Chicken Soup

in #cooking7 years ago

Chicken soup is a typical Indonesian food, one of the foods that are very popular in Indonesia is yellowish in colored by turmeric that is used as the basic ingredients of making chicken soup.

## The main ingredient in need
1/4 chicken
## Softened seasoning
3 cloves Garlic 5 Shallot onion 2cm galangal 2 candlenuts 2cm turmeric

Ingredients for sauteing

2 tablespoons of cooking oil
2 bay leaves
2 orange leaves
1 Lemongrass bar
500 ml of water
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt

Vegetables for soup

50gram Tauge
50 grams of soun
50 grams of sliced ​​cabbage
1 Lime fruit

## Supplementary material
Emping boiled eggs soy sauce sambal (saos)
## How to make * Smooth the onion, garlic, ginger, galangal, candlenut and turmeric with a little water. * Sauté Seasonings that have been smoothed with a little oil, Add the leaves of lemon leaves and lemon grass * Add water then Enter the chicken and slices of celery leaves, cook until the chicken is tender. Lift then split the water of stew was for soup soto. * Suwir-suwir chicken that has been in ungkep earlier * Boil water and give a little salt enter cabbage, bean sprouts and soun briefly remove and drain * Prepare a serving bowl, fill soun, cabbage, bean sprouts, chicken suwiran, boiled egg pieces then add the sauce and garnished with a complement * chicken soup ready to serve

Soto ayam adalah makanan khas Indonesia, salah satu makanan yang sangat populer di Indonesia ini berwarna kekuningan di karenakan oleh kunyit yang di digunakan sebagai bahan bumbu dasar dari pembuatan soto ayam.

## Bahan utama yang di perlukan
1/4 ekor ayam
## Bumbu yang dihaluskan
3 siung Bawang putih 5 Siung bawang merah 2cm lengkuas 2 butir kemiri 2cm kunyit

Bahan-Bahan untuk menumis

2 Sendok makan minyak goreng
2 lembar daun salam
2 lembar daun jeruk
1 Batang sereh
500 ml air
1/2 sendok teh gula
1/2 sendok teh garam

Sayuran untuk soto

50gram Tauge
50 gram soun
50 gram kol iris
1 Buah jeruk nipis

## Bahan Pelengkap
Emping telur rebus kecap sambal (saos)
## Cara Membuat * Halus kan bawang merah, bawang putih, jahe, lengkuas, kemiri dan kunyit dengan sedikit air. * Tumis Bumbu yang sudah dihalus kan dengan sedikit minyak, Tambahkan daun salam daun jeruk dan serai * Tambahkan air lalu Masukkan ayam dan irisan daun seledri, masak hingga ayam empuk. Angkat lalu pisah kan air rebusan tadi untuk kuah soto. * Suwir-suwir ayam yang telah di ungkep tadi * Rebus air lalu beri sedikit garam masukkan kol, tauge dan soun sebentar angkat dan tiriskan * Siapkan mangkuk saji, isikan soun, kol, tauge, suwiran ayam, potongan telur rebus lalu tambahkan kuah dan hiasi dengan pelengkap * soto ayam siap di hidangkan

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