Artist of This Week : short ISFP
Hello everyone, this is SELLBUYMUSIC, a royalty-free stock music library!
At SELLBUYMUSIC, many artists are active, releasing music for various purposes such as YouTube, streaming, advertisements, and in-store music. This post is a section that introduces such artists.
Today, let's take a look at "Short ISFP," a talented musician who is active as a singer-songwriter and has even released personal single music.
[image 1] Introduction of Short ISFP - Sellbuymusic artist
Q1. Please introduce yourself. What genre of music do you mainly make?
A1. Hello, I'm "Short ISFP," a composer and singer-songwriter. 😊
At SELLBUYMUSIC, I mainly create cute background music or calm piano music. In addition, I release singles for my personal music activities and occasionally write music for dramas.
Q2. How did you hear about SELLBUYMUSIC?
A2. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember well, but I think I found it through an internet search. I was thinking about how to earn additional income through something that I could do well, and that's how I found it. :)
Q3. If there is an artist or song that inspires you, who or what is it?
A3. Rather than being inspired by a particular song, I tend to remember music that I like or unique techniques, and try to apply them when I write songs later on. I guess this is what you would call inspiration..? 🥰
I was influenced by pianist Yoon Ji-hee's performance and wrote a song called "The Season When You Bloom" (literal translation), and I also wrote a song called "Walking on the Road" under the influence of Kim Dong-ryul.
These days, I listen to a lot of musical soundtracks. Recently, I'm hooked on "Six the Musical."
Q4. When making music, what do you focus on the most?
A4. I think I pay the most attention to the melody and atmosphere. Especially with BGMs, the mood and situation have to match well, so I tend to focus the most on whether the atmosphere fits well.
Next, I pay attention to the length and structure of the song. If I keep the same atmosphere throughout the whole song, it can feel boring!
Q5. If you have a favorite song among your creations, what is it?
A5. It's too difficult to choose just one since all of my songs come from the heart, but if I had to pick one, I like "Fresh Spring" because it fits well with the current weather. Personally, I like the part where the piano comes in and it feels like taking a walk on a flower road :)
Q6. Can you introduce the charm points of your music to the readers?
A6. It's a bit embarrassing for me to say it myself, but I think it's the melody. 😉
I'm not good at creating grandiose songs, but I'm confident in creating cute and lively songs that can be used for vlogs or pet YouTube videos.
Also, I've been told that I have an advantage in writing lyrics that people can empathize with.
I think my tendency to look at individual trees rather than the whole forest is reflected in my music.
Q7. Is there a moment in your daily life that inspires you musically?
A7. It's when I talk to people or when a particular sentence from a book or a movie resonates with me. I think about it and add my own story to it, and it becomes my song. :)
Q8. What kind of artist do you want to be known as in the world?
A8. I want to be remembered as an honest artist. I have a lot of lyrics that sing aboutwarmth and hope, but I also want to express emotions like anger or frustration and connect with people who feel the same way.
I want to be an artist who empathizes and communicates with others. :)
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