Native can be very useful for our community
entry for @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Native
What is Native?
Native as indicates it is one that consists of being a platform built by Ethereum that helps communities generate their own unique token currencies and manage their resources as effectively as possible through some tools for collective decision making. Native contributes to communities to realize their inherent value within a global economy and unlock the power of the collective to achieve widespread impact and prosperity.
Native is a community oriented platform run by professionals dedicated on creating communities that can operate effectively on a crypto world. An Ethereum based platform that allows communities to generate their unique tokens to he used as said communities currency. A platform that empowers communities to discover their inherent values.
How do you think you can use Native to pursue an interest?
There are different ways to pursue a goal, with Native different options are offered, such as: Join a group that shares the same goal and interest as you and support it, or create your own community and with Native help achieve the goal.
How native can be in good couse in life ?
There are so many uses to make use of Native, but for example ...
Suppose a person is very much interested in our environment , he is very much interested in doing something with global warming and want to do something for it . Now here in native he can grow community or group of people that are same interest in doing same . He can launch a tocken and this community can do campaign for global warming with the help of this fund .
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