The History & Benefits Of Copper Bracelets

in #copper2 years ago

Defense Bracelet helped me soothe any discomfort!

I sat on the floor of my bedroom, half-dressed, sobbing in misery. I was at the breaking point…
You see, I started developing discomfort in my hands at the age of 29. Most people think that it hits the elderly, but the truth is it can hit you at any time.
By the time I was 40, this discomfort had eaten away at the joints in my hands to the point where I was always in pain… and I mean always.
You don’t realize how much you use your hands until using them hurts. Writing down a phone number… slicing an avocado… braiding my daughter’s hair… typing an email… even tying my shoes…
It had become so painful and difficult that I just wanted to give up.
And that’s what landed me on the floor, half-dressed, sobbing… I had been trying to tie my shoes for 10 minutes and my fingers were so stiff and painful that I just couldn’t do it. I’d been to doctors… plenty of them. And I had a medicine cabinet full of medications that were supposed to help. The problem is, I actually READ the warnings on those medications: Liver failure. GI bleeding. Neurological problems. Addiction. Sudden death…
I’ve got a lot of life left to live, and I don’t want to live it high on painkillers or suffering from organ failure because of the medications I take. So I relied on medications, and (to be honest) wine at the end of every day.
But it clearly wasn’t working… because the pain was always with me, wearing me out and making me short-tempered and weary.
I’d made it a practice to never talk about my battle but that day, I finally poured my heart out to my friend over coffee.
She had no idea I’d been suffering so much, for so long… and it felt good to finally be honest about how much this affected my life.
A few days later, I got a package in the mail… Inside were two copper bracelets. I texted my friend right away, because I knew they had to be from her. She explained that these copper bracelets with strong magnets were supposed to relieve pain, especially in the wrists and hands.

I’ve got to admit… I was very skeptical.

But I was also desperate to remove any discomfort that wouldn’t wreck my health, so I tried them… On my left wrist, I used the cuff bracelet. On my right, I tried the link bracelet. Look… I’m not a person who goes in for every woo-woo, natural-healing fad. In fact, I’ve tried plenty of things that came with big promises but flat out didn’t work.
But the Defense Bracelets were different…
Within a few hours, I felt like I had more mobility in my hands. I wore them 24/7 for a few days and noticed that
my pain was a lot better…
I made dinner without having to take a rest from the pain. I edited my son’s school paper without having problems typing. I was able to skip doses of medications and didn’t feel like I needed a glass (or two) of wine to relax before bedtime.



Copper has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, as recorded in some of the earliest records available. The Smith Papyrus, an Ancient Egyptian medical book, suggests copper as a remedy to sterilise both chest wounds and water for drinking. Copper bracelets can be traced back to the Iron age, around 800 BC, although it is suspected that they may have been used even earlier. The remains of many copper bracelets from this era have been discovered during excavations, and they are still extremely popular today. This is due to their medicinal properties, as copper bracelets have been found to have healing benefits for a variety of medical conditions. Here are some of the most common and well understood uses for medicinal copper bracelets.

The use of copper bracelets for the treatment of arthritis has existed for thousands of years, and it's one of the oldest treatments for the condition still existing today. In Ancient Greece, the use of copper bracelets was recorded to relieve aches and pains, similar to arthritis. It is a widely debated subject, but those who have experienced the healing benefits of copper bracelets for their arthritis claim that the benefits are too strong to be denied. In the modern era, use of copper bracelets for arthritis became popular in the 1970s following a series of scientific studies into the subject matter. The copper has both anti-inflamatory and antioxidant properties, which are both thought to combat joint pain and enable sufferers to move more freely as a result.

Copper has been demonstrated to be an essential micro-nutrient when it comes to keeping our blood, muscles and joints healthy. The healing properties of increased copper in the diet have been shown repeatedly, but it can also be absorbed via the skin using specially designed jewellery. The copper is absorbed by the skin, directly into the blood stream. In many ways, this is better than alternative, pharmaceutical treatments for arthritis and related conditions, as the bracelet can be worn continuously. The body is able to store copper and use as required, so a consistent flow of copper into the bloodstream will not cause any harm. However, it has been found that taking large doses orally can have negative side effects. Copper bracelets are a safe, continuous treatment for conditions such as arthritis. They can be worn throughout the day, enabling sufferers to move freely and with less pain.

Iron deficiency and anaemia

A large proportion of the world's population, particularly women, are deficient in iron. Consequently, anaemia is an increasingly common illness encountered by many people. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia throughout the world. Both iron deficiency and anaemia have a variety of debilitating symptoms, including fatigue, stunted growth, impaired regulation of body temperature, and decreased immune function. The condition is not restricted to developing countries, and is also common in the United Kingdom. Many efforts have been made to reduce the incidence of iron deficiency and anaemia, such as the fortification of many food products with iron and the increase in iron supplements available on the high street, but the problem persists. In extreme cases, doctors may inject patients with additional iron.

Copper bracelets are a non-invasive alternative to traditional medication and supplementation used to support those with iron deficiencies and anaemia. The bracelets work through the process of transdermal micronutrition, with iron being absorbed into the skin. Research suggests that absorbing micronutrients through the skin is more beneficial than taking oral supplements or injections, as well as being associated with fewer side effects. It is thought to be a more direct route into the blood stream, bypassing the process of digestion (in which micronutrients can be lost). Copper bracelets have also been found to be beneficial in treating the less prevalent zinc deficiency.

Cardiovascular illnesses

Copper deficiency has also been found to have a negative impact upon the cardiovascular system, with people chronically low in copper suspected to have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease than other people. Research suggests that low amounts of copper in the body have been linked to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause a multitude of problems within the body, including heart disease. There are strong links between copper bracelets and a reduction in blood pressure. This, combined with a good diet and regular exercise, can contribute to reducing your risk of cardiovascular illnesses associated with high blood pressure.


Infection and impaired immune system function

Copper has also been found to protect and fight against infection within the body. It contains antimicrobial properties, which can combat bacteria and viruses within the body. Considering that no negative side effects have been associated with the use of copper bracelets, it almost seems illogical to ignore the potential benefits. If you suffer from an impaired immune system, copper bracelets may be an affordable and noninvasive solution. Unlike with oral supplementation, there's no risk of copper poisoning when using the bracelets, so they're a safe way to promote general health and wellness.

Copper bracelets are undoubtedly an excellent choice for the treatment of many medical conditions, yet tend to be ignored by mainstream medical practices. Little to no side effects have been found to be associated with the bracelets, other than a temporary discolouration of the skin in some cases, or irritation in those with known allergies to copper.


Magnetic Copper Bracelets
Non-Magnetic Copper Bracelets
Magnetic Copper Dog Collars
Copper Tree Water Features
Wholesale CopperBracelets



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