What The Hell Is Wrong With Humans?

in #corona5 years ago (edited)

With the paranoia currently going on, something that I would consider the silver lining in the cloud is seeing the true colors and intelligence(or lack of) of society. Where was the hysteria with H1N1 or Ebola? Was it because the governments of the world didn't use the word "Pandemic" to describe those and declare quarantines. Very few people are questioning why the slave plantations of the world are doing this and those who do make it about incompetency of the opposite political party.
Maybe COVID-19 is real, maybe it's not, but those that believe what is put in the mainstream aka CDC,WHO,Dr Oz, Mayors,Governors, Presidents...etc. Besides giving themselves the title of being experts, what exactly do these entities have that makes them a credible and reliable source? Is it results? Is it proof? Not necessarily. All these things are backed up by physical force and coercion, but mainly through the mind. I see posts everywhere that say "Listen to experts and government officials such as CDC and WHO". So basically any other entity or organization that is not the WHO or the 'health' department of a specific prison camp, is not true or doesn't matter, even if they have results and credible people. They control reality and are the arbiters of truth. Talk about one hell of an ego, that's what governments are. So until a physics authority says walking off a cliff is bad, I should just walk off cliffs? I guess so since people' reality is not based on any logic or scientific process. It is based on conformity.
I'll be honest, when things like this go on I am less "socially awkward" since I know a question along the lines of "did you stock up?" or "how was the line at the store?" can be asked to basically everyone. And that's a bad thing, when striking up a conversation with several people, not all of them should be asked the same questions unless you're a journalist. Humans should be so unique that you don't know what to discuss. That shows you everyone is all on the same page. I keep hearing people use the term "They" to describe the media and government. "They are gonna shut down the schools", "They are quarantining people", "They say things are gonna get worse". First of all, what qualifications do "They" have? Second, how did "They" become "They" and get in those positions and how many individuals make up "They"?" Thirdly, what are the actions that "They" are doing backed up by?" Fourth, how did "They" obtain the rights to do the actions what they and why doesn't anyone else have these rights? Fifth, Are "They" a transparent and boycott-able entity?
What you are implying is that "They" that lie or exaggerate about everything else under the sun is telling you the truth about what is going on. "Government Corruption'" is an oxymoron, government is corruption. Maybe people only call it corrupt when the state violates their rights, but call it order when they use it to violate others rights. But after seeing trust in government the highest its even been and a IQ being lowest its been it shows that the powers that decided to be got us exactly where they want us. I believe some people will wake up and realize the importance of self reliance and working under the table, but the majority will always outweigh and the things will collectively get worse. Not all viruses are created equal and some replicate faster than others, however with COVID-19, those who have gotten ill were already immunocompromised. The majority of cases in Wuhan have recovered and even the Shanghai government and doctors have recommended Vitamin C intravenously. If this was a plague, practically everyone in Wuhan would be dead. This is clear proof that the variable of a person's immune system affects the outcome of a flu, if not there would not be a variety of from no symptoms to sniffles to flat out death. Now I've heard that there is 5G connection to this that causes oxygen depletion an Wuhan just rolled out 5G. Whether it's from EMF or Viral, the immunocompromised will be affected first.
So lets go back to the casual factors why people's beliefs are the way they are and how it led up to today's current events, specifically here in California. What I am currently noticing is those that are terrified of the virus are wearing masks are afraid they're gonna die and those that believe that the virus is no big deal don't seem to care about the totalitarian measures in place, in fact they enjoy that they can be lazy and get their stimulus check. First of all, lets look at the fact that California is dominated by Big Ag. How did this come to be? It is more than the Industrial Revolution and people living in apartments. It comes down to a centralized plan, despite having thousands of farms owned by 10s of thousands of people. McDonald's, Burger King, KFC might be independent from one another, but they are all on the same page either directly of indirectly. In a spiritually unconscious society, the "free market" or voluntary exchange of goods and services is only as good as the people in the society. So even with no government forcing a idea down someones throat , you can still have a idea, no matter how bad it is, replicated by various private entities. Don't think that because you have a choice between Coke and Pepsi and despite choosing to purchase it with your free will that it is not basically the same thing. Now these are corporations that only get the power that they have through the belief in government.
Now let's say the government magically disappears. A new form of control would be created by those that know how to manipulate and bullshit people. It might not be forced, but is still central planning through social engineering. Most of the farms in California are family farms often by multiple generations, 5 or more. Now this isn't families homesteading and growing sustainably, which can be a beautiful thing. This is large scale, conventional, earth destroying, maximum profit system that is carried out through generations of brainwashing and abuse. Now this abuse is carried out from one parent and then projected onto future generations to make those who were abused feel better that they were forced to become so called "farmers". The idea is projected into cults such as FFA and 4H which push this unsustainable earth raping model to others all around the world who are also in these club to get everyone on the same page and be taught the same ideas cause god forbid a "city slicker"who is looking at things from a objective and passionate perspective bring morals and ethics to an area run by greedy and dysfunctional people who farm due to trauma and bias to help out their friends who are Big Ag salesmen. Now the proof would be in the pudding of the results. Sometimes singers have children who are also singers and it happens to work out fine because it is seen in the results if they are talented. If they farmed from passion and not dysfunction and greed everything would be done in various sustainable ways and not produced with bio-weapons like pesticides, just like if the police were truly conscious, they wouldn't even be a cop in the first place. These farmers would be hanging in a noose, if their workers knew how they were being used.
Now, how does this all tie into what is going on here with Martial Law, I mean lock-downs. Again, like I described, the proof is in the pudding. People sitting by and allowing governments to have the power that they do which is always violence and coercion or people allowing private enterprises to influence a large portion of our life, there comes a point when this is all by choice and we must take personal responsibility to what is in our control and not blame others for what you do through your free will. Allowing government to claim empty land where food forests could be grown and humans could be self sustainable. Allowing others to think they can stop you from exercising your rights. Believing that you must ask permission to do something that doesn't harm others. There is more of us and less of them. Now after what I have seen, people are broken beyond repair and one way to stop others from gaining control is through ostracizing someone and not making excuses for their wrongdoings just because they know them. Even many brainwashed people claim they don't like cops or the war, but they will make excuses when someone they know joins these cults and claim that "they're a good person and will do the right thing". And that's the problem! Even if said situation was true and they did do the best they can working in this slavery system, they are making it exist by partaking in it. Now I don't think someone who is something like a janitor for city hall should be physically punished, but we need to stop partaking in these things collectively to achieve a decent world. Regardless if you have a decent income and people are fine with what you are doing and you escape consequences from others,what happens collectively still affects you. You will never see me calling 911 or suing someone. Who gives a crap if even if you benefit from it, even if another citizen did something to you and you personally received so called "justice" for yourself, the same weapon can be used against you since this whole damn society is based on moral relativism,anything goes. So we need to get to a point as a culture where even those who would do evil things when given the opportunity, don't get encouraged and given the opportunity. They are still bad people none the less.
Now others might have the potential to become decent people because they are currently under a spell caused by various forms of indoctrination and excess toxins, mostly neurotoxins in the body. But it is more than that, since some of the nicest, morally sound people have been cigarette smokers and heavy drinkers. Could be be demonic possession? Or is it like minded people stick together, so one area may have a higher sociopath ratio than another area. I believe that it is important to educate children while their mind is still malleable on the difference between right and wrong. That is the best chance we have. And the adults may have to suffer personally cause observing and learning lessons through others making mistakes is not enough. I could go on and on how these chemicals affect the microbiome which effects people's emotions. How organized religion and looking to other humans for guidance. If there is something to look to it's truth and only truth.

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