in #contestearthday6 years ago (edited)


My warmest regards to steemian colleagues all over the world and especially for the Steemit Indonesia Community (CSI). My full name is suhadi I am from Indonesia with steemit @ suhadi-gayo account name, coming from Central Aceh District and currently serving in Southwest Aceh District as an Expertise on Appropriate Technology Development (TA-TTG) in Development and Empowerment Program of Village Community (P3MD) Ministry Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Prior to entering to the essence of my writing, I would certainly like to personally thank the owners of the steemit @ nasir83 and other steemian accounts who have acted or participated as sponsors of the steemit writing contest with the theme "Steemian Ideas In Maintaining the Earth" to welcome Earth Day (Earth Day) on April 22, 2018.


Fellow steemrs..........

This article is of course I pack in the format offered by the organizers of writing contest in this steemit, among which I can interpret with the framework of writing as follows:

A. Background & Regional General Condition

I. Background

With working capital in the environmental and natural resource management (SDA) program of PNPM LMP-Green KDP in 2010 to 2012 in Central Aceh District, as Assistant Environmental Expert (ASTAL) / Facilitator District. Of course there is little finger and thought that I have given to the area of the work site at that time in Central Aceh Regency, in general I can describe that PNPM LMP-Green KDP is an Empowerment Program that has 2 (two) priority activities targeted proposals or types of activities to be undertaken by villages receiving PHLN assistance (Foreign Grant Loans), that is:





I.1. all kinds of activities of Natural Resources Management (Natural Resources Management) such as seeding, greening, processing of organic fertilizer and organic cultivation of plants and other types of activities.

I.2.Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy) activity with activity base on Development and Development of Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) in area or rural area that has not yet powered by PLN electricity, and other renewable energy such as Solar Cell, Biogas and others.





It is now again being given the trust to assist the Village Community in the P3MD Program or better known as the Village Fund Program in the District of Southwest Aceh, which is indeed an implementation of the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages, and #NAWACITA Third President Republic of Indonesia Mr. Ir. Joko Widodo is "Building Indonesia from the edge by strengthening the regions and villages within the framework of the unitary state".


As a Community Empowerment Expert (TAPM) in the field of Appropriate Technology Development (TTG) of course on my shoulders through the Village Fund Program is given full responsibility for assistance (assisted by Village Assistant and Village Local Assistant) to the District Government and Related Office and all Village Communities within the District of Southwest Aceh to socialize, mentoring or conceptualizing activities that will be set forth in the form of regulations or regulations at the district level which will be the guidance to the village government in planning and executing activities on the environment sector and development of Resources Nature (SDA) based on regulations that have been established by the PDTT Kemendesa or other related Ministries.


(Caption: Documentation of a series of activities for the preparation of several Regulations of the Regent of Southwest Aceh, in particular the Village Priorities for Activity Activity and guarding the activities of the Environment and Natural Resources Management to be clearly stated in the Perbup).

Rule of implementation of Law no. 6 Year 2014 on Villages will continue to grow dynamically, allowing for the emergence of new legal products as well as revisions to existing legal products. Therefore, the Companion should also constantly renew themselves by learning continuously and following the dynamics of the development of village arrangements. Thus, the facilitator will be able to facilitate the village community in running the rule of law about the Village and in formulating village law products that are obedient to the law products of the country.

The first step of accompaniment I did to overcome or minimize the environmental and natural resources problem in the work area was to mapping the Problems and Potential Resources available to solve the problem. As well as following up the results of mapping and identification of potentials and issues related to the efforts of environmental management and Natural Resources (SDA) for the development of environmentally friendly Appropriate Technology in the District of Southwest Aceh, also includes drafting and discussion of the Bupati Regulation on Proposal Priority in Aceh Regency Southwest to be followed up by all villages in conducting and agreeing on the planning of activities through Transfer Income (Village Funds, Village Fund Allocation and Part of Taxes & Retributions District) which will be useful for the affirmation of the need for the development of Environmental and Natural Resources Management activities and the application of TTG environmentally friendly to the economic improvement of the community in Aceh Barat Daya District.

Environmental Management Activities and SDA to realize the Implementation of Law no. 6 Year 2014 on the Village along with some derivative rules of course is directly proportional to the current condition of the Earth and the last 5 (Five) decades, in which concerns about the condition of #BUMI has begun to be felt and calculated by the International World. Especially by a founder named #Gaylord Nelson, a USA senator from Wisconsin who is also an environmental lecturer. The idea of Earth Day commemoration began to be delivered by Gaylord Nelson since 1969. At that time Gaylord Nelson saw the need for environmental issues to enter the official college curriculum. This idea then gained wider support.


This support peaked on April 22, 1970. At that time history recorded millions of people took to the streets, demonstrated and packed Fifth Avenue in New York to denounce the destroyers of the earth. TIME magazine estimates that about 20 million people took to the streets on April 22, 1970.

This Moment then becomes a milestone remembered as the first Earth Day. April 22 also coincides with spring in the Northern Hemisphere (northern hemisphere) as well as autumn in the southern hemisphere. Since then, on April 22 every year Earth Day is commemorated.

About Earth Day (Earth) as well as other references Steemian colleagues can Read Resources & Links below:

As an additional reference for all of us about the condition of Indonesia's forests in the form of Map (MAP) based on data from the results of monitoring the condition of the forest by the Indonesian Forum for Environment (WALHI) we can see and read Source via Link / Link below:


II. Regional General Condition

Environmental and Natural Resource, conditions in the current era are no exception for all villages within the Southwest Aceh district, has become a polemic and international problem. All environmental assets and natural resources must have experienced Degradation to the point of very worrying. As the smallest and most prevalent example we are experiencing at this time is the occurrence of Degradation or Decreasing the Quality of Soil Nutrients as a planting medium, this is certainly due to cropping patterns by people who are not friendly to the environment and excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Another example I can illustrate the occurrence of illegal logging for various reasons, such as for the development or expansion of production land and the reasons just to get the raw materials of processed wood.

Earth that has been in this critical condition certainly can not be separated and become a unity of the demands of the economic development needs of society, businessmen and government. Where to meet the needs of the economy of production in general, I think there has been a mistake step taken, where in all types of management of Nature or Earth is not done wisely and wisely and do not think about the effects or negative / negative effects going forward, so if I may say in one short sentence * "Earth or Nature with conditions like what we will inherit to our children and grandchildren and future generations later".

B. Activity Location

Location of Environmental Management and Conservation of Natural Resources Through Development Program and Village Community Empowerment (P3MD) is conducted throughout the Village within the Region of Aceh Barat Daya District, Aceh Province, Indonesia State.

The district which is often abbreviated with abbreviation "ABDYA" is a district of hard work of the founders of this district. Aceh Barat Daya as a result of pemekaran from South Aceh Regency is not an excess of reform in 1998 alone. Although the change of national government at that time accelerated the division, but the discourse for pemekaran itself has grown since around the 1960s. This regency has many titles including: Tanoh Breuh Sigupai, Bumoe Teungku Peukan, Bumi Persada, Tanoh Mano Pucok, Cerana Earth, Alue Maleem God and so on.



Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya consists of 9 subdistricts of 152 Villages and 25 Settlements. The population of Southwest Aceh Regency is 138.140 people. Regency of Southwest Aceh borders gayo lues regency in the north, south border of south Aceh district and Indian Ocean, Regency of Nagan raya in the west, and East bordering with Gayo Lues.

Aceh Barat Daya relies on agricultural and trade sectors for its economic viability. This is supported by a very strategic position in the trade routes of the western region of Aceh, especially the city of Blangpidie which has long been a trading center on the west coast of Aceh.

Assistance was conducted in Aceh Barat Daya District covering 9 (nine) subdistricts and consisting of 152 villages, among them:

  1. Babahrot sub-district consists of 14 villages
  2. Kuala Batee sub-district consists of 21 villages
  3. Jeumpa District consists of 12 Villages
  4. Susoh sub-district consists of 29 villages
  5. Blangpidie sub-district consists of 20 villages
  6. Setia sub-district consists of 9 villages
  7. Tangan-tangan sub-district consists of 15 villages
  8. Manggeng sub-district consists of 18 villages
  9. Lembah Sabil sub-district consists of 14 villages

Aceh Barat Daya Population Possible by Aceh Tribe (80%) followed by Aneuk Jamee (12%). While the rest are immigrants from various tribes (8%).

C. Solutions (Ideas), Conclusions and Recommendations

I. Solutions (Ideas)

In order to realize the saving of the Environment and Natural Resources (Specifically) and the Earth (In General) from the Village Level Through the Program of Development and Empowerment of Village Communities (P3MD) in the District of Southwest Aceh, there must be a Regulation binding all Village Governments and Villagers in so that through the Village Fund Program, they will be more dominant in planning activities based on Environmental and Natural Resources Management, activities to develop environmentally friendly Appropriate Technology in conducting production activities at village level, so that no treatment bad from the village community and village government in conducting a production activity that is not friendly to the environment and Natural Resources .

The issuance of the Regulation of the Regent of Southwest Aceh on the Priority of Village Proposal since Fiscal Year 2015, 2016, 2017 and Year 2018 (Current Year) which of course refers to the Village Ministerial Regulation of PDTT on Priority of Village Fund has accommodated all activities based on environmental management and Natural Resources ) to keep the Earth from "Premature Destruction".

In Fiscal Year 2018 some activities prioritized for proposals by villages through the Revenue and Expenditure Budget Fund (APBDes) are among others:

  1. Environmental preservation;
  2. Construction of drainage;
  3. Construction of landfills;
  4. Procurement of garbage carts;
  5. Procurement of garbage transport vehicles;
  6. Procurement of waste processing machinery;
  7. Bank Garbage Activities;
  8. Activities of Sustainable Food House, through 10 PKK Principal Program;
  9. Processing of livestock waste for biogas energy;
  10. Plantation and Forestry Nurseries (development of seeds or sprouts);
  11. Management of Agricultural Business Environmentally Friendly Community;
  12. Provision of Seeds (Ready to Plant);
  13. Forming and Developing Community / Social Forests;
  14. Making of terracing;
  15. Village Embung accompanied by Activities Catchment Area;
  16. Construction of ponds for springs;
  17. household waste management;
  18. management of wastewater treatment facilities;
  19. making of bioethanol from cassava;
  20. Establishment of Pos Technology Service (Posyantek) Village throughout the Village in Abdya who generally served provide Technical Service of Environmental Management Activities and SDA to Village Communities.
  21. Environmental Management Activities and other natural resources in accordance with the potential of the village and based on the results of village consultations

II. Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Environmental Management and Utilization of Natural Resources (SDA) through the Utilization of Appropriate Technology (TTG) in Rural Areas can be done and developed with the seriousness of every element of society to do so and the existence of rules (regulations) that are more binding;

2. The potential of resources to overcome the problems of Environment and Utilization of Natural Resources (SDA) in the District of Aceh Barat Daya actually very large, depending on the understanding and awareness of the community and elements of the Village government about the need for action to save the Earth with various types of activities that can be done , as well as an active role over all elements of the District Government and its Ranks, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) as well as Professional Assistance Personnel;

3. In general and more widely expected through the help of international institutions, the synergy between developing countries and the developed countries (State of Industries) on the effort to protect each other and the environment. This means that the Developed Country should not only encourage developing countries such as those located on the Equator line that generally have Tropical Rainforest or Rainforest and of course Tropical climate, to keep the environment and its Natural Resources in the form of Forest and others, while Developed Countries continue to build and Develop their Industrial Zones without thinking of industry-friendly patterns of management and #EARTH (Universe).

Regards Earth Day)




Tulisan yang menggambarkan kecintaan kepada pekerjaan, selamat pak @suhadi-gayo moga tulisan ini menjadi solusi terbaik dalam menjaga lingkungan kita.

Tepat sekali @muhammadiman cinta mati saya dengan kerja dipemberdayaan, apalagi sekarang usia juga sdh tidak mendukung utk tes2 yg kayak orang2 itu.hahaha

Mantap mantapp, penuh muatan pemberdayaan pada masyarakat, teruslah berkarya menjaga bumi ini, karena bumi ini titipan dari anak cucu kita, bukan warisan kepada mereka 👍👍😀

Terimakasih ibu @ijas.jaswar atas motivasi dan masukannya...ditunggu launching postingan ibu juga segera nih ya.haha.

i hope you success your ambition thanks @suhadi-gayo

Thank You Friend

An amazing post and great information you posted for us. Thank you @suhadi-gayo

Please Stop - @nassifelias

You just said "amazing post" and in your your last 100 comments you used 54 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 0 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 59.70% and Bot: 0.60%

Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

A good post and interesting but the lack of too many sentences that are not supported by the photographs about the title of preserving the environment, not the photo of the meeting that appears in your work but the photos of natural resources and environment that are in your environment should be displayed, thus there will be harmony and suitability between the title and theme in your post.
Thank you good luck forward .. Regards steemit.

Acnowledged to the input @hendrasaputra, already planned and prepared but eventually forgot to upload the photo.

Ijin resteem bg @suhadigayo tulisannya keren 👌

Terimakasih satu kehormatan buat saya, ada juga rupanya teman-teman steemian yg mau resteem postingan saya...Gak perlu minta izin juga gak masalah @sofiatoyumi98 malah kalau gini saya jadi malu kalau ada senior2 kita disteemit yg ngintip postingan saya ini.😂😂

Resmi seperti laporan bg.. Rapi

Hahaha..harus beda ya kan @zenangkasa kalau moment posting lepas biasa, ya gak usah diatur.hehe. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya ya.

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