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RE: Best sammich ever... everything from scratch . ....

in #cooking7 years ago

Hey! I love that show ! But who in their right mind would want to eat so much? It's beyond me! There's a lot of overweight people in my town that eat at McDonald's everyday, then sit in Tim Hortons parking lot, of course they're the people on welfare who are too lazy to work, it sickens me to know my taxes are paying them and they drive a nicer car than me!


Since the smoking law came into action nearly a decade ago the devious system has put it into peoples minds that the smokers are the lowest of the low in society. Yet Goverment are happy for the big money income it brings in for them. As well smokers well cover the bill for the National Health Service here.
Yes that Man v Food was pretty mad when that guy Adam just eat those massive portions of junk food.

We can't even smoke in parks here! It sucks being a smoker sometimes , I buy a carton of smokes for 10 bucks (I told you I was cheap ) and going out when it's -20 REALLY sucks! We have Ohip here, all medical stuff is paid by the government , the only thing I have to pay for out of pocket is the dentist but it's worth it! And now they're legalizing pot, you can buy it now on the reserve legally I don't smoke it myself but all my buddies do....I get too spacey , like it's a good thing my head was attached to my body, or else it would float away kind of spacey, bahaha 😀 😂 👅

Your nearly as cheap as one of those cheap tents are keep falling down on a windy summer night haha.
A packet of cigarettes is nearly as expensive as gold now here in London. For the top brands are around £10 crazy. British Goverment have put a ban on 10 pack cigarettes so people have to buy the full 20 packet nowadays.
I lived like one summer in Amsterdam during the 1990s absolutely mind blowing place like. But I do not touch pot anymore since then. If I try it just makes me feel paranoid and like my mouth is bleeding too. So I decided no point in torturing my soul with that pot thou.

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