Continual everlasting life
Continual everlasting life
Saheb Kabir Brahmvidya Vihaymogyog's Adi Dictator, Nitya eternal Sadhguru. Parmatma is ever eternal. The science of divine attainment Brahmvidya Vihangamyog is also a continuous endeavor like the divine, that is, since this scientific instrument system has been since then, since it is divine. God has been from the time, there was a lot, no one can tell. In the same way, it can not be said about the scientific system, the theology, the science of medicine, the science of mediocrity, that it has been from time to time, but it will remain so. It implies that this animate scientific instrument is always eternal like the divine. In the four eras, they keep coming to the human body with their will, by the science of atomic science, for the salvation of the world's trodden victims in the universe. They do not have any physical body, nor do they arise from the mother's womb. In the Satyuga, he has been called as Suka, Munita in Treta, Karuna in Dwapar and Kabir has been called Kabir. Sustainable eternal Sadhguru Param Purusha comes only in the order of God, through his nectar messages, among the living creatures. Sadhguru is the only form of Brahma. That is why it has been said, Guru Satya-Par Brahmam means that the Guru is truly Parabrahma Paramatma. It is very difficult to recognize Sadhguru. The general public can not recognize them. They can recognize them only, for whom the Sadhguru realizes their nature. In relation to these 'Sai jani jihi janai janai', this statement is absolutely right. Jai Ho
Nice post
Nice post