The "Special" Humans and Their Illusory "Magical" Powers + Exposing My Own Error

in #cops7 years ago

If taxation without consent is NOT robbery, then any band of robbers need only DECLARE themselves a "government" and their robberies are legalized - L. Spooner

Some would say that such an error on my part is "no big deal." But it actually is. If we wanna change the world we have to start by cleansing our minds from the extended indoctrination a lot of us have undergone throughout the past couple decades!

Enjoy the video!

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Hi Brian, I spoke with you last week about posting on DTube and wanted to give you this update on DTube and the vast improvments that have been implemented if you'd like to give it another try Thanks for your videos !

Thank you so much man! I'll try and upload my next video on Dtube. I appreciate the follow up.

Great, of course. Please share any feedback on your uploading and/or viewing experiences this time as well so I can share the feedback. Take care...

I just tried to upload my last video to Dtube twice. Both times I get a server error in the lower right hand corner of my screen. The video completely loaded and gave me the green check mark. It would not upload my thumbnail.

Nice post! Today i am so scared to live my life, scared about my future. How can I overcome this feeling?

One of the ways to overcoming fear is comprehending what fear is. Fear is entirely subjective, so without subjectivity there is no fear. By subjective, I mean one's mental blockation on particular perceptions or/and preferences. Personal preference and interpretation is quite convenient to have, since it leads to diversity and such, but don't be blinded by them.

Next, fear is also dependend on some form of pain. Without the perception of pain, there is - again - no fear. More than that, pain is also a rudimentary element of bodily/platformal damage assessment systems. Besides there being more complex and efficient systems that do this, any such system also implies some manner of susceptibility to damage and destructive force.

Now, if something is genuinely infinite and veyond infinite, as well as genuinely unlimited, then everythins is such as well. Therefore, limits and limitations are merely figments of perception. I'm talking about things that extend beyond the perception of the physical, 5-sense of "reality", as well as to the notion that we're all infinite and more than infinite, but our incarnate personas don't remember that yet. Not entirely. We are remembering, though.

Anyway, on an esoteric level, what you fear you attract because you obsess on it. So, that becomes your imagination of your reality and thus it's what you bring into your life's experience. When you no longer fear anything, your life will change significantly, even though it might not be immediately obvious to the brain or/and incarnate mind when you first make such a choice.

Anyway, love and reason, awareness and comprehension... among other things...

That sounds about right. Fear makes money. For the press. For the MIC. And for YouTubers. Wanna help win a battle for freedom the. Call your congressman and demand they uncap it and undilute our voices.

Actually, calling the congress and demanding that they do something won't actually solve the problem, because it'd be trying to ask a slaver to help the slave. What we need to do is become aware of our responsibility and manifest the power that the system is trying to blindepeople from.

One solution among others would be to organize amongst ourselves, share with each other and once enough of us find ourselves congregated in a particular region, stop paying taxes and stop giving a fuck about the imposition. That way, if/when they'd try to arrest someone, they won't be doing it easily, if at all, if say there are say ~20.000 people who will not stand down in an area. Not only will they not have the manpower, they also won't have room in the closest few prisons and even if they do manage to arrest all those people, they'll be left with a desolate area and it'd be a financial loss for the government due to the lack of people working jobs in the area.

The people have no power except what congress can change. The government is already operating at a loss and has no problem (has already planned for and has the infrastructure to do it) incarcerate a 100 million people should they band together and stop paying taxes. Whether we all decide to boycott the state statistics says 2/3rds will choose to obey and incarcerate the remaining 1/3 absent a civil war - Funded by who? Putin?

Actually, the people have the power. They've just been kidded into believing they have no power so that they'd be easier to manipulate and control through fear based propaganda. Even if they imprison 100 million people, it's still a loss for the government because then they have to feed and shelter those people within the prisons.

If those people all refuse to cooperate with the wardens' attempts to force them to work, even if they kill the prisoners, they'd still be at a loss. Actually, if they do imprison the entirety of the population, the control system would almost immediately collapse, because there'd be nobody to work the jobs and pay the taxes (provided the population stays united in mind, heart and action). Incidentally, and I find it rather amusing and ironic, if you go to jail for tax evasion you're technically living off taxes as a direct result of not paying taxes (albeit not in particularly comfortable conditions - but comfort, while it can easily coexist with freedom, it does not imply the latter).

If people just stopped giving a fuck about words on paper called "laws", we would easily turn this situation around. Think about it. If the manipulators were so "powerful", why would they waste time trying to manipulate the population? If they had the manifested ability to overpower the population, they wouldn't waste all that time and all those resources to stimulate public perception in their favour.

Again, calling congress to "fix it" or saying that "oh, we have no power" is likely merely an excuse that people use to mask their complacency and perhaps cowardice, aside from being ignorant to the infinity that everything is.

In my country, people have already started organising themselves to start refusing to pay at least some of the taxes.

Anyway, once one remembers that this life is but a game and there are infinities of others, as well as that everything is genuinely infinite and veyond, all of these little issues, while relevant to have as experiences to learn from, will seem trifle in comparison to what we and everything else is.

Great Points but You lost me at the end there.

Police Brutality is a local issue. If communities wanted to prevent it they would and can. Look at the SLC Department where that rogue Apple tortured the Nurse because of her refusal to do a blood draw because she had no probable cause to do so; the agency fired him and demoted his supervisor. They took action against the corruption of the blue line.

I’d like to produce a symbol for the Good Cops and by wearing this symbol they agree to stop lying. Period. No more pretext stops. What do you think?

By wearing the symbol they agree to be good cops and respect civil rights and refuse to lie and refuse to create fictional lying pretexts to violate people’s rights.

A symbol for the good cop who would let 100 mere suspects go free in light of respecting civil rights rather than falsely accuse one innocent person. What should that look like?

They’ve got the Old Blue Line Symbol BUT it’s become synonymous with corruption and cover-ups.

You’re trying to change the hearts and minds of people using delusional lies and changing definitions.

Ie. Taxation is not Theft. It’s the right of the Sovereign to expect annual tribute. It’s the way it is.

And you’re actually doing a disservice to everyone by continually attacking the system like Don Quixote and his windmills by creating other similarly useless ideals in other people.

Please stop lying to people and stop challenging the Authority of our government. Sooner makes good arguments but nothing he said has been upheld by any court; But I could be wrong.

Whether you agree with the US Government’s legitimacy or not, It has conquered most of North America and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. But it has given us a way to take back control. Uncap Congress.

You’re actually helping the Hegemony divide up America and keeping them from knowing the truth as to how to take back control over Congress and the Shadow Government by extension.

Jurisdiction is the Right if the Sovereign by Conquest. English common law.

The US and State Governments claim ownership of all the land and sold it to everyone in Fee Simple. They didn’t sell the sovereignty. They retained that and the rights to demand fees and annual tribute. It’s based on the State’s original Claim of ownership. Think about it like an HOA charges members maintenance fees... yes I know you didn’t sign onto or agree to the laws of the sovereign but understand that doesn’t matter. You were born into a Sovereign Nation And unless you move to create your own sovereign nation it’s not immoral or theft to charge the members fees and taxes Ie annual tribute.

This is why we need to Un-dilute or voice and expand congress but no; But ya’ll are still stuck in middle school throwing the A Sign around and drawing it on all the folders.

It’s not that I agree with the system. As is, mind you. We need to uncap congress.

It’s just that, that’s the way it is. I don’t like it anymore than you do but you can’t attack it on moral grounds any more than you can attack an HOA. It’s all legal too.

The only way to fix it is to increase the size of congress to 1:30,000. Delaware has the least tax burden of any state and has the best ratio 1:24,000.

Please name one "delusional lie" from the perspective of morality. Taking the laboring energies of people who do not consent to such a seizure IS theft.

HOA's are voluntary contracts. You AGREE to enter an HOA. It would be immoral for that HOA to try and extend its "authority" to your neighborhood if you lived 10 miles down the road.

Government is the illegitimate use of force to commandeer the fortunes of others so that they can redistribute the wealth. THAT is immoral. Let not the government reduce you to an immoral being. That's what they are in the business of and theft funds their operation.

We don’t live in a world or perspective of morality. We live in a world of manmade created laws. I cannot comment from a perspective of morality because it doesn’t matter or even exist until we all live by a set Libertarian Principals. How do we get there from Here?

I post a statement based on current reality’s POV and you demand an answer that requires me to imagine how we want it to work. That’s delusional.

It’s okay to have dreams and aspirations but acting as if we actually live in a Libertarian world, calling Taxation Theft, does a disservice to those trying to make the change. Lies don’t help. Once There is no taxation and everthing is based on voluntary payments for actual contracted services, then Taxation=Theft. You have to change the rules then the definitions automatically change.

Again, taxes are contractural based on the territory being conquered by the Corporation of the United States of America.

I am posting this so people can see how the real world works. And it definitely doesn’t conform to the libertarian ideals of Locke, Spooner or Rothbard.

But I would like to live in a world ruled by their principals. How do we get there from here in my lifetime. My life expectancy is about 30-40 more years. Hopefully. But let’s first discuss how it is and how things work today.

Our society values Conquest. Which is the definition that allows all Title companies to insure private title of what was formerly native indigenous peoples lands in the United States of America.

The way it is has been and will forever be until we change things; The United States claims original ownership via Survey and Patent of every bit of land within its borders, by Conquest, Treaty or Purchase from a previous sovereign owner.

The act of Claiming Ownership of the Land, Legally Describing it, Surveying it, and creating an unopposed original patent, constitutes being the original sovereign owner subjecting every subsequent owner to its will including taxation as a Covenant Running with the Land Whether you signed the original contract or not. Regardless of what Murray Rothbard or Locke say about it.

It’s the scale and time frames of the States Original Ownership that people have trouble understanding that there is a contract to pay Property Taxes or Annual Tribute.

Property Taxes are also legitimate taxes which are based on an implied contract by taking title through the State’s Original Ownership Patent of the Land and joining the chain of title down to you and other owners of adjacent lands.

The same concepts work for Criminal Jurisdiction as well. Sovereignty and Jurisdiction was automatically reserved at sale of fee simple title, and delegated back to the states, counties and municipalities based on the Sovereign’s original ownership. No agreement or signature from you or me is required. However you’re free to leave to gain your sovereignty somewhere you and your army can conquer.

How do we change this. No platitudes. Type it for yourself. No links. Your opinions. Please.

The Government of the U.S. is now a perversion of the Government our ancestors created for us. Perverted by the Same families who created the Federal Reserve and Fractional Lending; which families manufacture disasters to continuously take greater control of our legislative processes. We have gone from a perfect minarchist mostly voluntary society (except for the enslavement of the negro race), to a socialist one in about 100 years which is about to peak soon when we implement universal health care here.

The middle class is surrounded by millions of entitlement addicts and the 435 people charged with defending my treasure and my property are actively working against me. And that’s just how the perverted Hegemony wants it.

It’s too late to convince people about the evils of statism And Progressive Programs. It’s too late to start crying about the take over. Understand it’s happened already how it happened. Yes, we need to stand on our principals and scream platitudes of Freedom but don’t be delusional. Those messages are lost on the mainstream. The only way back is to get radical and expand congress to a ratio of 1:30,000 as was originally intended.

Based on The US constitution's suggested representative ratio of 1:30,000, we should have 10,800 U.S. Representatives. Actual: 438. The actual ratio gives the People a voice of 1:750,000+- (We are virtually mute in the ears of our representatives. The only people they hear are the special interests). The states are better but still diluted.

Texas: Suggested-833 / Actual 150

Actual Ratio is 1:166,000+-

Florida: Suggested-676 / Actual 120

Actual Ratio is 1:169,000+-

California: Suggested-1,308 Actual 80

Actual Ratio is 1:490,000+-

Delaware with the lowest tax burden of any State has the best ratio of 1:23,000+-.

And our voices get watered down more and more every year as the ability of the special interests to control elections gets easier and easier for the private lobbyists with all the money to control elections and tax policy to favor the 1%

The answer is to actually increase the size of the house decreasing the dilution of rep to citizen to 1:30,000 so the people’s voice is heard again.

We cannot afford not to. Supporting increased opportunities to change the system doesn’t mean you agree with the system. Increasing seats in congress to levels that we actually know the representative as a neighbor puts the onus of visceral accountability where. It should be.

The only way to change the system is to do it from within. Currently, third parties have no way in. Or Rebel.

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Nobody is ever enslaved by their thoughts. Quite on the contrary, genuine thought and questioning always liberates one from mental slavery, which then translates into thwarting physical oppression as well, since reality is created by mind.

If we're talking about people who "believe" something, more so if it's to a point of it becoming zealotry, that's what actually constitutes mental slavery.

Which, again, can be easily surpassed with but a choice to know, love and comprehend. People who are still asleep are chasing their own tails, and even if they claim that this system is fucked up, they show their manifested lack of thought when they claim that another authorative system or party is "the solution". Not only are they trying to support a system that's basically the same as the old one, but they're trying to find "external" solutions for issues that are internal.

No amount of "external" help is ever likely to solve issues of one's self. This society will drastically turn around towards evolution, once enough people take back their responsibility and refuse to give others the power to control them.

Every collective is made of individuals. Every individual that improves and becomes free, on whatever leve, contributes to elevating the collective as well. Our thoughts and feelings (not sentiments, btw) shape the reality we experience.

If you want a world that's kind, be kind. If you want peace, be peaceful. If you use violence, use it in defence and as a last resort, but without any hate.

Love and reason, awareness and comprehension...

If cops don’t fallow the constitution then they should be fired and sued out of existence ❗️

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