Make Low Carb Bread Without Sacrificing Taste!

in #cooking7 years ago (edited)

Bread 2.jpeg

The perfect keto friendly bread.

Low carb bread is a great idea in theory, but in practice, it’s not so pleasing on the taste buds. Over time, I’ve tried several low carb bread recipes’. I didn’t find one that one I could eat and maintain a straight face! However, I didn’t want to give up on the idea all together.

In the meantime, I was pondering the question, “How could I make a killer tasting loaf that didn’t pack on the pounds, by still remaining a keto friendly bread?” After all, it’s yeast that gives regular bread that taste we all know and love. After a workout, it hit me, “I’ll just add a couple of teaspoons of Fleischmann’s Yeast.” Wouldn’t you know, it did the trick!

“Who has time to make a stinking loaf of bread, when I can just conveniently pick it from the store for just a little over a buck?“, I asked. The way I figure, if I spent just one hour to make a loaf of low carb bread that would last me a week, I’m not only saving that buck a week, but I’m also saving the extra three bucks a week in gas to get to the store in the first place.

After the smoke clears, I’m saving myself a total $4 a week. If I multiply $4 by 4 weeks, I’m saving $16 bucks a month. What’s the big deal about a measly $16 bucks? Well, my valued reader, that $16 more than pays for my monthly Amazon Prime membership. On top of that, I’m making myself a nutritious and keto friendly bread; thus, saving myself some potential medical insurance copay’s in the process.

Bottom line: It pays to cook at home!

The ingredients you need include:

Bread 1.jpeg

10 tablespoons of melted butter (1 tablespoon to grease the loaf pan)

2 teaspoons of Fleischmann’s Yeast

2 teaspoons of honey

1 1/4 cup of warm water

2 Tablespoons of psyllium husks

1 1/2 tablespoons of flax seeds

8 eggs

3/4 cup of almond flour

3/4 teaspoon of salt

2/3 cup of coconut flour

1/2 teaspoon of cream of tarter

1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

Easy Directions:

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  1. Before you gather your ingredients, you’re going to want to preheat your oven to “warm” degrees.
  2. Coinciding with pre-heating the oven, you’re to heat up 1 1/4 cups of water to about 105 degrees.
  3. After that, pour the water in a small bowl.
  4. Once you add the water, put in the honey, and add the Fleischmann’s Yeast and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  5. While you’re waiting for your yeast, soften 9 tablespoons of butter on a low heat.
  6. In a large bowl, crack open 8 eggs and whisk the thoroughly.
  7. Now that the yeast has settled, mix in the psyllium husks and flax-seeds.
  8. Returning back to bowl of whisked eggs, add the coconut flour, almond flour, salt, cream of tarter, baking soda, and softened butter and mix thoroughly.
  9. Next, add the yeast mix into your batter and mix well.
  10. Grease your loaf pan with 1 tablespoon of butter.
  11. Once you’ve prepped your loaf pan, pour in your batter and spread it evenly.
  12. Put the loaf in your warmed oven for 1 hour to let your dough rise.
  13. After your dough has risen, brush the top of it with 1 egg whisked. At this stage, make sure that you pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees.
  14. With your pre-heated oven, bake the loaf for 45 – 50 minutes.
  15. Let your low carb bread cool for 30 minutes before removing it from the pan.

Note: If you want to prevent any of the bread sticking to your pan, I highly recommend using a copper loaf pan for this. Although I didn’t use one in the video demonstration, I plan getting one for myself for future baking.

If you can muster up the will power and have a little vision, you too can create yourself a nutritious, yet savory, loaf of keto friendly bread. It goes perfect with soup. Now, it’s your turn. Peace.


Mmm bread. Looks good. I want some!

You can never have enough bread @kenmelendez!

I've never baked a low-carb bread before. Got to try some.

that's such a crazy idea, it might just work ! I'd like to try it out.. I'm wondering though, $3 gas to get to the store. Either you drive a HUGE truck or the store is a long way away.. what kind of miles per gallon do you get !!?

perhaps you should just walk / jog / cycle to the store and pick up a regular loaf ;) I don't mean to mock. I am a big fan of the low carb approach and have written about keto myself. (I'm following you now) I hope this bread works.

I was given a recipe for pancakes made with coconut and almond flour. They were (IMHO) a total disaster !

I live in Central Florida where everything is spread out and jammed up with traffic, so it's plausible to spend that amount in gas here. Never the less, @outerground, I appreciate your authentic comment. I'm following you back and I'm checking out As far as pancakes go, I haven't entertained the idea yet, but I'm in the process of doing a low carb hamburger post, so stay tuned brother. :)

YEah the modern world eh @lousapphire ! I live in central London where walking is almost as quick as driving so we only use a car to (get out of town)

The low carb hamburger ! now you're talking. I usually go skinny at BBQ's which is really just meat and salad without the bread. At home I make a superfood salad and chop a burger onto top of it.

I do buy this really thin wholemeal bread though. At about 12grms per slice I can have (one) toasted in the morning with as much wholenut, no sugar - peanut butter as I can load up on it. usually with a double fried egg and a protein shake !

The Cryptonaut's Breakfast you might like this (old post) of mine ;)

This looks delicious! My suggested beer pairing is a Imperial Stout. Try it out and let us know what you think!

Thank you @beercraft, but I don't drink, sorry :(

Fantastic recipe! 👍😊

Nice, tasty, airy on the incide. I'll bake!

Yum. We made some flax seed muffins that were great but dense. Look forward to trying this.

My chia seed hamburger buns are coming soon, stayed tuned. :)

This looks so good, almost thought it was banana bread until I saw the ingredients. And throwing a ripe banana certainly would work :D Anyway great post!

I just might do a post on that @jennifermac :)

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