Mega Prize Draw 200 Winners 1st November 2019!

in #contestkings5 years ago (edited)


The Contest Kings prize draw specially rewards staked (CK) token holders every 4 weeks with 200 prizes being awarded each time.

A random generator website was used to populate a list of all (CK) staked token holders names and we assigned the appropriate number of tickets as shown further down the page.

This was then be matched up with the prizes below to be distributed in 48 hours time from this post.

Below you will find the winners from the previous draw that was scheduled for 1st November 2019.

The next draw will be on the 1st December 2019 with a breakdown of the new 200 prizes to be provided within the next 72 hours.

Raffle Prizes breakdown.png

RNG Position
Prize Awarded
1 to 3
3 Week Delegation: Archmage Arius Summoner
5 Week Delegation: 1,000 Steem Power
5 to 50
Splinterlands Essence Orb x 1
51 to 55
5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
3 Week Delegation: Gold Legendary Valnamor @ 1 BCX
57 to 67
3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
68 to 72
2 (INCOME) Tokens
73 to 77
10 (KITTENS) Tokens
78 to 88
1,000 (SPT) Tokens
89 to 200
Steem Basic Income Units x 2

RNG PositionWinning UserAssociated Prize
1@axeman3 Week Delegation: Archmage Arius Summoner
2@coffeesource.net3 Week Delegation: Archmage Arius Summoner
3@marianaemilia3 Week Delegation: Archmage Arius Summoner
4.@tsnaks5 Week Delegation: 1,000 Steem Power
5.@suyutuSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
6.@mango-juiceSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
7.@axemanSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
8.@digital-wisdomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
9.@senstlessSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
10.@axemanSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
11.@ecoinstarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
12.@bwarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
13.@mmunitedSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
14.@bwarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
15.@mmunitedSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
16.@masoomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
17.@senstlessSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
18.@ecoinstantSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
19.@senstlessSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
20.@marianaemiliaSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
21.@coffeesource.netSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
22.@athunderstruckSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
23.@athunderstruckSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
24.@mmunitedSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
25.@philippekieneSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
26.@masoomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
27.@senstlessSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
28.@ecoinstantSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
29.@philippekieneSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
30.@bwarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
31.@athunderstruckSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
32.@ecoinstarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
33.@masoomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
34.@philippekieneSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
35.@mmunitedSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
36.@ecoinstarSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
37.@ecoinstantSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
38.@zakuSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
39.@elemental010Splinterlands Essence Orb x 1
40.@suyutuSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
41.@axemanSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
42.@digital-wisdomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
43.@masoomSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
44.@senstlessSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
45.@kiokizzSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
46.@robinsonr810Splinterlands Essence Orb x 1
47.@mmunitedSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
48.@coffeesource.netSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
49.@philippekieneSplinterlands Essence Orb x 1
50.@coolguy123Splinterlands Essence Orb x 1
51.@suyutu5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
52.@senstless5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
53.@ecoinstant5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
54.@ecoinstar5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
55.@philippekiene5 Week Delegation: Gold Alpha Flesh Golem @ 1 BCX
56.@athunderstruck3 Week Delegation: Gold Legendary Valnamor @ 1 BCX
57.@ecoinstar3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
58.@ecoinstar3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
59.@athunderstruck3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
60.@ecoinstar3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
61.@mmunited3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
62.@sparkesy433 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
63.@coffeesource.net3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
64.@athunderstruck3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
65.@bwar3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
66.@marianaemilia3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
67.@mmunited3 Contest Kings (CK) Tokens
68.@senstless2 (INCOME) Tokens
69.@travelgirl2 (INCOME) Tokens
70.@coffeesource.net2 (INCOME) Tokens
71.@ecoinstant2 (INCOME) Tokens
72.@bwar2 (INCOME) Tokens
73.@mmunited10 (KITTENS) Tokens
74.@ecoinstant10 (KITTENS) Tokens
75.@ecoinstar10 (KITTENS) Tokens
76.@masoom10 (KITTENS) Tokens
77.@suyutu10 (KITTENS) Tokens
78.@bwar1,000 (SPT) Tokens
79.@athunderstruck1,000 (SPT) Tokens
80.@ecoinstar1,000 (SPT) Tokens
81.@axeman1,000 (SPT) Tokens
82.@coffeesource.net1,000 (SPT) Tokens
83.@coffeesource.net1,000 (SPT) Tokens
84.@ecoinstar1,000 (SPT) Tokens
85.@ecoinstant1,000 (SPT) Tokens
86.@suyutu1,000 (SPT) Tokens
87.@ecoinstant1,000 (SPT) Tokens
88.@athunderstruck1,000 (SPT) Tokens
89.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
90.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
91.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
92.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
93.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
94.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
95.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
96.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
97.@shaidonSteem Basic Income Units x 2
98.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
99.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
100@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
101.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
102.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
103.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
104.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
105.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
106.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
107.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
108.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
109.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
110.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
111.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
112.@axemanSteem Basic Income Units x 2
113.@codebullSteem Basic Income Units x 2
114.@philippekieneSteem Basic Income Units x 2
115.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
116.@abh12345Steem Basic Income Units x 2
117.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
118.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
119.@philippekieneSteem Basic Income Units x 2
120.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
121.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
122.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
123.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
124.@axemanSteem Basic Income Units x 2
125.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
126.@byzantinistSteem Basic Income Units x 2
127.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
128.@aamirijazSteem Basic Income Units x 2
129.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
130.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
131.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
132.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
133.@steemexplorersSteem Basic Income Units x 2
134.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
135.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
136.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
137.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
138.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
139.@aamirijazSteem Basic Income Units x 2
140.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
141.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
142.@zakuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
143.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
144.@d-zeroSteem Basic Income Units x 2
145.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
146.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
147.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
148.@moon32walkerSteem Basic Income Units x 2
149.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
150.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
151.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
152.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
153.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
154.@bwarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
155.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
156.@givememonstersSteem Basic Income Units x 2
157.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
158.@axemanSteem Basic Income Units x 2
159.@lordnigelSteem Basic Income Units x 2
160.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
161.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
162.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
163.@ferrateSteem Basic Income Units x 2
164.@louis88Steem Basic Income Units x 2
165.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
166.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
167.@marianaemiliaSteem Basic Income Units x 2
168.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
169.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
170.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
171.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
172.@ecoinstantSteem Basic Income Units x 2
173.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
174.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
175.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
176.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
177.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
178.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
179.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
180.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
181.@okean123Steem Basic Income Units x 2
182.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
183.@philippekieneSteem Basic Income Units x 2
184.@ecoinstarSteem Basic Income Units x 2
185.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
186.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
187.@mmunitedSteem Basic Income Units x 2
188.@athunderstruckSteem Basic Income Units x 2
189.@suyutuSteem Basic Income Units x 2
190.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
191.@brickmanbradSteem Basic Income Units x 2
192.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2
193.@senstlessSteem Basic Income Units x 2
194.@pardinusSteem Basic Income Units x 2
195.@axemanSteem Basic Income Units x 2
196.@digital-wisdomSteem Basic Income Units x 2
197.@aamirijazSteem Basic Income Units x 2
198.@axemanSteem Basic Income Units x 2
199.@robinsonr810Steem Basic Income Units x 2
200.@coffeesource.netSteem Basic Income Units x 2

How do the token tiers work.png

If a user has only 1 ticket into the draw this means it's only possible for them to win 1 of the offered 100 prizes when the draw has taken place.

Likewise if a user has 50 tickets into the draw they can win a maximum of 50 prizes if their account name was to appear in 50 of the possible 100 spots when the draw is resulted.

The great thing about our raffle is you don't need to buy new tickets next time, when staking the token at the tier levels below you just keep being eligible to win each time!

Looking over the tiers you will notice that the top two don't reward additional tickets, this is no error on our part but a way to unlock an additional bonus.

In our server we tag users often providing special deals, when this happens having a higher tier than another member of the community gives you first opportunity to opt into the bonus!

Tier Level
Tokens Staked
Tickets Into Draws

What is the contest kings CK token.png

The Contest Kings (CK) token has been created as a way to reward staked holders with prizes as part of a rewards based tier structure.

A finite amount of 1,000,000 will exist with no further being created via optional methods within steem engine.

If a holder wishes to power down a staked (CK) token this will take 30 days from the time of request and divided into 4 installments.

Any tokens that are being powered down will not contribute to the users tickets in the raffle.

Therefore it's only staked tokens that are factored in when allocating tickets for the featured draw.

How can I purchase and stake the token.png

The (CK) token was created on: and can be purchased by clicking here after logging into your token wallet.

We have set a fixed sale price for the bulk of tokens currently listed on the market.

After heading to the link above you will see each (CK) token for sale for 3 units of Steem within a bulk sell order.

There may be other orders for different prices as per the nature of the market but we will be keeping ours fixed at this indefinitely.

This means that if we see a fluctuation in the price of Steem we will not be changing the sale price of the bulk token sell order.

Therefore this fixed sale price will remain at 1 (CK) per 3 Steem moving forward.

A list of current staked token holders can be found on this link that is updated after each block on the chain.

When are the prize draws scheduled.png

There is now 1 major prize draw each calender month moving forward.

This will occur on the 1st of the month with winners to be published within 24 hours.

How will I know if I have won.png

We will publish a post after each major giveaway including names and allocated prizes.

What if I don't like or need the prize awarded.png

This could happen in instances where token holders may not have a use for the prize allocated.

We have created a trade and swap room in our server where people can talk further for exchanges.

An example of this could be the staked token holder wins a Splinterlands Booster Pack and is not interested in playing the game.

The winner will have 24 hours from this post to nominate another username for the delegation or prize before this is filled to the default account drawn.

This is to be done via a memo to our blockchain wallet in the following format from the winners account:

"I wish to have my prize: xxxxxx from the @contestkings draw on 1st November 2019 assigned to the following username: xxxxxx for the time frame specified in the prize draw"

I have a question or need some help.png

Pop over to our Discord or add a comment below and we will get back to you.

Special mentions.png

We appreciate the support of our sponsors as we continue to help build the contest community on the steem blockchain.

The Gold Alpha Flesh Golems and SP delegation was donated by @mattclarke from Adelaide.

We also have @catsmakekittens showing support with a donation of 50 (KITTENS) Tokens.

A new sponsor @ecoinstant has joined this month providing 10 (INCOME) Tokens.

If would like to help our growing community initiative don't hesitate to reach out.

Thanks for reading and good luck in the next draw!



Wow. My stake and luck is not enough to win a prize even when there are 200 of them. 😂

So many multiple prizes to the same people.

Time to rethink my strategy or move on. 😂

Congrats to all the winners!

These draws are random, so over time you will greater chances of winning.
More CK tokens means more tickets and more tickets means more chances.
But there are no guarantees with these things.

Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for the prizes, I love playing with Archimage Arius!

excelent prizes

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Mega giveaway for sure. Keep up giving to the community!

Congratulations to all and enjoy the Contest Kings Ecosystem.

@contestkings, Keep doing the awesome and engagement boosting work team. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android


You have been manually curated by the @steemmonsters team!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

Thank you for EVERYTHING you do!🥰

Congrats for all winners.

Cool, first time my name was one of the lucky winners! Thank you for all the community support!

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