a clear idea has been formed about some things. As we did not know before that corona helps in blood clotting. This has led to complex problems in many patients, even to the point of death. At the beginning of the epidemic, it was thought that more deaths were due to lung infections. Later, various observations and autopsies of Corona patients revealed that Corona was clotting in blood vessels in different parts of the human body, such as the legs and lungs. After learning about this, the doctors applied the blood thinners and got good results.

This is then mentioned in the medical guidelines. Patients with moderate to severe coronary heart disease must be prescribed blood thinners. In some cases, even initially infected patients have been prescribed such drugs. As a result, as the risk of death for many patients has decreased, so has the mortality rate.

About the symptoms of blood clots, doctor Abdullah Safi Majumder said, the biggest problem is that there are no symptoms of blood clots. Again, when it is realized that blood is clotting in the patient's body, it is too late. Therefore, it is recommended to apply blood thinners from the beginning of corona infection. However, this medicine must be taken according to the advice of a doctor. Other complications are more likely to be seen if the patient takes this medication on their own. Regarding the side effects of such drugs, Abdullah Safi Majumder said, These are very small doses. So usually no long response is seen.

Regarding the long-term effects of corona virus, Professor Abdullah Safi Majumder said, There are various fears about corona virus among the common people. So the less you talk about its bad aspects, the better. Even if you do not know some things. For example, any type of virus does not have a long-term effect on the human body. But it has long-term effects in some patients with corona. Although there is nothing to be afraid of. You just have to be more careful. Some of the long-term effects include heart or lung problems after two or three months. One observation found that athletes with corona had their heart and lungs slightly less effective than before on fitness tests before returning to the game after recovering. Again Recently, I received a research paper where good news has been given on this subject. There, it is said, these problems gradually heal. So there is nothing to fear. Just need some caution.
Asked if the corona is more risky and more likely to be re-infected, Abdullah Safi Majumder said the effects of corona are severe in those who have been affected by any other complex disease before. Especially those who had heart disease or lung problems. In some cases, they have been diagnosed with a new heart disease. So those who were affected by Corona, they have to be careful about it. Heart disease medication should be taken seriously on the advice of a doctor. Need to follow-up with a regular doctor. The international health organizations have not yet given a clear idea about this. They say, ‘We don’t know. However, we have seen that especially in the case of doctors, those who were infected once, have been infected a second time. So those who were once infected must be careful.

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