Sunti Acid (Starfruit treatment), asam sunti

in #cooking7 years ago

Kurang lengkap rasanya ketika kita membicarakan bumbu masak, jika tidak mengikutsertakan asam sunti di dalamnya, ya asam sunti, salah satu bumbu masak khas Aceh yang memang dipakai pada beberapa kuliner Aceh yang mendunia seperti kuah masam keueng, sie reuboh, kuah kreung, dan sebagainya.

Keberadaannya memang unik, disamping memiliki sifat asam sesuai lakabnya, juga mempunyai citarasa magis, yang seakan menyihir penikmat masakan yang di dalamnya dibubuhi asam sunti ini.

Konon kabarnya air tirisan asam sunti saat proses pembuatannya juga bisa melembutkan tekstur ikan yang direndam dengan air tirisan asam sunti. Dan menurut analisa penulis, air tirisan asam sunti juga sebagai bahan alternatif pengganti cuka pada masakan sie reuboh khas Aceh Besar.

Asam sunti berbahan dasar belimbing wuluh atau kerap disebut belimbing sayur, yang kemudian dijemur agar kering dan menguning, air tirisan yang keluar dari belimbing wuluh tersebut boleh ditampung untuk digunakan, atau dibuang. Kemudian belimbing yang telah menguning tersebut ditaburi garam, lalu diangin-anginkan dulu di tempat teduh satu malam, baru kemudian dijemur di terik matahari, sampai warna belimbing berwarna kecoklatan. Belimbing sayur kering ini sudah tahan disimpan sampai setahun lamanya, bahkan lebih, sehingga namanya disebut asam sunti. Dan siap dijadikan sebagai bumbu masak.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca dan pengunjung sekalian

20 Februari 2018
Salam, @sir.arafat01

The incomplete taste when we talk about cooking spices, if not include sunti acid in it, sour sunti, one of Aceh's special spices that are used in some of Aceh's culinary world such as kuah masam keueng, sie reuboh, kuah kreung, and so on.

Its existence is unique, in addition to having the acid properties as the name suggests, also has a magical flavor, which seemed to conjure the connoisseur of cuisine in it soured with this acid.

It is said that sunti acid drainage water during the process of manufacture can also soften the texture of fish soaked with sunti acid water. And according to the author's analysis, sunti acid scallop water also as an alternative substitute for vinegar in sie reuboh cuisine typical of Aceh Besar.

Sunti acid based starfruit wuluh or often called starfruit vegetables, which are then dried in the sun for drying and yellowing, drainage water that comes from the starfruit wuluh may be accommodated for use, or discarded. Then the yellowed starfruit is sprinkled with salt, then aired first in the shade one night, then dried in the sun, until the color of starfruit brown. This dried vegetable starfruit has been held up for a year, even more, so the name is called sunti acid. And ready to serve as spices.

Hopefully this information is useful for readers and visitors alike

February 20, 2018
Regards, @sir.arafat01


Nyaam bg, mangat ta peugot kuah asam keu'eunk bg

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