Convolvulus arvensis and its use in folk medicine

in #convolvulus8 years ago

 What is

Convolvulus arvensis is the Latin name Convolvulus arvensis, the common people had a huge number of titles that all do not count.

It is an herb which belongs to the perennial plants is a weed and has the longest in the branches of the rhizome, it goes very far in the ground, and forms a plurality of appendages of the kidneys. The stem of the vine grows to half a meter in height.

Leaves him in arrow and the foundations of their stems with a sharp. Flowers as sinus, pink or white, they are on stalks. And whisk small funnel prominent, with pleats along the pentagonal limb.

The fruit grows in one opening of the nesting box. By the way, it should be noted that during the night the flower closes and goes to bed, and when it rains he does not open.

As used in folk medicine

This grass is very long used traditional healers. It is used for constipation, as well as disorders of the nervous system, in the form of a sedative effect.
Long took and squeezed the juice of the vine, and then stirred it with butter and used it as an ointment in the treatment of pulmonary diseases of the ears. Decoctions used in the treatment of various skin diseases such as rashes and itching.

In what diseases is used
During diseases of the mouth and pain in the teeth, helps tincture of the root made by a special recipe: one table spoon re belennogo root, pour one Cup of hot water and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. After it is possible to rinse your mouth.
Used in the treatment and prevention of bladder, collection of herbs the same number such as a thousand annuals, the leaves of cowberry and bearberry leaves. All this is very well mixed, after taking two large spoons of the herbs and pour three cups of hot water and insist two hours. Then, strain and drink 200 ml three times a day.
Used in the treatment of inflammation of spleen and liver, squeeze the juice of the vine is diluted with water to a ratio of two tablespoons. In a glass, and take before eating a quarter Cup three times a day.
During the menstrual bleeding that occurs after childbirth and complications when infected with syphilis, it is recommended to drink a decoction of the vine, made with milk. One teaspoon of herbs, pour in one Cup of cow's milk and store it to a boil after the fire do less and leave for another five minutes. Then tsedyat and share obtained into four parts and accept all during the day.
Wounds that do not heal for a very long time to cure her ordinary tincture on vodka. Container with a capacity of half a liter to fill two-thirds of the cut vine and flowers, pour vodka and fully stand fourteen days in a cool and dark place, sometimes to get and shake the container. Prepared tincture should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one tablespoon to one glass of water and put lotion on the sore spots. 

#convolvulusarvensis   #traditionalmedicine #application 


Will be treated with this herb

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