An Entry for Easy Mini Drawing Contest #2: CORN
This is a submission for Easy Mini Drawing Contest #2, Theme : CORN, a contest held by @jacinta.sevilla.
"The Slothi Corn"
The challenge is to draw whatever you like about the main theme : corn.
I don't know why suddenly thought about @slothicorn when knowing the theme.
Popped out just like that! haha...
I hope this one can still be accepted as an entry.
I used Photoshop and a pentab to draw this one, here's some WIP pics:
Wooow so creative!!!!
Very nice work!
Thank you very much @jacinta.sevilla
corn eat corn?
hahahhahahah.... lol
Kukang sikatan jagung
Kuwe udu sikatan,,lagi ngguangi slilit ngarang bro @sentanu74
Silililit e di klumpukna mengko nggo bukber
Buahahahakkkk... Huaaasyeeemmmm... Tambah eneg mgko
Evan wis tak kon gawe jagung parutan keju maning go kowe buka
Nyong tek tuku dewek baelah...
Jagung makan jagung
Hahahahhaa.... kan yang nggak oleh jeruk makan jeruk Mba @dwiitavita ..hihihihihi
a mashup! brilliant! :D
Thank you very much Bro @anomt